Obama blocks conservative black 12-year-old from being a follower on his Twitter account

This kid is a moron, and he has no proof for his claim.
He rants about police deaths when police deaths are the lowest in decades.
One police death is one too many, heathen.
The boy claims obama is somehow responsible and ignoring these deaths, well, they're at the lowest point in years.
Obama, his lackey Holder and the mayor and State prosecutor of Baltimore are all responsible for police deaths since Ferguson. They'll get a bill for it one day.
This kid is a moron, and he has no proof for his claim.
He rants about police deaths when police deaths are the lowest in decades.
One police death is one too many, heathen.
The boy claims obama is somehow responsible and ignoring these deaths, well, they're at the lowest point in years.

Police deaths are up you moron...and police executions rarely happened until this pathetic president's war on police

FBI: Felonious US Police Deaths Up 89 Percent Last Year


Law enforcement officers gather on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol in Washington Friday for a memorial service and wreath-laying ceremony in honor of fellow officers killed in the line of duty. The event culminates National Police Week, the annual tribute to law enforcement service and sacrifice.

And this year the memorial service may be particularly sobering. Police fatalities in the line of duty are up dramatically.

In 2013, 27 law enforcement officers were feloniously killed in the line of duty in the United States, the lowest annual total going back to 1980. That figure nearly doubled to 51 last year according to preliminary statistics released this week by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Forty-six of the 51 deaths involved guns, while four officers were killed by vehicles used as weapons and one died after being beaten, the FBI said

Bill Johnson, executive director of the National Association of Police Organizations, said the 89-percent spike from 2013 to 2014 is of "great concern" to his organization, which represents some 240,000 rank-and-file officers, as well as police groups nationwide. He attributed the rise to a "larger number of intentional attacks, of ambushes, of occasions where there's a traffic stop and the person stopped immediately shoots gunfire at the police, or [cases of] deliberate assassinations."

Officers assassinated

FBI: Felonious US Police Deaths Up 89 Percent Last Year
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this wouldn't be a surprise. that thin skinned phony black man in as President can't take any criticism. so he brings the clock kid who scared the hell out a whole school to see him and blocks this kid who is actually INTELLIGENT
This kid is a moron, and he has no proof for his claim.
He rants about police deaths when police deaths are the lowest in decades.
One police death is one too many, heathen.
The boy claims obama is somehow responsible and ignoring these deaths, well, they're at the lowest point in years.

Police deaths are up you moron...and police executions rarely happened until this pathetic president's war on police

FBI: Felonious US Police Deaths Up 89 Percent Last Year


Law enforcement officers gather on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol in Washington Friday for a memorial service and wreath-laying ceremony in honor of fellow officers killed in the line of duty. The event culminates National Police Week, the annual tribute to law enforcement service and sacrifice.

And this year the memorial service may be particularly sobering. Police fatalities in the line of duty are up dramatically.

In 2013, 27 law enforcement officers were feloniously killed in the line of duty in the United States, the lowest annual total going back to 1980. That figure nearly doubled to 51 last year according to preliminary statistics released this week by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Forty-six of the 51 deaths involved guns, while four officers were killed by vehicles used as weapons and one died after being beaten, the FBI said

Bill Johnson, executive director of the National Association of Police Organizations, said the 89-percent spike from 2013 to 2014 is of "great concern" to his organization, which represents some 240,000 rank-and-file officers, as well as police groups nationwide. He attributed the rise to a "larger number of intentional attacks, of ambushes, of occasions where there's a traffic stop and the person stopped immediately shoots gunfire at the police, or [cases of] deliberate assassinations."

Officers assassinated

FBI: Felonious US Police Deaths Up 89 Percent Last Year

the idiot that says police shootings dropped was counting one year that they fell from a previous high

libs are losers who lie; TO THEMSELVES
The kid is a professional victim. The Whitehouse says he's not being blocked.

I dont see him asking for anything?

He's crying about something he's also apparently lying about.

This isn't the first time, remember. He was on Facebook in violation of the age limits.

So you want to censor him?
And what exactly did he lie about?

He is lying about this. This a hoax. He lied about his age to get on Facebook.

Sounds like he is a fit for Washington, DC. Get off your soap box.
The kid is a professional victim. The Whitehouse says he's not being blocked.

I dont see him asking for anything?

He's crying about something he's also apparently lying about.

This isn't the first time, remember. He was on Facebook in violation of the age limits.

So you want to censor him?
And what exactly did he lie about?

Just shows you how petty and intolerant left-wingers are

Tolerating assholes is enabling assholes. Why would we do that?
"Obama blocks conservative black 12-year-old from being a follower on his Twitter account"

The funny thing is that this punishment to a 12 year old who 'called him out' is more than Obama did to Syria after they violated his 'Red Line'!
Obama's skin is so think it's transparent.

The kid posted a screenshot that showed what he claimed was a notification from Twitter that he had been blocked:

CJ Pearson on Twitter

BUT, Twitter says this:

"Blocked users do not receive any notifications alerting them that their account has been blocked."

You can find that here:

Blocking users on Twitter | Twitter Help Center

...in the first paragraph.

Pretty sad spin, there, bub.

It's likely that CJ got that message when he tried to view Obama's account.
The kid posted a screenshot that showed what he claimed was a notification from Twitter that he had been blocked:

CJ Pearson on Twitter

BUT, Twitter says this:

"Blocked users do not receive any notifications alerting them that their account has been blocked."

You can find that here:

Blocking users on Twitter | Twitter Help Center

...in the first paragraph.

Pretty sad spin, there, bub.

It's likely that CJ got that message when he tried to view Obama's account.

It's more likely he's lying.

HAHAHA yeah Obama is a leftist | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
He should've called him ugly and released his phone number...yanno, like a real man would
The kid posted a screenshot that showed what he claimed was a notification from Twitter that he had been blocked:

CJ Pearson on Twitter

BUT, Twitter says this:

"Blocked users do not receive any notifications alerting them that their account has been blocked."

You can find that here:

Blocking users on Twitter | Twitter Help Center

...in the first paragraph.

OF COURSE!! This kid is blocked and I am posting this from the scene of the Jade Helm war on Americans

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