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Eric Weiss

Nov 5, 2015

President Obama signed an executive order Monday barring federal contractors from discriminating against the Muslim community by erecting "offensive religious displays" on Federal Property including nativity manger scenes.
White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest announced announced the order in conjunction with a package of gun control measures designed to curtail the recent trend of holiday violence.
"There are things we can do",Earnest told Fox News,"The President is determined to keep everyone safe during the Holiday season and the removal of imagery that some consider offensive or hate speech is a good first step."
The Obamas have reportedly decided against any religious themed holiday displays at the White House since the First Lady thinks they are creepy.
Juggalos For Allah,a Muslim activist group,applauded the decision saying this would go far to diffuse anger towards Christians usually felt by Muslims as we near the Christmas Holiday said Moe Lester,group spokesman.
"Yeah,this is good.",Lester said,"It's just not fair Christians have all these holidays and we don't.Gives us the mads and stuff."
Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee didn’t miss the opportunity to comment.
“It should come as no big surprise that [President Obama] and his wife would like to neuter Christmas in America,” said Huckabee. “That’s their natural step to Sharia Law — to ban the public display of Christian symbols. Have any doubts? Last year, Georgetown University was ordered to put a drape over a Jesus statue as a condition of the president speaking there.If Jesus was gay I bet the President wouldn't mind."
Last month, National Security Adviser Susan Rice told a gathering at the White House Forum on Muslim Human Rights that it was their responsibility to sway theological thinking on the Christmas issue.
“For the faith community, how can we reinforce to religious groups that God loves all the children of his creation equally?” she asked the crowd.
“Change will come,” she went on to say. “It’s already coming.”
Indeed, it has. And it appears the president has decided to “reinforce” the government’s theology on Christians by using his pen and phone.

Talk a bout a dumb PC fuck. I guess he thinks bending over and letting Muslim fuck him will save lives when terrorist attack.

Can this guy be any more of a fucking moron??

I think not.
Oh My Goodness!!! The imaginary war on Christmas is in full swing, LOL. Eat it up nutters, LOL.
Oh My Goodness!!! The imaginary war on Christmas is in full swing, LOL. Eat it up nutters, LOL.
And this from Huckabee:

"“It should come as no big surprise that [President Obama] and his wife would like to neuter Christmas in America,” said Huckabee. “That’s their natural step to Sharia Law — to ban the public display of Christian symbols. Have any doubts? Last year, Georgetown University was ordered to put a drape over a Jesus statue as a condition of the president speaking there.If Jesus was gay I bet the President wouldn't mind."

That should be good for a 20 point bump in the polls from the nutters. Just try to out crazy the next guy if you want to win the gop nomination.
President Obama signed an executive order Monday barring federal contractors from discriminating against the Muslim community by erecting "offensive religious displays" on Federal Property including nativity manger scenes.

PROOF.., the muthafucka IS a scumbag muslime!!!! :up:
Talk a bout a dumb PC fuck. I guess he thinks bending over and letting Muslim fuck him will save lives when terrorist attack.

Can this guy be any more of a fucking moron??

I think not.

Think about the degree of stupidity that his acolytes suffer from!!

As much of a dumbfuck as the meat muppet faggot is, these mindless zealots are like hordes of zombies.

These are the same sorts of parasites who empowered hitler and stalin, build the gulags and prison camps, then liquidated other human beings "for the greater good".

Weapons grade stupid.

I like nativity scenes. A woman has a baby and there are little lambs around and
angels. How does that OFFEND muslims? The "NAMAZ" shit does offend me.
I hate to be BLASTED off the sidewalk when that shit comes blasting out of a
filthy little storefront mosque

President Obama signed an executive order Monday barring federal contractors from discriminating against the Muslim community by erecting "offensive religious displays" on Federal Property including nativity manger scenes.
White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest announced announced the order in conjunction with a package of gun control measures designed to curtail the recent trend of holiday violence.
"There are things we can do",Earnest told Fox News,"The President is determined to keep everyone safe during the Holiday season and the removal of imagery that some consider offensive or hate speech is a good first step."
The Obamas have reportedly decided against any religious themed holiday displays at the White House since the First Lady thinks they are creepy.
Juggalos For Allah,a Muslim activist group,applauded the decision saying this would go far to diffuse anger towards Christians usually felt by Muslims as we near the Christmas Holiday said Moe Lester,group spokesman.
"Yeah,this is good.",Lester said,"It's just not fair Christians have all these holidays and we don't.Gives us the mads and stuff."
Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee didn’t miss the opportunity to comment.
“It should come as no big surprise that [President Obama] and his wife would like to neuter Christmas in America,” said Huckabee. “That’s their natural step to Sharia Law — to ban the public display of Christian symbols. Have any doubts? Last year, Georgetown University was ordered to put a drape over a Jesus statue as a condition of the president speaking there.If Jesus was gay I bet the President wouldn't mind."
Last month, National Security Adviser Susan Rice told a gathering at the White House Forum on Muslim Human Rights that it was their responsibility to sway theological thinking on the Christmas issue.
“For the faith community, how can we reinforce to religious groups that God loves all the children of his creation equally?” she asked the crowd.
“Change will come,” she went on to say. “It’s already coming.”
Indeed, it has. And it appears the president has decided to “reinforce” the government’s theology on Christians by using his pen and phone.

Isn't this guy's timing great?

Does he actually feel we don't know he's working with Muslims to attack Christians?
PROOF.., the muthafucka IS a scumbag muslime!!!! :up:

I still don't believe he is a muzbot.

I think he's an atheist. Smug pseudo intellectual sociopath narcissists rarely believe in anything higher than themselves. He most likely feels some sort of kinship with muscums because he took some meat in the ass in indonesia and ate dogs with them, but it's clear to me that libturds like him simply embrace mooselimbs because they are the enemy of the American people.

The same way bed wetters sympathized with the soviets and sought to undermine efforts to contain the communists. It's not that they were commies themselves, fuck no! They wanted to be rich and powerful themselves, commies were just useful tools like the hordes of democrook dependents in the ghettos.

Now they have muzbots.

This has been enforced by the courts for twenty years

Now FoxNews blames Obama as part of its War on Christmas
Then they claim Muslims are celebrating in the street because of it
Where is this on Fox News? Where is a credible source for this ban?

www.tdalliance.com doesn't seem the best of sources.

I went on Fox News and I can't find it.


Here's the search for "obama nativity scene"

Please try the following:
Check your spelling
Try more general words
Try using acronyms or using different keywords
Try using fewer words. Your search might be too specific.


And the same for "Obama bans nativity"
Next up! Easter!

My heavens Obama is the biggest asshole ever to inhabit 1600.
A suggestion to Conservatives..

Why don't you really "stick it to Obama" and put up Nativity Scenes in front of your churches?

President Obama signed an executive order Monday barring federal contractors from discriminating against the Muslim community by erecting "offensive religious displays" on Federal Property including nativity manger scenes.
White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest announced announced the order in conjunction with a package of gun control measures designed to curtail the recent trend of holiday violence.
"There are things we can do",Earnest told Fox News,"The President is determined to keep everyone safe during the Holiday season and the removal of imagery that some consider offensive or hate speech is a good first step."
The Obamas have reportedly decided against any religious themed holiday displays at the White House since the First Lady thinks they are creepy.
Juggalos For Allah,a Muslim activist group,applauded the decision saying this would go far to diffuse anger towards Christians usually felt by Muslims as we near the Christmas Holiday said Moe Lester,group spokesman.
"Yeah,this is good.",Lester said,"It's just not fair Christians have all these holidays and we don't.Gives us the mads and stuff."
Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee didn’t miss the opportunity to comment.
“It should come as no big surprise that [President Obama] and his wife would like to neuter Christmas in America,” said Huckabee. “That’s their natural step to Sharia Law — to ban the public display of Christian symbols. Have any doubts? Last year, Georgetown University was ordered to put a drape over a Jesus statue as a condition of the president speaking there.If Jesus was gay I bet the President wouldn't mind."
Last month, National Security Adviser Susan Rice told a gathering at the White House Forum on Muslim Human Rights that it was their responsibility to sway theological thinking on the Christmas issue.
“For the faith community, how can we reinforce to religious groups that God loves all the children of his creation equally?” she asked the crowd.
“Change will come,” she went on to say. “It’s already coming.”
Indeed, it has. And it appears the president has decided to “reinforce” the government’s theology on Christians by using his pen and phone.


"Obama is a Christian." (cue Laff-Trak)
Leave it to FOX to act as if it was just about Muslims. Are they purposely trying to help ISIS create the "us and them" they so sorely want?
Last edited:
Where is this on Fox News? Where is a credible source for this ban?

www.tdalliance.com doesn't seem the best of sources.

I went on Fox News and I can't find it.


Here's the search for "obama nativity scene"

Please try the following:
Check your spelling
Try more general words
Try using acronyms or using different keywords
Try using fewer words. Your search might be too specific.


And the same for "Obama bans nativity"
Thank you. The OP reads like something out of the onion. I believe the OP has pulled a fast one on some people.
"The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam."
-- Barak Obama
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