Obama Banned From Entering Russia. Hahaha

When given a choice of trusting US intelligence or trusting Putin……Trump chose Putin

While the world showed outrage at Putin for invading Ukraine, Trump called him a Genius and called NATO weak

When Sean Hannity gave Trump a chance to redeem himself and condemn Putin……he refused to do it
And now that the Durham Report is official ... Trump had DAMNED good reason to distrust American misinformation -- oops -- I mean "Intelligence."
I find it amusing that Obama, Stephen Colbert, and another 488 Americans have been banned from entering Russia. Good for Putin! Now, if we could just ban the same group from entering America, we'd all be better off.

"In response to a new round of U.S. sanctions, Russia announced Friday that it was banning 500 Americans from entering the country, including former President Barack Obama and comedian Stephen Colbert.

The list released by the Russian Foreign Ministry did not specify complaints against each individual.

However, the ministry said the offenses included people who spread Russophobia, supplied Ukraine with arms and were “directly involved in the persecution of dissidents in the wake of the so-called ‘storm of the Capitol.'”

It's not the people that are the problem, it's the system.
Yup. Apparently, Russia sees the same enemies as patriotic Americans do. The Marxist Left! America's greatest enemy isn't Russia or even China -- it's the Deep State, warmongering, NWO, Marxists like Biden, Obama, Clinton and all of their cohorts, comrades, cronies, lemming followers, puppets, and brain-dead orcs.
More rightwing word salad.

Wow! I'm impressed by how profound you thought you sounded saying that.

Thanks for your profound-sounding post.

And until very recently, Obama was welcome. I wonder if the Tards think that means Obama was a Russian bot until now. (Using their flawed logic, of course).
It's both, in my opinion. The bad players created the bad system.

The other way around. The system worked well hundreds of years ago. The system has remained more or less the same, just people getting in an tweaking it.
However the system allows certain behaviors because they know Reps and Dems will always win. Everyone's in it for themselves. You just need a donor or two who'll make sure you always get elected unless you do something really stupid.
The system does not encourage people to be sensible, long term, or anything else positive.
Trump is welcome in Putin’s Russia

Obama is a threat
Obama caused the Xenophobic attitude, so not only are you now on the side of xenophobic behavior, not only have you participated and still fuel the flame of prejudices, but you also trashed the far lefts notion of reparations, without realizing it, because it's based on the xenophobic treatment of a race of foreign region ancestry of people.
One would also say this also proves you politicized the China travel ban as Xenophobic thus killed Millions to attack a political rival and manipulate elections via foreign assistance.
The other way around. The system worked well hundreds of years ago. The system has remained more or less the same, just people getting in an tweaking it.
However the system allows certain behaviors because they know Reps and Dems will always win. Everyone's in it for themselves. You just need a donor or two who'll make sure you always get elected unless you do something really stupid.
The system does not encourage people to be sensible, long term, or anything else positive.
True. The system, as intended, was the best mankind could hope for. Amoral, corrupt, and very flawed men and women have exploited the system for their own, self-centered purposes and have turned what could have and should have been a good thing into a governmental, Frankenstein's monster.
Obama caused the Xenophobic attitude, so not only are you now on the side of xenophobic behavior, not only have you participated and still fuel the flame of prejudices, but you also trashed the far lefts notion of reparations, without realizing it, because it's based on the xenophobic treatment of a race of foreign region ancestry of people.
One would also say this also proves you politicized the China travel ban as Xenophobic thus killed Millions to attack a political rival and manipulate elections via foreign assistance.

340,000 returned from China before mid February.. another 40,000 returned after the China travel ban. No quarentine.
I find it amusing that Obama, Stephen Colbert, and another 488 Americans have been banned from entering Russia. Good for Putin! Now, if we could just ban the same group from entering America, we'd all be better off.

"In response to a new round of U.S. sanctions, Russia announced Friday that it was banning 500 Americans from entering the country, including former President Barack Obama and comedian Stephen Colbert.

The list released by the Russian Foreign Ministry did not specify complaints against each individual.

However, the ministry said the offenses included people who spread Russophobia, supplied Ukraine with arms and were “directly involved in the persecution of dissidents in the wake of the so-called ‘storm of the Capitol.'”
WOW! The Russkies have the balls to ban a former President of the USA. I find it notable that they did this right after the Durham report was issued which allocates the blame for the Russiagate hoax the Democrats pulled on Donald Trump. The Democrats have obviously made enemies in Moscow. The Russians don't like being blamed for things they did not do.
WOW! The Russkies have the balls to ban a former President of the USA. I find it notable that they did this right after the Durham report was issued which allocates the blame for the Russiagate hoax the Democrats pulled on Donald Trump. The Democrats have obviously made enemies in Moscow. The Russians don't like being blamed for things they did not do.
Shhhhhh ... the Demwits want to sweep that nasty Durham report under the rug. It completely disrupts their narrative. Shhhhhh.
WOW! The Russkies have the balls to ban a former President of the USA. I find it notable that they did this right after the Durham report was issued which allocates the blame for the Russiagate hoax the Democrats pulled on Donald Trump. The Democrats have obviously made enemies in Moscow. The Russians don't like being blamed for things they did not do.

Russia banned a bunch of Americans in 2022.. some of them deceased.

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