Obama blames Budget Impasse on GOP fear of Limbaugh, Tea Party

The problem with LIARS, aka Obama. When you tell a Lie you need another 10 Lies to cover for the first one. Eventually the Lies catch up with you.

History will not be favorable to Obama.
Obama is correct to the extent that the budge impasse is solely the fault of House republicans, the TPM faction in particular.
How about Dingy Harry Reid and the Democrat/Statist controlled Senate?

TRY again.

The House has solutions...the Senate led by Reid is the roadblock.
Obama is correct to the extent that the budge impasse is solely the fault of House republicans, the TPM faction in particular.

Of course. Nothing is his fault EVER............

He Leads by excuses, and he's sooooooooooooo Righteous.

Hell it gives me Freakin Goose Pimples.

Or a tingle up my leg..........Who said that?

As a proud supporter of the TRM, you can take your position and the Liar n Chief and stick it where the sun doesn't shine.

And that's my place nice version of it.
Obama blames budget impasse on GOP fear of Limbaugh, Tea Party - The Hill's Video

President Obama said that progress on a budget deal in Congress is being hampered by Republicans worried about Tea Party primaries or Rush Limbaugh.

Obama said he's had Republican tell him privately they fear they'll be criticized by the conservative commentator or primaried if they agree with the president.

"If you are putting the American people first, if you are prioritizing them, then this shouldn't be that difficult," Obama said in an interview airing Friday on CNN's "New Day."

"And I've made this argument to my Republican friends privately, and, by the way, sometimes they say to me privately, 'I agree with you, but I'm worried about a primary from, you know, somebody in the Tea Party back in my district,' or 'I'm worried about what Rush Limbaugh is going to say about me on the radio. And so you got to understand, it's really difficult.'"

The president added that "any time we are not moving forward on things that should be simple, I get frustrated."

"I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get Congress — and Republicans in Congress in particular — to think less about politics and party and think more about what's good for the country," he said.

--What he means is that HIS ideas are what is good for the country, and only his.
If Obama were putting the American people first, he wouldn't be calling criminals his "sons."
Obama is correct to the extent that the budge impasse is solely the fault of House republicans, the TPM faction in particular.

well of course, NOTHING IS EVER his fault and he just can't STAND having someone oppose him and his outrageous budgets and VISIONS...So it's rush and the tea party's fault

really man give us a break with your excuses
Obama is correct to the extent that the budge impasse is solely the fault of House republicans, the TPM faction in particular.
Obama is the victim of groupthink! He thinks it, his group does it. Unfortunatley, the Republicans have stopped his little $17 Trillion Spending Spree, and he's throwing a fit.
Obama is correct to the extent that the budge impasse is solely the fault of House republicans, the TPM faction in particular.
Obama is the victim of groupthink! He thinks it, his group does it. Unfortunatley, the Republicans have stopped his little $17 Trillion Spending Spree, and he's throwing a fit.

I believe it's time for a time out Obama. LOL

SHUT IT DOWN..................
So we see threads that Limbaugh is on his way out, now we see that his popularity has the GOP on the run.

Liberals, can you make up your minds? You are looking fucking stupid, I guess you are all used to that.
Liberals are stupid as a group, papa, yes. Just like the far right reactionaries. Both are the wrong sides of America.
So we see threads that Limbaugh is on his way out, now we see that his popularity has the GOP on the run.

Liberals, can you make up your minds? You are looking fucking stupid, I guess you are all used to that.

You Can't Fix Stupid..............................

Kinda reminds me of a Jeff Foxworthy Joke................

A man driving down the road notices one tire is low.

So he pulls into the tire shop................

Tire shop mechanic says,"what's the matter, tire gone flat."...............




Nope. The other 3 suddenly Swelled up and I thought I better get them checked out.
So we see threads that Limbaugh is on his way out, now we see that his popularity has the GOP on the run.

Liberals, can you make up your minds? You are looking fucking stupid, I guess you are all used to that.

no kidding, last week Rush was dead so was the Tea Party and the Republican party was facing the grim fact it was dying out..

I mean if Obamabots-liberals-Democrats only knew what sheep they look like...Obama says this week it their fault and here they come baaaaaaaaa tea party, baaaa Rush, baaaa Republicans...

Obama is correct to the extent that the budge impasse is solely the fault of House republicans, the TPM faction in particular.

Imbecile, he can't even get a majority vote from his own Party on his proposals.

You are stupid for a "Lawyer".
I say fund Obamacare and let it be the disaster it's going to be. The Democrats own the ACA. Not a single Republican voted for it so allow it to ferment into the ultimate clusterfuck we all know it is and let the Democratic Party pay for it in the next couple election cycles when the misery strikes every American family.
Under Obama, we already have a $17 trillion national debt. This is the disaster that should have the nation's full focus.

Obama just wants to take glory for everything good and blame others for everything bad.

He's using the bully pulpit for propaganda to destroy America's financial base, and now to sully his political challengers.

It's sad, really.
So we see threads that Limbaugh is on his way out, now we see that his popularity has the GOP on the run.

Liberals, can you make up your minds? You are looking fucking stupid, I guess you are all used to that.

no kidding, last week Rush was dead so was the Tea Party and the Republican party was facing the grim fact it was dying out..

I mean if Obamabots-liberals-Democrats only knew what sheep they look like...Obama says this week it their fault and here they come baaaaaaaaa tea party, baaaa Rush, baaaa Republicans...

You are such an embarrassment, that when the other nutters on your side see one of your posts, they looked skyward and mutter to themselves, "Please, don't be on our side."
So we see threads that Limbaugh is on his way out, now we see that his popularity has the GOP on the run.

Liberals, can you make up your minds? You are looking fucking stupid, I guess you are all used to that.

no kidding, last week Rush was dead so was the Tea Party and the Republican party was facing the grim fact it was dying out..

I mean if Obamabots-liberals-Democrats only knew what sheep they look like...Obama says this week it their fault and here they come baaaaaaaaa tea party, baaaa Rush, baaaa Republicans...

You are such an embarrassment, that when the other nutters on your side see one of your posts, they looked skyward and mutter to themselves, "Please, don't be on our side."

talk about embarrassing mutterings^^^^^^...neither side wants that...sheesh
So we see threads that Limbaugh is on his way out, now we see that his popularity has the GOP on the run.

Liberals, can you make up your minds? You are looking fucking stupid, I guess you are all used to that.

no kidding, last week Rush was dead so was the Tea Party and the Republican party was facing the grim fact it was dying out..

I mean if Obamabots-liberals-Democrats only knew what sheep they look like...Obama says this week it their fault and here they come baaaaaaaaa tea party, baaaa Rush, baaaa Republicans...

You are such an embarrassment, that when the other nutters on your side see one of your posts, they looked skyward and mutter to themselves, "Please, don't be on our side."
That isn't true, and you know it, too, don't you. :eusa_eh:
Obama blames budget impasse on GOP fear of Limbaugh, Tea Party - The Hill's Video

President Obama said that progress on a budget deal in Congress is being hampered by Republicans worried about Tea Party primaries or Rush Limbaugh.

Obama said he's had Republican tell him privately they fear they'll be criticized by the conservative commentator or primaried if they agree with the president.

"If you are putting the American people first, if you are prioritizing them, then this shouldn't be that difficult," Obama said in an interview airing Friday on CNN's "New Day."

"And I've made this argument to my Republican friends privately, and, by the way, sometimes they say to me privately, 'I agree with you, but I'm worried about a primary from, you know, somebody in the Tea Party back in my district,' or 'I'm worried about what Rush Limbaugh is going to say about me on the radio. And so you got to understand, it's really difficult.'"

The president added that "any time we are not moving forward on things that should be simple, I get frustrated."

"I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get Congress — and Republicans in Congress in particular — to think less about politics and party and think more about what's good for the country," he said.

--What he means is that HIS ideas are what is good for the country, and only his.

What a moron

Obama is correct to the extent that the budge impasse is solely the fault of House republicans, the TPM faction in particular.

Last I checked the houses of Congress were split between two parties. I'm always amused by you hyperpartisans who think only the other party has to negotiate and capitulate to what you want, but never the other way around.

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