Obama Blames U.S. For Gun Violence In Mexico

What libs nothing to say.... He is on his apology tour again.. We are the laughing stock of the world since Obama has been in office
If Mexico would secure their border this would not be a problem for them, they know the US will not do the job. Maobama would rather screw over the law abiding than put a stop to criminal activity on the border.
Oh the irony.....He didn't mention gun smuggling by his own administration under the Department Of Justice operation, Fast and Furious.

Obama Blames U.S. For Gun Violence In Mexico

Posted on May 3, 2013
"Most of the guns used to commit violence here in Mexico come from the United States," President Obama said during a speech at Mexico's Anthropology Museum. "I think many of you know that in America, our Constitution guarantees our individual right to bear arms. And as president, I swore an oath to uphold that right, and I always will."

"But at the same time, as I’ve said in the United States, I will continue to do everything in my power to pass common-sense reforms that keep guns out of the hands of criminals and dangerous people. That can save lives here in Mexico and back home in the United States. It’s the right thing to do," Obama added.

Obama Blames U.S. For Gun Violence In Mexico | RealClearPolitics
What doesn't Obama blame us for?

The man never has anything GOOD to say about us..he hates us and our country or wouldn't want to transform it..and you people who voted for him bought it hook, line and stinker

Mexico is so corrupted they are the ones to friggen BLAME for their country being some hell hole..
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You almost gotta laugh. Hussein's A.G. signed the order to ship 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexico and he has been covering for him for the last six months.
Its always the evil Americans fault.

and this is our President saying it all over the world..

give ya the warm fuzzies doesn't it ?

and here he is live, Stephanie:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXDkD2qN6jg&feature=player_detailpage]Obama Promises Mexicans to Push Gun Control in America - YouTube[/ame]

thanks, but I can't stomach listening to the hateful little man who calls himself our President and blames us for all the wrongs in the world..
How could the president call attention to gun violence in Mexico when he used executive privilege to block the Congressional investigation into operation Fast/Furious? It was one of the ATF's weapons that was used in the killing of a US Border Patrol Officer. Hussein must be going off his rocker.
Sad but true, this guy just does not get it. What should be a greater concern is the liberal medias attempt to foster the image of the Teflon president, not accountable for squat.
Agreed. Can't blame Obama for being Obama. The press in our country has no shame. We all knew what Obama's politics were when he ran in 2008. Many of us didn't drink the cool aid that the media was serving, we crossed our hearts, held our breath, voted for McCain and hoped for the best. Obama voters know nothing about fast and furious, Benghazi, Obama-care, overseas contingencies, race to the top, common core education, Obama's sequester, immigration policy, etc. Just ask them, they are a clueless product of a press that is firmly in bed with their "great leader".
Will he blame US guns for violence in Brazil or Venezuela?

Murder rates in the Americas:

- North America 3.9 killed per 100,000
- Central America 28.5 killed per 100,000
- Caribbean: 16.9 killed per 100,000
- South America: 20 killed per 100,000

UNODC murder rates most recent year (per 100,000 inhabitants)

Brazil 21.0
Mexico 22.7
Venezuela 45.1
Guatemala 38.5
Ecuador 18.2
Colombia 31.4
I have new for you: Canadians blame gun violence in Canada on the US too. More than half of the illegal hand guns in Canada are smuggled in from the US.

Americans are the only first world nation on earth where anyone can buy a gun. It's resulted in the US becoming increasingly more dangerous.

But keep clinging to the idea that guns are the solution and not part of the problem. I think that those who wrote and supported the Second Amendment would be appalled at the result of unrestricted access to firearms.
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The man who thinks he is president of the united states is spreading hate about his own country and pandering to a country that has more illegal activity than a prison.

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