Obama blocks conservative black 12-year-old from being a follower on his Twitter account

Block is a function that helps you control how you interact with other users on Twitter. When you block another account on Twitter, that account will not be able to follow you or view your Tweets when logged in. Blocked users do not receive any notifications alerting them that their account has been blocked. However, if a blocked user visits the profile of a user who has blocked them, they will notice they have been blocked (unlike mute, which is invisible to muted users).

Read about advanced options for using block in this article.

You guys fall for anything
.This kid was never blocked. He manufactured the whole episode.

The absolutely most funny part of it is that he knows how retarded his fans are, so he knew they would back him up.
.This kid was never blocked. He manufactured the whole episode.

The absolutely most funny part of it is that he knows how retarded his fans are, so he knew they would back him up.

That kid makes an idiot you look like a preschooler :thup:
I hate it when liberals use children to promote their ideology. I'm not going to be a hypocrite and do the same thing. I could care less about this stupid kid.
I hate it when liberals use children to promote their ideology. I'm not going to be a hypocrite and do the same thing. I could care less about this stupid kid.

The kid isn't stupid. He speaks clearly. Not like the Obama brainwashed kids promoting hero worship

I hate it when liberals use children to promote their ideology. I'm not going to be a hypocrite and do the same thing. I could care less about this stupid kid.

The kid isn't stupid. He speaks clearly. Not like the Obama brainwashed kids promoting hero worship

I didn't mean to be desparaging toward him. I'm sure he's probably very smart, but he's only a kid, certainly not mature enough for me to really care about his opinions.
This kid is a moron, and he has no proof for his claim.
He rants about police deaths when police deaths are the lowest in decades.
One police death is one too many, heathen.

There is a perfect example of right wing political correctness.
Tell that to the cop's family, Gomer. I'm sure they will agree.

What? More political correctness from the right? Shocked!

Since when did the death of a policeman become PC?
As a parent of three, I am actually shocked that an adult would say he doesn't care about the opinion of children.
.This kid was never blocked. He manufactured the whole episode.

The absolutely most funny part of it is that he knows how retarded his fans are, so he knew they would back him up.

That kid makes an idiot you look like a preschooler :thup:

He faked the whole thing.

Is there anything out there supporting this or are you just saying it?

Yes, the simple fact that he has nothing to support his claim other than a screenshot that can be easily fabricated.
This kid is a moron, and he has no proof for his claim.
He rants about police deaths when police deaths are the lowest in decades.

He is trying to create a limelight for himself. Good for Obama blocking this annoying kid.
As a parent of three, I am actually shocked that an adult would say he doesn't care about the opinion of children.

Frankly I find it shocking that anyone would think that I should concern myself with what a child's opinions on political matters are. I commend the kid for showing an interest in politics and I hope he works hard and becomes someone important when he grows up, but right now his mind is not mature enough for him to have a firm grasp of the issues.
BTW if hussein obozo did block him, I think that's the most thin skinned, petty, petulant thing I've ever heard in my life. Knowing obozo he probably did it.
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REVENGE: Obama blocks conservative black middle schooler from following him on Twitter!

Obama is not only a tyrant, he is also so thin-skinned that he can't stand the opposition of a 12-year-old boy.

This boy has been an internet sensation with his claim that President Obama used Ahmed as a political pawn.

Now we will see the liberals, once again, defend this child-man for his immature reaction.

Conservatives are a weird bunch. I say that because the criticism in this video seems to mostly revolve around the fact that Americans, including police officers, are getting gunned down, and Obama isn't inviting victims, survivors, or family members to the WH.

Okay, so what if he did? THEN the criticism would be that he's exploiting the tragedy for political gain or that he's somehow trying to build support for a ban on guns.
not surprised at all. obama is thin-skinned, petty, and arrogant.

Also as a Black Progressive he is the biggest sellout there can ever be. To Progressives the left-wing agenda is of utmost importance, even if it harms Black people; AND IT DOES
REVENGE: Obama blocks conservative black middle schooler from following him on Twitter!

Obama is not only a tyrant, he is also so thin-skinned that he can't stand the opposition of a 12-year-old boy.

This boy has been an internet sensation with his claim that President Obama used Ahmed as a political pawn.

Now we will see the liberals, once again, defend this child-man for his immature reaction.

Conservatives are a weird bunch. I say that because the criticism in this video seems to mostly revolve around the fact that Americans, including police officers, are getting gunned down, and Obama isn't inviting victims, survivors, or family members to the WH.

Okay, so what if he did? THEN the criticism would be that he's exploiting the tragedy for political gain or that he's somehow trying to build support for a ban on guns.


MORE left-wing nutjob self-delusions.
people are rightly outraged that obama finds his compassion and empathy more often with comforting the family members of thugs killed by cops in self-defense
No chance to dismiss the following as 'liberal bias'

Ultraconservative 'the Blaze' uncovers the 'problems' with Pearson's claim:

"However, a closer inspection reveals there are problems with his claim.

First, Twitter users aren’t permitted to follow accounts that block them, yet Pearson could be seen following Obama’s account moments after making the claim he was blocked.

After being called on it, he quickly unfollowed."

2. "Moreover, the screen grab provided by Pearson appears to have been a copy of one uploaded online months ago."

Read on here:

Fact Check: Did Obama Really Block a 13-Year-Old Conservative Critic on Twitter?

There's more.

lol, the little shit is busted.

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