Obama blasted his ex WH doctor for blasting bidens OBVIOUS mental decline

Did you have that kind of criticism when the daughter's of President Trump's podiatrist talked about how Trump allegedly bribed their father into giving him a draft deferment?
Trump's phantom bone spurs were know about in the 1980s, after his comment about doing his "war tour" in the sexual 70s, but it has nothing to do with what a potus's personal physisican says about the potus or anyone else. I didn't vote for Reagan (because of deficits) but I didn't think we needed to know how his colonoscopy went.
It is considered to be a masterclass in international diplomacy...

By who? Fucking retards like yourself?

A "master class" would've resulted in either the avoidance or the end of hostilities. What you fail to realize, because you're a retard, is that Putin was afraid to invade Ukraine while Trump was in office. He knew Biden would prove to be impotent in response, so he waited...

Congrats, though, on showing how one cannpot be more off topic with a response. Your TDS is strong...
Trump's phantom bone spurs were know about in the 1980s, after his comment about doing his "war tour" in the sexual 70s, but it has nothing to do with what a potus's personal physisican says about the potus or anyone else. I didn't vote for Reagan (because of deficits) but I didn't think we needed to know how his colonoscopy went.

President Trump's "comments" about a war tour in the 1970's, were during appearance on Howard Stern's comedy program.

Do you really believe everything that you hear on funny men's programs? Do you really think Andy Kaufman's portrayal of Rodney Dangerfield's personal physician- Vinnie Boombatz- was accurate too?

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