Obama - Bigger Government, Higher Taxes, Less Freedom


Libertarian Republican
Oct 14, 2013
5 years after Obama set out to "fundamentally transform America", we've seen unemployment rise, welfare claims skyrocket, and the national debt go through the roof. We are seeing the transformation of the American economy from free enterprise to government-mandated socialism. We need to turn things around. The GOP stands for less government and more freedom. We believe in equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome. Let's win one for the next generation.
5 years after Obama set out to "fundamentally transform America", we've seen unemployment rise, welfare claims skyrocket, and the national debt go through the roof. We are seeing the transformation of the American economy from free enterprise to government-mandated socialism. We need to turn things around. The GOP stands for less government and more freedom. We believe in equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome. Let's win one for the next generation.

with half of the population eating slop at the government trough, that becomes increasingly more difficult. But we must try, if this country is to be saved from the failure known today as liberalism.
5 years after Obama set out to "fundamentally transform America", we've seen unemployment rise, welfare claims skyrocket, and the national debt go through the roof. We are seeing the transformation of the American economy from free enterprise to government-mandated socialism. We need to turn things around. The GOP stands for less government and more freedom. We believe in equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome. Let's win one for the next generation.[/QUOTE

LMAO. The Republicans believe in what ever bullshit story they need to tell YOU that will keep getting THEM elected.

If you need "freedom" and "less government" to keep you voting rethug, then that's what the Rethugs are selling you; Less government and Freedom.

But don't let the fact that you are believing a line of bullshit that can't be backed up by fact slow down your voting Rethugs. The Rethugs are counting on you continuing to be so gullible.

Looks like it is working.
5 years after Obama set out to "fundamentally transform America", we have seen Right wing hysteria rise, claims of being victimized by poor people sky rocketing from cry baby whiners, and the inability to tax at the same level as during the Clinton era plus the Bush unfunded liabilities leading to a larger National debt. We need to turn things around. We need to get rid of Tea Party ninnies in the Congress . The GOP stands for a Nation of 99 percent serfs and an elite aristocracy of private industry looters. We believe in equality of opportunity that requires leveling the playing field not guaranteed success for 1 percent of the population. Lets preserve the progress of the last 75 years through the New Deal and progress farther/further...:cool:
5 years after Obama set out to "fundamentally transform America", we have seen Right wing hysteria rise, claims of being victimized by poor people sky rocketing from cry baby whiners, and the inability to tax at the same level as during the Clinton era plus the Bush unfunded liabilities leading to a larger National debt. We need to turn things around. We need to get rid of Tea Party ninnies in the Congress . The GOP stands for a Nation of 99 percent serfs and an elite aristocracy of private industry looters. We believe in equality of opportunity that requires leveling the playing field not guaranteed success for 1 percent of the population. Lets preserve the progress of the last 75 years through the New Deal and progress farther/further...:cool:

horseshit. the gap between rich and poor has gotten larger due to obama's policies. He is screwing the people who put him in office and you are too stupid to realize it. Pathetic.
5 years after Obama set out to "fundamentally transform America", we have seen Right wing hysteria rise, claims of being victimized by poor people sky rocketing from cry baby whiners, and the inability to tax at the same level as during the Clinton era plus the Bush unfunded liabilities leading to a larger National debt. We need to turn things around. We need to get rid of Tea Party ninnies in the Congress . The GOP stands for a Nation of 99 percent serfs and an elite aristocracy of private industry looters. We believe in equality of opportunity that requires leveling the playing field not guaranteed success for 1 percent of the population. Lets preserve the progress of the last 75 years through the New Deal and progress farther/further...:cool:

horseshit. the gap between rich and poor has gotten larger due to obama's policies. He is screwing the people who put him in office and you are too stupid to realize it. Pathetic.

Indeed. Welfare just encourages people to stay where they are, income-wise. Plus, Obama's socialism also aids certain segments of the rich, like electric car producers and green energy companies like Solyndra. Socialism isn't rich vs. poor. It's government-mandated outcomes versus individual initiative.
5 years after Obama set out to "fundamentally transform America", we have seen Right wing hysteria rise, claims of being victimized by poor people sky rocketing from cry baby whiners, and the inability to tax at the same level as during the Clinton era plus the Bush unfunded liabilities leading to a larger National debt. We need to turn things around. We need to get rid of Tea Party ninnies in the Congress . The GOP stands for a Nation of 99 percent serfs and an elite aristocracy of private industry looters. We believe in equality of opportunity that requires leveling the playing field not guaranteed success for 1 percent of the population. Lets preserve the progress of the last 75 years through the New Deal and progress farther/further...:cool:

horseshit. the gap between rich and poor has gotten larger due to obama's policies. He is screwing the people who put him in office and you are too stupid to realize it. Pathetic.

I am afraid your are misinformed or uninformed or both. The trend of more wealth to the top tiers is a 30 plus year trend that accelerated after the Reagan years and the attacks on Unions. This is not my opinion regarding the 30 plus year trend
5 years after Obama set out to "fundamentally transform America", we have seen Right wing hysteria rise, claims of being victimized by poor people sky rocketing from cry baby whiners, and the inability to tax at the same level as during the Clinton era plus the Bush unfunded liabilities leading to a larger National debt. We need to turn things around. We need to get rid of Tea Party ninnies in the Congress . The GOP stands for a Nation of 99 percent serfs and an elite aristocracy of private industry looters. We believe in equality of opportunity that requires leveling the playing field not guaranteed success for 1 percent of the population. Lets preserve the progress of the last 75 years through the New Deal and progress farther/further...:cool:

horseshit. the gap between rich and poor has gotten larger due to obama's policies. He is screwing the people who put him in office and you are too stupid to realize it. Pathetic.

Indeed. Welfare just encourages people to stay where they are, income-wise. Plus, Obama's socialism also aids certain segments of the rich, like electric car producers and green energy companies like Solyndra. Socialism isn't rich vs. poor. It's government-mandated outcomes versus individual initiative.

I disagree with your conclusions. You want to tag poor people as immorals who deliberately seek to shirk work and exploit the system. You refer to Obama's socialism and ignore the nanny Government applied to corporations. Government mandated outcomes is what you have when lobbyist for corporations and the wealthy own the Government that is supposed to belong to all of us...
5 years after Obama set out to "fundamentally transform America", we have seen Right wing hysteria rise, claims of being victimized by poor people sky rocketing from cry baby whiners, and the inability to tax at the same level as during the Clinton era plus the Bush unfunded liabilities leading to a larger National debt. We need to turn things around. We need to get rid of Tea Party ninnies in the Congress . The GOP stands for a Nation of 99 percent serfs and an elite aristocracy of private industry looters. We believe in equality of opportunity that requires leveling the playing field not guaranteed success for 1 percent of the population. Lets preserve the progress of the last 75 years through the New Deal and progress farther/further...:cool:

horseshit. the gap between rich and poor has gotten larger due to obama's policies. He is screwing the people who put him in office and you are too stupid to realize it. Pathetic.

How do you explain the wealth gap increasing well before Obama took office.....still Obamas fault, right?
5 years after Obama set out to "fundamentally transform America", we have seen Right wing hysteria rise, claims of being victimized by poor people sky rocketing from cry baby whiners, and the inability to tax at the same level as during the Clinton era plus the Bush unfunded liabilities leading to a larger National debt. We need to turn things around. We need to get rid of Tea Party ninnies in the Congress . The GOP stands for a Nation of 99 percent serfs and an elite aristocracy of private industry looters. We believe in equality of opportunity that requires leveling the playing field not guaranteed success for 1 percent of the population. Lets preserve the progress of the last 75 years through the New Deal and progress farther/further...:cool:

horseshit. the gap between rich and poor has gotten larger due to obama's policies. He is screwing the people who put him in office and you are too stupid to realize it. Pathetic.

Indeed. Welfare just encourages people to stay where they are, income-wise.
Right, because being on welfare is "living the good life". If it's so great, why don't you do it?

Plus, Obama's socialism also aids certain segments of the rich, like electric car producers and green energy companies like Solyndra. Socialism isn't rich vs. poor. It's government-mandated outcomes versus individual initiative.

Someone doesn't know what socialism means. Guess who that is?
horseshit. the gap between rich and poor has gotten larger due to obama's policies. He is screwing the people who put him in office and you are too stupid to realize it. Pathetic.

Indeed. Welfare just encourages people to stay where they are, income-wise.
Right, because being on welfare is "living the good life". If it's so great, why don't you do it?

Plus, Obama's socialism also aids certain segments of the rich, like electric car producers and green energy companies like Solyndra. Socialism isn't rich vs. poor. It's government-mandated outcomes versus individual initiative.

Someone doesn't know what socialism means. Guess who that is?

Welfare gives you enough to be comfortable, and in some cases discourages you from earning more as if you do your benefits decrease more than the value of the work performed. Some people are perfectly fine being comfortable and paid by the government.
5 years after Obama set out to "fundamentally transform America", we have seen Right wing hysteria rise, claims of being victimized by poor people sky rocketing from cry baby whiners, and the inability to tax at the same level as during the Clinton era plus the Bush unfunded liabilities leading to a larger National debt. We need to turn things around. We need to get rid of Tea Party ninnies in the Congress . The GOP stands for a Nation of 99 percent serfs and an elite aristocracy of private industry looters. We believe in equality of opportunity that requires leveling the playing field not guaranteed success for 1 percent of the population. Lets preserve the progress of the last 75 years through the New Deal and progress farther/further...:cool:

horseshit. the gap between rich and poor has gotten larger due to obama's policies. He is screwing the people who put him in office and you are too stupid to realize it. Pathetic.

How do you explain the wealth gap increasing well before Obama took office.....still Obamas fault, right?

The government doesn't tax wealth. What do you propose to take the money away from the wealthy?
5 years after Obama set out to "fundamentally transform America", we have seen Right wing hysteria rise, claims of being victimized by poor people sky rocketing from cry baby whiners, and the inability to tax at the same level as during the Clinton era plus the Bush unfunded liabilities leading to a larger National debt. We need to turn things around. We need to get rid of Tea Party ninnies in the Congress . The GOP stands for a Nation of 99 percent serfs and an elite aristocracy of private industry looters. We believe in equality of opportunity that requires leveling the playing field not guaranteed success for 1 percent of the population. Lets preserve the progress of the last 75 years through the New Deal and progress farther/further...:cool:

horseshit. the gap between rich and poor has gotten larger due to obama's policies. He is screwing the people who put him in office and you are too stupid to realize it. Pathetic.

How do you explain the wealth gap increasing well before Obama took office.....still Obamas fault, right?

No, obviously no president is responsible for things that happened before he took office. But you guys elected obama to fix the income gap and to make everything "fair" and "equal". Instead what you got was more of the same. In fact, his policies have helped big business at the expense of the poor and middle classes.

the big losers under obama have been the inner city blacks, he has done NOTHING to help the people who needed the most help.

Obama has failed the people who elected him---------face that reality and move on.
5 years after Obama set out to "fundamentally transform America", we have seen Right wing hysteria rise, claims of being victimized by poor people sky rocketing from cry baby whiners, and the inability to tax at the same level as during the Clinton era plus the Bush unfunded liabilities leading to a larger National debt. We need to turn things around. We need to get rid of Tea Party ninnies in the Congress . The GOP stands for a Nation of 99 percent serfs and an elite aristocracy of private industry looters. We believe in equality of opportunity that requires leveling the playing field not guaranteed success for 1 percent of the population. Lets preserve the progress of the last 75 years through the New Deal and progress farther/further...:cool:

horseshit. the gap between rich and poor has gotten larger due to obama's policies. He is screwing the people who put him in office and you are too stupid to realize it. Pathetic.

I am afraid your are misinformed or uninformed or both. The trend of more wealth to the top tiers is a 30 plus year trend that accelerated after the Reagan years and the attacks on Unions. This is not my opinion regarding the 30 plus year trend

How do you suggest that the government punish people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffet, George Soros, the Koch brothers, Oprah, and Trump for being successful? How much more of their money should the government take from them?
Indeed. Welfare just encourages people to stay where they are, income-wise.
Right, because being on welfare is "living the good life". If it's so great, why don't you do it?

Plus, Obama's socialism also aids certain segments of the rich, like electric car producers and green energy companies like Solyndra. Socialism isn't rich vs. poor. It's government-mandated outcomes versus individual initiative.

Someone doesn't know what socialism means. Guess who that is?

Welfare gives you enough to be comfortable, and in some cases discourages you from earning more as if you do your benefits decrease more than the value of the work performed. Some people are perfectly fine being comfortable and paid by the government.

Are you on welfare or have been on welfare ? I have as a child . I am betting you know no one that is on welfare. You are repeating verbatim the ideological talking points of those who want to demonize people receiving means tested Government assistance...:eusa_eh:
horseshit. the gap between rich and poor has gotten larger due to obama's policies. He is screwing the people who put him in office and you are too stupid to realize it. Pathetic.

I am afraid your are misinformed or uninformed or both. The trend of more wealth to the top tiers is a 30 plus year trend that accelerated after the Reagan years and the attacks on Unions. This is not my opinion regarding the 30 plus year trend

How do you suggest that the government punish people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffet, George Soros, the Koch brothers, Oprah, and Trump for being successful? How much more of their money should the government take from them?

You are defining taxes as "punishment"...Warren Buffett has said he is under taxed...Taxes are the price we pay for civilization and infrastructure...

Buffett to Congress: The wealthy are under-taxed :clap2:
5 years after Obama set out to "fundamentally transform America", we have seen Right wing hysteria rise, claims of being victimized by poor people sky rocketing from cry baby whiners, and the inability to tax at the same level as during the Clinton era plus the Bush unfunded liabilities leading to a larger National debt. We need to turn things around. We need to get rid of Tea Party ninnies in the Congress . The GOP stands for a Nation of 99 percent serfs and an elite aristocracy of private industry looters. We believe in equality of opportunity that requires leveling the playing field not guaranteed success for 1 percent of the population. Lets preserve the progress of the last 75 years through the New Deal and progress farther/further...:cool:

horseshit. the gap between rich and poor has gotten larger due to obama's policies. He is screwing the people who put him in office and you are too stupid to realize it. Pathetic.

I am afraid your are misinformed or uninformed or both. The trend of more wealth to the top tiers is a 30 plus year trend that accelerated after the Reagan years and the attacks on Unions. This is not my opinion regarding the 30 plus year trend

Heres the bigger point. Redfish doesn't give a dam about the wealth gap, how big it Is or who caused it.

He supports every policy that perpetuates the gap.

The ONLY reason hes bringing it up is to try to beat Obama over the head with the policies Redfish supports. :D
5 years after Obama set out to "fundamentally transform America", we have seen Right wing hysteria rise, claims of being victimized by poor people sky rocketing from cry baby whiners, and the inability to tax at the same level as during the Clinton era plus the Bush unfunded liabilities leading to a larger National debt. We need to turn things around. We need to get rid of Tea Party ninnies in the Congress . The GOP stands for a Nation of 99 percent serfs and an elite aristocracy of private industry looters. We believe in equality of opportunity that requires leveling the playing field not guaranteed success for 1 percent of the population. Lets preserve the progress of the last 75 years through the New Deal and progress farther/further...:cool:

I am afraid your are misinformed or uninformed or both. The trend of more wealth to the top tiers is a 30 plus year trend that accelerated after the Reagan years and the attacks on Unions. This is not my opinion regarding the 30 plus year trend

How do you suggest that the government punish people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffet, George Soros, the Koch brothers, Oprah, and Trump for being successful? How much more of their money should the government take from them?

You are defining taxes as "punishment"...Warren Buffett has said he is under taxed...Taxes are the price we pay for civilization and infrastructure...

Buffett to Congress: The wealthy are under-taxed :clap2:

Taxes are in the Constitution.

Which shows how much these folks seriously respect it.
horseshit. the gap between rich and poor has gotten larger due to obama's policies. He is screwing the people who put him in office and you are too stupid to realize it. Pathetic.

I am afraid your are misinformed or uninformed or both. The trend of more wealth to the top tiers is a 30 plus year trend that accelerated after the Reagan years and the attacks on Unions. This is not my opinion regarding the 30 plus year trend

Heres the bigger point. Redfish doesn't give a dam about the wealth gap, how big it Is or who caused it.

He supports every policy that perpetuates the gap.

The ONLY reason hes bringing it up is to try to beat Obama over the head with the policies Redfish supports. :D

Not true at all. I support individual FREEDOM and individual RESPONSIBILITY. I support the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail.

We already have a tax system that takes from the successful and gives to the unsuccessful. What you want is a system whereby the government confiscates all income and then passes it out as it sees fit----------you want a monarchy.

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