Obama Banned From Entering Russia. Hahaha

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I find it amusing that Obama, Stephen Colbert, and another 488 Americans have been banned from entering Russia. Good for Putin! Now, if we could just ban the same group from entering America, we'd all be better off.

"In response to a new round of U.S. sanctions, Russia announced Friday that it was banning 500 Americans from entering the country, including former President Barack Obama and comedian Stephen Colbert.

The list released by the Russian Foreign Ministry did not specify complaints against each individual.

However, the ministry said the offenses included people who spread Russophobia, supplied Ukraine with arms and were “directly involved in the persecution of dissidents in the wake of the so-called ‘storm of the Capitol.'”
Lol, I bet he is just heart broken. Hilarious 😂
Conservatives…….HA…..HA…..We are welcome in Russia and you are not

Liberals.......HA.....HA......Continually defining insanity as being "Doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results."

The idiotic notion of Trump Republicans being in cahoots with Russia has been debunked over and over. If you hadn't slept through the Mueller "investigation" and the Durham report, you'd know just how crazy you Blue Anon conspiracy theorists are. There was and is no "Russian collusion", except for Hillary's Obama's, and the Deep State's.

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