Obama Basically Says Dem Candidates Are Crazy

Obama did it right: publicly express your Love for America while all the time acting to "fundamentally transform" it.

That is the fact of the matter.

The meat puppet didn't come out and tell the country he was a full blown marxist, queer and black separatist. He mostly pretended to be a "moderate" until lines were crossed, then he "evolved" on issues.

The current crop of lunatics did not grasp the moonbat messiah's skillful nuance. They want to set up the gulags and take everyone's shit now.


And WTF do you keep attacking your Messiah?

The skeptical examination of the party’s de facto leader left several veterans of the Obama administration outraged that more attacks were trained on the former President than the current one. And Obama has privately expressed some disapproval of what he views as unrealistic proposals from some Democratic candidates, according to a source familiar with those conversations…

[H]e also has privately expressed exasperation at some policy proposals and promises that he believes are unrealistic. And he and people around him question the wisdom in assailing the record of a popular ex-president rather than the unpopular-by-comparison current one

“Everybody has got to be kidding me here,” Emanuel said. “You have a perfect set up. President Trump is suing to [undo ObamaCare]. We won an election on it. I don’t get this.”

Obama's record: Allies exasperated as Democrats put his legacy on trial - CNNPolitics

Interesting spin too. Anyone remember Obamacare being proposed to the American people in 07?
Of course Obama has a problem with the Dem candidates' proposals...

After they spend all that money, how will they fund ISIS???
Apparently none of the current Dems are closeted homos who used to be coke whores and community hate hoax organizers....

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