obama birth certificate: it's not over.

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The thing is that it is obvious that the whole thing started in the democrat party. It was the primary where the story started. It would never have been spread if it were not so damn believable. I am going with ONE piece of evidence that in my opinion puts the story to rest, and that was the newspaper birth announcements.

Now the whole story is being brought up once again by whom? That's right the Clinton campaign and their cronies. But this time, to his credit, Trump didn't bite and the Clinton campaign is in a frenzy to get their supporters to act as if he did. Too late Hillary, too may seizures late.
It is also obvious what Clinton thought of the whole thing--those people got FIRED. She never once gave it lip service herself.
WHO took out a full page ad in the paper ?
WHO offered a reward for information proving Obama was born in Kenya?
WHO continued to express questions and doubts as recently as 2015?
You know the answer. There is no comparison whatsoever.
who did their college thesis on alinsky ?
Dunno. You? Who's alinsky?
The thing is that it is obvious that the whole thing started in the democrat party. It was the primary where the story started. It would never have been spread if it were not so damn believable. I am going with ONE piece of evidence that in my opinion puts the story to rest, and that was the newspaper birth announcements.

Now the whole story is being brought up once again by whom? That's right the Clinton campaign and their cronies. But this time, to his credit, Trump didn't bite and the Clinton campaign is in a frenzy to get their supporters to act as if he did. Too late Hillary, too may seizures late.
It is also obvious what Clinton thought of the whole thing--those people got FIRED. She never once gave it lip service herself.
WHO took out a full page ad in the paper ?
WHO offered a reward for information proving Obama was born in Kenya?
WHO continued to express questions and doubts as recently as 2015?
You know the answer. There is no comparison whatsoever.
who did their college thesis on alinsky ?
Dunno. You? Who's alinsky?

Hillary Rodham senior thesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The "birther movement" was absolutely not started by the Clinton campaign. That is totally on the heads of the Obama-haters. The Clinton campaign DID NOT run with the theory. It didn't become a "thing" until the Republicans picked it up.

Bull shit. The very first time I heard about it was in 2008, when 0bama was running against Hillary. Trump wasn't even involved and McCain never once made the claim. Yes, after 0bama won the primary, some on the GOP picked up the issue but they picked it up from the Hillary Campaign. That is a fact, you are lying. Hillary is the mother and father of the birther movement. To say otherwise is a lie.
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