Obama blames Budget Impasse on GOP fear of Limbaugh, Tea Party


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2013
Obama blames budget impasse on GOP fear of Limbaugh, Tea Party - The Hill's Video

President Obama said that progress on a budget deal in Congress is being hampered by Republicans worried about Tea Party primaries or Rush Limbaugh.

Obama said he's had Republican tell him privately they fear they'll be criticized by the conservative commentator or primaried if they agree with the president.

"If you are putting the American people first, if you are prioritizing them, then this shouldn't be that difficult," Obama said in an interview airing Friday on CNN's "New Day."

"And I've made this argument to my Republican friends privately, and, by the way, sometimes they say to me privately, 'I agree with you, but I'm worried about a primary from, you know, somebody in the Tea Party back in my district,' or 'I'm worried about what Rush Limbaugh is going to say about me on the radio. And so you got to understand, it's really difficult.'"

The president added that "any time we are not moving forward on things that should be simple, I get frustrated."

"I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get Congress — and Republicans in Congress in particular — to think less about politics and party and think more about what's good for the country," he said.

--What he means is that HIS ideas are what is good for the country, and only his.
Obama blames budget impasse on GOP fear of Limbaugh, Tea Party - The Hill's Video

President Obama said that progress on a budget deal in Congress is being hampered by Republicans worried about Tea Party primaries or Rush Limbaugh.

Obama said he's had Republican tell him privately they fear they'll be criticized by the conservative commentator or primaried if they agree with the president.

"If you are putting the American people first, if you are prioritizing them, then this shouldn't be that difficult," Obama said in an interview airing Friday on CNN's "New Day."

"And I've made this argument to my Republican friends privately, and, by the way, sometimes they say to me privately, 'I agree with you, but I'm worried about a primary from, you know, somebody in the Tea Party back in my district,' or 'I'm worried about what Rush Limbaugh is going to say about me on the radio. And so you got to understand, it's really difficult.'"

The president added that "any time we are not moving forward on things that should be simple, I get frustrated."

"I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get Congress — and Republicans in Congress in particular — to think less about politics and party and think more about what's good for the country," he said.

--What he means is that HIS ideas are what is good for the country, and only his.

another obama whine---poor little barry, mean ole Rush just won't stop saying mean things about him.

What a pussy you fools put in the whitehouse. what an embarrasment to the USA.
well, he's about used up blaming Bush, so why not go onto some radio host...His rabid base will eat the shit out it...

Of course we all know in five years NOTHING has been the Dear Leader's fault...

thankfully the people have had enough of Obama and his hate, division, and his failure as a LEADER and President...his disapprovals should give him a CLUE
A Republican lawmaker in North Carolina faced a grilling from a group of tea party members on Monday after he said that he would not force the federal government to be shut down if President Barack Obama’s health care reform law was funded.

During a town town hall meeting at Queen’s University of Charlotte, Rep. Robert Pittenger (R-NC) was asked if he would join Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) and refuse to pass any continuing resolutions to fund the government until Obamacare was fully defunded.

“This is what the tea party wants to know,” the constituent said. “Will you vote with Mike Lee… to defund Obamacare? Yes or no?”

“Do you want me to give a thoughtful answer?” Pittenger asked.

“I want yes or no,” the tea partier demanded.

Tea partiers get rowdy at town hall after GOP rep. says ?no? to govt. shutdown | The Raw Story
A Republican lawmaker in North Carolina faced a grilling from a group of tea party members on Monday after he said that he would not force the federal government to be shut down if President Barack Obama’s health care reform law was funded.

During a town town hall meeting at Queen’s University of Charlotte, Rep. Robert Pittenger (R-NC) was asked if he would join Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) and refuse to pass any continuing resolutions to fund the government until Obamacare was fully defunded.

“This is what the tea party wants to know,” the constituent said. “Will you vote with Mike Lee… to defund Obamacare? Yes or no?”

“Do you want me to give a thoughtful answer?” Pittenger asked.

“I want yes or no,” the tea partier demanded.

Tea partiers get rowdy at town hall after GOP rep. says ?no? to govt. shutdown | The Raw Story

really, raw story?
A Republican lawmaker in North Carolina faced a grilling from a group of tea party members on Monday after he said that he would not force the federal government to be shut down if President Barack Obama’s health care reform law was funded.

During a town town hall meeting at Queen’s University of Charlotte, Rep. Robert Pittenger (R-NC) was asked if he would join Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) and refuse to pass any continuing resolutions to fund the government until Obamacare was fully defunded.

“This is what the tea party wants to know,” the constituent said. “Will you vote with Mike Lee… to defund Obamacare? Yes or no?”

“Do you want me to give a thoughtful answer?” Pittenger asked.

“I want yes or no,” the tea partier demanded.

Tea partiers get rowdy at town hall after GOP rep. says ?no? to govt. shutdown | The Raw Story

really, raw story?

There's a video in the link, dipshit. Did Raw Story make that up?


The dipshits wants to blather on, but don't want the Congressman to speak. They want monosyllables out of him.
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A Republican lawmaker in North Carolina faced a grilling from a group of tea party members on Monday after he said that he would not force the federal government to be shut down if President Barack Obama’s health care reform law was funded.

During a town town hall meeting at Queen’s University of Charlotte, Rep. Robert Pittenger (R-NC) was asked if he would join Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) and refuse to pass any continuing resolutions to fund the government until Obamacare was fully defunded.

“This is what the tea party wants to know,” the constituent said. “Will you vote with Mike Lee… to defund Obamacare? Yes or no?”

“Do you want me to give a thoughtful answer?” Pittenger asked.

“I want yes or no,” the tea partier demanded.

Tea partiers get rowdy at town hall after GOP rep. says ?no? to govt. shutdown | The Raw Story

...and they were listening to Rush Limbaugh at the time?
A Republican lawmaker in North Carolina faced a grilling from a group of tea party members on Monday after he said that he would not force the federal government to be shut down if President Barack Obama’s health care reform law was funded.

During a town town hall meeting at Queen’s University of Charlotte, Rep. Robert Pittenger (R-NC) was asked if he would join Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) and refuse to pass any continuing resolutions to fund the government until Obamacare was fully defunded.

“This is what the tea party wants to know,” the constituent said. “Will you vote with Mike Lee… to defund Obamacare? Yes or no?”

“Do you want me to give a thoughtful answer?” Pittenger asked.

“I want yes or no,” the tea partier demanded.

Tea partiers get rowdy at town hall after GOP rep. says ?no? to govt. shutdown | The Raw Story

really, raw story?

If the questioners were not rowdy, they have ever right to "grill" their congresscritter.

They do not have the right insist on only "yes" or "no." I am quite sure the county chair let the TPM members know if they tried to shout down the congresscritter, the deputies would move in and remove them out.

There's a video, dipshit. Did Raw Story make that up?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBaSTgK1XZc#t=18]Robert Pittenger says NO to defunding Obamacare - YouTube[/ame]

The dipshits wants to blather on, but don't want the Congressman to speak. They want monosyllables out of him.

Obama's claim is supported by this video.

ah, so now you are using rdeans BROAD BRUSH I see...lovely

and what about the hecklers at Ted Cruz town hall, Obama is using that for something too?

give us a break

raw story is not an UNBIASED website...so of course they are going to post this..
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There's a video, dipshit. Did Raw Story make that up?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBaSTgK1XZc#t=18]Robert Pittenger says NO to defunding Obamacare - YouTube[/ame]

The dipshits wants to blather on, but don't want the Congressman to speak. They want monosyllables out of him.

OMFG!!!! The peasants expressing an opinion! Demanding an answer from THEIR Representative!

It's a fucking outrage!
A Republican lawmaker in North Carolina faced a grilling from a group of tea party members on Monday after he said that he would not force the federal government to be shut down if President Barack Obama’s health care reform law was funded.

During a town town hall meeting at Queen’s University of Charlotte, Rep. Robert Pittenger (R-NC) was asked if he would join Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) and refuse to pass any continuing resolutions to fund the government until Obamacare was fully defunded.

“This is what the tea party wants to know,” the constituent said. “Will you vote with Mike Lee… to defund Obamacare? Yes or no?”

“Do you want me to give a thoughtful answer?” Pittenger asked.

“I want yes or no,” the tea partier demanded.

Tea partiers get rowdy at town hall after GOP rep. says ?no? to govt. shutdown | The Raw Story

...and they were listening to Rush Limbaugh at the time?

Who knows.

Obama said they were worried about the Tea Party back home


Rush Limbaugh.

The people in the video were clearly drinking someone's piss. They heard about the government shutdown threat from somewhere, and are in support of it. Their tiny little blank slate minds have been made up for them by whoever wrote on them first and they don't want their fragile belief system threatened with thoughtful discussion.
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really, raw story?

There's a video, dipshit. Did Raw Story make that up?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBaSTgK1XZc#t=18]Robert Pittenger says NO to defunding Obamacare - YouTube[/ame]

The dipshits wants to blather on, but don't want the Congressman to speak. They want monosyllables out of him.

OMFG!!!! The peasants expressing an opinion! Demanding an answer from THEIR Representative!

It's a fucking outrage!

They are not interested in debate. They have been pre-programmed.
There's a video, dipshit. Did Raw Story make that up?

Robert Pittenger says NO to defunding Obamacare - YouTube

The dipshits wants to blather on, but don't want the Congressman to speak. They want monosyllables out of him.

OMFG!!!! The peasants expressing an opinion! Demanding an answer from THEIR Representative!

It's a fucking outrage!

They are not interested in debate. They have been pre-programmed.

so are you lately it seems, shame..
Barack Hussein Obama, the Blamer-In-Chief.

Motto: "The Buck Stops There."
The Congressman, like many other Republicans, believes this shutdown tactic would be self-destructive. And it would be. It would do more harm to the GOP than good.

But the little fragile robots did not want to hear that. Their bumper sticker bandwidth minds were on auto-pilot. Any discussion outside the narrow paramenters of their intellect would cause them to explode.
They are not interested in debate. They have been pre-programmed.

so are you lately it seems, shame..

Irony, from the person who thought just saying "Raw Story" was some kind of rebuttal.

dear I'm talking about you and your response to the Tea Party...you take one VIDEO from RAW STORY and try and use to paint it as ALL TEA PARTY town halls

now don't get mad, just don't become an rdean..you are usually better than that
The cheap tactic used by the clowns in the video is a very old one. Force the person to say only "yes" or "no". Don't allow him to explain his answer, because you are going to explain it for him, and if you allow him to explain, it will undermine what you are up to. You are going to invent the reason he said no. "He said no because he loves Obama."

It's a very old, bogus, cheap, bullshit tactic.
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