obama birth certificate: obots and the phoenix new times


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
i don't know if it's too soon to call stephen lemons an obot, but i think the obots think he is.

this is no bastion of journalism, the pnt is a weekly paper with a dating section, more like the village voice or mother jones.

anyway these folks are throwing everything they can against sheriff joe arpaio.

this latest thing is interesting. read these entries/exibits tell me what you think.

this is from obot headquarters:

New lawsuit alleges Arpaio retaliation against birther critic’s family
by Dr. Conspiracy on June 22, 2015 in Joe Arpaio, Lawsuits

Yet another federal lawsuit is being filed against embattled Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, alleging abuse of process and malicious prosecution. This suit is brought by Austin Flake, son of Senator Jeff Flake, and his wife Logan. The Flakes state in their complaint:

11. Previous to June 2014, Senator Flake had publicly voiced opinions critical of the so-called “birther” movement, of which Defendant Arpaio is a prominent member. Arpaio conducted a bogus six-month investigation into the birthplace of the President of the United States, which culminated in him publicly announcing that “probable cause exist[ed]” to accuse the President of the United States of forgery and fraud.1


13. In summer and fall of 2014, Defendant Arpaio and the MCSO illegally investigated and pressed felony charges against Plaintiffs without probable cause, and in violation of their constitutional rights.

The Flakes allege that this prosecution was intended, in part, to damage Senator Flake, who was running for re-election. The allegations are quite serious, including conspiracy to lie to a grand jury, and providing misinformation to the prosecution. And of course, Sheriff Joe held a press conference.

The lawsuit has been threatened for some time; for example, see this article from last February in the Phoenix New Times. Not all public reaction to the Flakes has been sympathetic, especially because the original issue involved the deaths of some animals.

The charges against the Flakes were eventually dropped.

Charges Reinstated in Green Acre Case but Not Against the Flakes Phoenix New Times

Dog owners still seek truth about notorious kennel

i don't think the obots are going to win the peta compassion for pet award with this one.

part of the story is how they tie this to birther, but the big story here is is the treatment of the dogs, which somehow was terribly overlooked.

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