Obama blames Budget Impasse on GOP fear of Limbaugh, Tea Party

Obama blames budget impasse on GOP fear of Limbaugh, Tea Party - The Hill's Video

President Obama said that progress on a budget deal in Congress is being hampered by Republicans worried about Tea Party primaries or Rush Limbaugh.

Obama said he's had Republican tell him privately they fear they'll be criticized by the conservative commentator or primaried if they agree with the president.

"If you are putting the American people first, if you are prioritizing them, then this shouldn't be that difficult," Obama said in an interview airing Friday on CNN's "New Day."

"And I've made this argument to my Republican friends privately, and, by the way, sometimes they say to me privately, 'I agree with you, but I'm worried about a primary from, you know, somebody in the Tea Party back in my district,' or 'I'm worried about what Rush Limbaugh is going to say about me on the radio. And so you got to understand, it's really difficult.'"

The president added that "any time we are not moving forward on things that should be simple, I get frustrated."

"I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get Congress — and Republicans in Congress in particular — to think less about politics and party and think more about what's good for the country," he said.

--What he means is that HIS ideas are what is good for the country, and only his.
I'm so sick of Barack Obama's lies and accusations.
The cheap tactic used by the clowns in the video is a very old one. Force the person to say only "yes" or "no". Don't allow him to explain his answer, because you are going to explain it for him, and if you allow him to explain, it will undermine what you are up to. You are going to invent the reason he said no. "He said no because he loves Obama."

It's a bogus, cheap, bullshit tactic.

good grief, is it taking skin off your's or raw stories ass?

you're more worried about that then OBama using this as another EXCUSE and also blaming AMERICAN CITIZENS for his lame ass self
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so are you lately it seems, shame..

Irony, from the person who thought just saying "Raw Story" was some kind of rebuttal.

dear I'm talking about you and your response to the Tea Party...you take one VIDEO from RAW STORY and try and use to paint it as ALL TEA PARTY town halls

now don't get mad, just don't become an rdean..you are usually better than that

You aren't, that's for sure.

The video is representative. Congressmen have scheduled a lot less town hall meetings than they did in the past, precisely because of these kinds of clowns hijacking the meetings.
Irony, from the person who thought just saying "Raw Story" was some kind of rebuttal.

dear I'm talking about you and your response to the Tea Party...you take one VIDEO from RAW STORY and try and use to paint it as ALL TEA PARTY town halls

now don't get mad, just don't become an rdean..you are usually better than that

You aren't, that's for sure.

The video is representative. Congressmen have scheduled a lot less town hall meetings than they did in the past, precisely because of these kinds of clowns hijacking the meetings.

good grief, is it taking skin off your or raw stories ass?

you're more worried about that then OBama using this as another EXCUSE and also blaming AMERICAN CITIZENS for his lame ass self
So your HMNSIC is trying to sew division again, I'm shocked I tell ya. Of course this revelation came from some unnamed republican, probably in maobamas dream.
The Congressman, like many other Republicans, believes this shutdown tactic would be self-destructive. And it would be. It would do more harm to the GOP than good.

But the little fragile robots did not want to hear that. Their bumper sticker bandwidth minds were on auto-pilot. Any discussion outside the narrow paramenters of their intellect would cause them to explode.

Well Holy Cow...............I'm about to explode because I'm all for using the Shut Down to FORCE CUTS from Obama and the Dems...........That's terrible. Anyone got a tissue?????Sniff Sniff. I think I'm going to cry for the POTUS...............

This tactic has been used before. It has been used by both Parties. The Gov't has been shut down in the past and our country is still here. The last time this happened who ran around the country saying the Sky is Falling and look what the GOP has done to this country. Poor little Barry..............

The last time this occurred, Barry Offered up Sequester and agreed to make cuts in the agreement that wouldn't trigger automatic cuts to the military. He also stated that he would do so without raising taxes aka the sequester deal.

So after Obama Lied his butt off last time, I'd like to take this opportunity to tell him and Lies to quite Frankly GO TO HELL.

SHUT IT DOWN..........................................The Dems want bigger Gov't. Right now Barry is demanding more money to College Education, and then says he wants Fiscal Responsibility................What a Lying Sack of Chit he is.
eagle, your feathers are ruffled.

BHO and the House GOP both lied: so what, that's what they are going to do until we kick them out.

If we in the GOP try to shut down the budget, the American people will give the House to the Dems next year.

You better, then, be ready to cry at what they will do in 2015 in the House.
It's Bush's fault.
It's the republican's fault.
It's the Tea Party's fault.
It's Rush Limbaugh's fault.
It's the corporations' fault.
It's Fox News' fault.
My personal favorite was when Obama blamed the Japanese Earthquake for our economy. That was fun.
It's the ATMs and airport kiosks fault (again, for the economy).
It's the American job creators fault (yep. the economy again).
It's Europe's fault
Obama blames congress for sequester (even though it was Obama's idea).

The really sad part is that I haven't even scraped the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Obama's excuses.
There's a video, dipshit. Did Raw Story make that up?

Robert Pittenger says NO to defunding Obamacare - YouTube

The dipshits wants to blather on, but don't want the Congressman to speak. They want monosyllables out of him.

OMFG!!!! The peasants expressing an opinion! Demanding an answer from THEIR Representative!

It's a fucking outrage!

They are not interested in debate. They have been pre-programmed.

Your boy Bammy is a petualnt ,whiny child....and just like a little kid NOTHING is ever his fault.

What a sickening man child he is.
eagle, your feathers are ruffled.

BHO and the House GOP both lied: so what, that's what they are going to do until we kick them out.

If we in the GOP try to shut down the budget, the American people will give the House to the Dems next year.

You better, then, be ready to cry at what they will do in 2015 in the House.

Not only are my feathers ruffled, my dang Talons are out. Again, this has happened before and the sky didn't fall. The Gov't Shut Down for weeks in the 90's and historic gains were achieved during those times.

Right now the military is dealing with auto budget cuts via Sequestration, yet the same Ahole is running around the country preaching for more money from the Fed For College. All the while our Debt is still out of control.

We don't need to back down on this. We need to draw a line in the sand and say NO MORE NEGOTIATION. We are here to HOLD YOU TO YOUR PROMISES, and LOWER FEDERAL SPENDING PERIOD. Even if this shuts the Gov't down for a time.

It has happened before, and our country didn't fall into Chaos as the Chicken Little's said.
It's Bush's fault.
It's the republican's fault.
It's the Tea Party's fault.
It's Rush Limbaugh's fault.
It's the corporations' fault.
It's Fox News' fault.
My personal favorite was when Obama blamed the Japanese Earthquake for our economy. That was fun.
It's the ATMs and airport kiosks fault (again, for the economy).
It's the American job creators fault (yep. the economy again).
It's Europe's fault
Obama blames congress for sequester (even though it was Obama's idea).

The really sad part is that I haven't even scraped the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Obama's excuses.

He is a leader of LIES and Excuses and the left praise him for it. So much for what they value in the character of a POTUS.
I say fund Obamacare and let it be the disaster it's going to be. The Democrats own the ACA. Not a single Republican voted for it so allow it to ferment into the ultimate clusterfuck we all know it is and let the Democratic Party pay for it in the next couple election cycles when the misery strikes every American family.
How does one defend Obama's idiocy and seeming political impotence? Is Obama at least a little embarrassed by stating that an am radio guy is one of his biggest obstacles? I'm trying to be fair here. I promise if George Bush blamed Chris Mathews for the woes of the U.S. I would be equally as jaded. I think Obama needs some warm milk and a nap.
Obama need to resign when he WHINES a radio host can kick his ass and blames his woes ON THE CITIZENS HE REPRESENTS...he is USELESS to us and this country...

just go on with your pathetic life in Hawaii or something....sheesh
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Obama need to resign when he WHINES a radio host can kick his ass and blames his woes ON THE CITIZENS HE REPRESENTS...he is USELESS to us and this country...

just go on with your pathetic life in Hawaii or something....sheesh
He needs to go back to Indonesia where he got his Islamic Training...and make it public HE is one of the Muslim Brotherhood whom he supports against the better interests of this Republic.

He fools only idiots. Limbaugh laughs at morons as Obama...Obama is too easy to read...and see his intent...the Founders would have Impeached him long ago.
Obama need to resign when he WHINES a radio host can kick his ass and blames his woes ON THE CITIZENS HE REPRESENTS...he is USELESS to us and this country...

just go on with your pathetic life in Hawaii or something....sheesh
He needs to go back to Indonesia where he got his Islamic Training...and make it public HE is one of the Muslim Brotherhood whom he supports against the better interests of this Republic.

He fools only idiots. Limbaugh laughs at morons as Obama...Obama is too easy to read...and see his intent...the Founders would have Impeached him long ago.

His legacy is going to be as ugly as he is unless they fabricate that too like his pathetic life has been made up..wrote two damn books about himself before he even accomplished a thing worth writing about...that should of given people a CLUE right there

A worst nightmare and a Joke that has been played on us and we are going to suffer for many years to come for it...
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Obama need to resign when he WHINES a radio host can kick his ass and blames his woes ON THE CITIZENS HE REPRESENTS...he is USELESS to us and this country...

just go on with your pathetic life in Hawaii or something....sheesh

You are the one whining when you get your butt kicked here, then blame it all on your Dear Leader.
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