Obama Attacked His Own Scientists to Push Manmade Gorebal Warming Myth

HAHAHAHAaaaaa..... Man! You are PATHETIC. Tell you what, though. I put you on ignore for quite some time but thought I'd give you another chance. Unfortunately, you've clearly demonstrated that you're still an ass and still a fool. Buh- bye.
1. The temperature fell 10 million years ago while CO2 was increasing.

2. Antarctic thawing occurred while CO2 values dropped at the OI/Mio transition and never fell below levels of the OI.

3. The glacial-interglacial cycles of the past 500,000 years began while atmospheric CO2 was greater than 400 ppm.

4. It took 12 million years for the temperature to fall to the temperature predicted by radiative forcing of CO2.


So, the Executive Branch and the agencies under its purview shouldn't - in your view - have the ability to set their own policy or punish employees for disobeying direct orders? Got it.
Are you one of the hosebags who whined about Trump asking which EPA employees worked on Obama's anti-coal regulations?
When you get your citizenship, Paddie, you'll have the right to complain. And, since you favor Mr Trump, don't be shocked when he turns out to have the shortest term in US history. Since the election the man has committed multiple acts impeachable were he in office. The instant he reverses any of Obama's actions against the Russians, the entire Congress will vote to impeach him. And he will not survive.
When you get your citizenship, Paddie, you'll have the right to complain. And, since you favor Mr Trump, don't be shocked when he turns out to have the shortest term in US history. Since the election the man has committed multiple acts impeachable were he in office. The instant he reverses any of Obama's actions against the Russians, the entire Congress will vote to impeach him. And he will not survive.

I'll take that to mean that you did get your panties in a tight little wad because Trump wants to know which employees were involved in pushing EPA policies and regulations.

What would constitute "reversing" them? Would he invite back the Russians to send the diplomats Obama evicted? Probably not. Most of what Obama did was fairly innocuous and ineffectual, or it needed doing regardless of whether Russia hacked the elections or not.

I'm 100% certain that the Dims will do everything in their power to destroy Trump. They have already started their campaign against him before he has even been inaugurated. That's what this whole "Russian election hack" thing is about. It's just their opening salvo.

No one is fooled.
So, you reject the findings of the SEVENTEEN US intelligence agencies that concluded the Russians stole and released emails from the DNC and Mr Podesta because they favored Trump's election. [And why do they favor Trump? Because he is an ignorant fool]

So, you are unalarmed, unconcerned by the interference of a hostile foreign power in the US election process.

I guess I stand by my conclusion that you are not a US citizen.
So, you reject the findings of the SEVENTEEN US intelligence agencies that concluded the Russians stole and released emails from the DNC and Mr Podesta because they favored Trump's election. [And why do they favor Trump? Because he is an ignorant fool]

So, you are unalarmed, unconcerned by the interference of a hostile foreign power in the US election process.

I guess I stand by my conclusion that you are not a US citizen.
Show us the "findings." So far, I haven't seen anything official, only a lot of jabbering by Clinton and Obama toadies.
The biggest news story in months and you think the major news outlets are making it up?
One look at the mansions Obama has purchased tells you he does not believe his own bullshit.

The Obama administration engaged in a calculated effort to dismantle an Energy Department program so it could focus on meeting the goals of the president’s climate change agenda, even going as far as to fire scientists that disobeyed strict orders not to talk to members of Congress, according to a Tuesday report issued by the House Science, Space and Technology Committee.

The report showed the administration even attacked one of its own Energy Department scientists who stepped out of line with strict orders to deny lawmakers with information on a nuclear radiation program that it was seeking to scuttle to pursue its global warming programs more aggressively.

“Instead of working to understand the value of the [radiation program] for emergency situations, [Energy Department] management engaged in a campaign to terminate research programs that could divert funds from the President’s Climate Action Plan,” the House committee’s report said. “Management and senior DOE employees privately discussed congressional support for the [radiation program] and its nexus to regulatory limits yet still maintained their agenda to close the program.”

The report concluded that the Energy Department’s actions are a reflection of an “institutional problem that must be corrected by overhauling its management practices with respect to its relationship with the Congress,” it read.

House probe: Obama attacked own scientists to advance climate agenda

is that what the rightwingnut hacks are saying?

that's kind of funny. lying loons.
Are you kidding or are you really that stupid?
You're extremely gullible if you believe there's any truth to this leftwing campaign to convince the public that Trump is illegitimate. They tried the same thing in 2000.
Fox News certainly didn't deny it. Trump even stopped denying, just says we should "get on with our lives". If you really think you can win this argument like this, I've met four year olds that could take you on in a test of wits.
Fox News certainly didn't deny it. Trump even stopped denying, just says we should "get on with our lives". If you really think you can win this argument like this, I've met four year olds that could take you on in a test of wits.
So you think you're winning the argument? Who's going to be in the White House three weeks from now?
The man the Russians backed by hacking and releasing the DNC's and John Podesta's emails.
The man the Russians backed by hacking and releasing the DNC's and John Podesta's emails.

Julian Assange says the Russians had nothing to do with either. The guy in Wiki who received the data met the guy who leaked the information. He was a Dim insider, not a Russian.
Wikileaks was the Russian's useful idiot here. Do you actually think they're a good source? They'll say anything to get themselves off the hook for this. Do you think Wikileaks' fans generally prefer Trump over Clinton? Do you actually believe 17 US intelligence agencies would make all of that up to help Clinton? Did James Comey help Clinton?

If you really believe what you're saying here Paddie, you're being a complete and total FOOL.
Wikileaks was the Russian's useful idiot here. Do you actually think they're a good source? They'll say anything to get themselves off the hook for this. Do you think Wikileaks' fans generally prefer Trump over Clinton? Do you actually believe 17 US intelligence agencies would make all of that up to help Clinton? Did James Comey help Clinton?

If you really believe what you're saying here Paddie, you're being a complete and total FOOL.
Would 17 intelligence agencies make all what up? I haven't seen anything official published by any intelligence agency. All I've heard is a lot of Obama toadies with no credibility blabbering about it.

Wikileaks is far more credible than any Obama administration official or any MSM source.
The man the Russians backed by hacking and releasing the DNC's and John Podesta's emails.
Why would releasing emails be responsible? Why wouldn't it be the content of the emails that were responsible?

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