Obama bombing a hospital got less negative reporting than Trump drone

I hope nobody is surprised on how this is being played out in the media.
It IS the never ever Trump crowd, right?
Watch the Israeli papers. Our media left and right is just talking to hear themselves talk to their bases. Everyone has seen the news. You, I and 90% of the public have no problem with taking out a valid military target walking around the battlefield.
White 6, you know nothing about how I feel on what went down in the ME, yet, you do a lot of broad brushing.
You are looking a little foolish.
It's just that, people on the right twittering in the wind about the media not supporting their position, seems immature. Yes I did paint with a broad brush, that is why I said left and right. Neither side exactly has a lock on mature intellectual viewpoint. The extremist on each side literally do not realize it.

I don't think for a second anyone expects the left media to support one single thing Trump does, they would literally rather eat their shorts than do that. Literally.
But over-the-top hysteria over a single, successful, specific, military target while being silent on Obama's numerous errant bombs that killed over 1000 civilians is a bit much.
Trump is dammed if he does and dammed if he doesn't with today's dishonest and corrupt American media.....

And yet he continues to win on every front. Must drive the Left mad.

Impeached, and still the most powerful leader in the world. :laughing0301:

In 2016, Trump was a bomb without any fuse, yet he went off anyway.

Ever since he's been like a fire that despite every effort by democrats to stomp it out, pour water on it and smother with a blanket, just burns hotter and hotter.

Can you imagine the wailing in the streets and on MSNBC this fall when Trump is reelected?
... and that is the truth.
During Obama's 1000's of drone attacks, untold civilians were killed including a wedding party that killed women and children.
Trump loosens a drone, hits a very specific target successfully - and the media acts like he is at the precipice of World War.

obama didn't have THOUSANDS of attacks. from what i can find he had 540 but >20k bombs dropped.

Obama’s covert drone war in numbers: ten times more strikes than Bush

563 according to this article.

trump seems to be outpacing him - take that for whatever you wish, just looking at #'s.

people need to validate their rage and there would likely be less rage in the world.

might want to check that chit out again NOTICE THE YEARS.

Obama, had our OWN AMERICANS killed.


This page contains the links to all the posts CODA has published on Islam.
Those that concern the United States are colored red. All the others are colored blue.
50+ U.S. intelligence analysts accuse Pentagon of altering their reports to present distorted rosy view of war against ISIS,” Oct. 30, 2015.

Russian intelligence says ISIS and Taliban amassing on Afghan border for invasion of Central Asia,” Oct. 29, 2015.

Chinese military joins Russia in Syria,” Sept. 24, 2015.

“Russian tanks in Syria,” Sept. 16, 2015.

Obama to let in 10,000 Syrian refugees despite no way of identifying terrorists,” Sept. 11, 2015.

Russian troops are in Syria to help Assad regime,” Sept. 9, 2015.

Former CIA director Gen. David Petraeus wants U.S. to arm Al-Qaeda,” Sept. 3,
... and that is the truth.
During Obama's 1000's of drone attacks, untold civilians were killed including a wedding party that killed women and children.
Trump loosens a drone, hits a very specific target successfully - and the media acts like he is at the precipice of World War.

obama didn't have THOUSANDS of attacks. from what i can find he had 540 but >20k bombs dropped.

Obama’s covert drone war in numbers: ten times more strikes than Bush

563 according to this article.

trump seems to be outpacing him - take that for whatever you wish, just looking at #'s.

people need to validate their rage and there would likely be less rage in the world.

Not all of Obama's strikes were drones...

Obama launches 2,800 strikes on Iraq, Syria without congressional approval

Obama launches 2,800 strikes on Iraq, Syria without congressional approval
true - for this however i was focused on "drones" because that's what iamwhatiseem said - 1000s of DRONE attacks.
... and that is the truth.
During Obama's 1000's of drone attacks, untold civilians were killed including a wedding party that killed women and children.
Trump loosens a drone, hits a very specific target successfully - and the media acts like he is at the precipice of World War.

obama didn't have THOUSANDS of attacks. from what i can find he had 540 but >20k bombs dropped.

Obama’s covert drone war in numbers: ten times more strikes than Bush

563 according to this article.

trump seems to be outpacing him - take that for whatever you wish, just looking at #'s.

people need to validate their rage and there would likely be less rage in the world.

might want to check that chit out again NOTICE THE YEARS.

Obama, had our OWN AMERICANS killed.

View attachment 298076
This page contains the links to all the posts CODA has published on Islam.
Those that concern the United States are colored red. All the others are colored blue.
50+ U.S. intelligence analysts accuse Pentagon of altering their reports to present distorted rosy view of war against ISIS,” Oct. 30, 2015.

Russian intelligence says ISIS and Taliban amassing on Afghan border for invasion of Central Asia,” Oct. 29, 2015.

Chinese military joins Russia in Syria,” Sept. 24, 2015.

“Russian tanks in Syria,” Sept. 16, 2015.

Obama to let in 10,000 Syrian refugees despite no way of identifying terrorists,” Sept. 11, 2015.

Russian troops are in Syria to help Assad regime,” Sept. 9, 2015.

Former CIA director Gen. David Petraeus wants U.S. to arm Al-Qaeda,” Sept. 3,
i searched the first few pages of drone attacks and found several saying 540-560.

i was not addressing the rest and am not going to get dragged into it.
... and that is the truth.
During Obama's 1000's of drone attacks, untold civilians were killed including a wedding party that killed women and children.
Trump loosens a drone, hits a very specific target successfully - and the media acts like he is at the precipice of World War.

All those dead people were Muslims. Doesn't that give Trumptards a hard-on?

"The only good Muslim..."
... and that is the truth.
During Obama's 1000's of drone attacks, untold civilians were killed including a wedding party that killed women and children.
Trump loosens a drone, hits a very specific target successfully - and the media acts like he is at the precipice of World War.

obama didn't have THOUSANDS of attacks. from what i can find he had 540 but >20k bombs dropped.

Obama’s covert drone war in numbers: ten times more strikes than Bush

563 according to this article.

trump seems to be outpacing him - take that for whatever you wish, just looking at #'s.

people need to validate their rage and there would likely be less rage in the world.

might want to check that chit out again NOTICE THE YEARS.

Obama, had our OWN AMERICANS killed.

View attachment 298076
This page contains the links to all the posts CODA has published on Islam.
Those that concern the United States are colored red. All the others are colored blue.
50+ U.S. intelligence analysts accuse Pentagon of altering their reports to present distorted rosy view of war against ISIS,” Oct. 30, 2015.

Russian intelligence says ISIS and Taliban amassing on Afghan border for invasion of Central Asia,” Oct. 29, 2015.

Chinese military joins Russia in Syria,” Sept. 24, 2015.

“Russian tanks in Syria,” Sept. 16, 2015.

Obama to let in 10,000 Syrian refugees despite no way of identifying terrorists,” Sept. 11, 2015.

Russian troops are in Syria to help Assad regime,” Sept. 9, 2015.

Former CIA director Gen. David Petraeus wants U.S. to arm Al-Qaeda,” Sept. 3,
i searched the first few pages of drone attacks and found several saying 540-560.

i was not addressing the rest and am not going to get dragged into it.

I was in error, the number I confused it with was the number of civilian deaths not attacks. The actual number of drone attacks is only known by the Pentagon, as some were covert as already reported.
As best I could find the number was 573.
Point being the left media as well as the Washington talking heads (this time Democrats) going hysterical over this while ignoring the mountain of Obama's attacks is just a wee bit disingenuous.
It got less attention that trump because Obama was always pretty much a puppet for them where trump likes to do his own thing.
... and that is the truth.
During Obama's 1000's of drone attacks, untold civilians were killed including a wedding party that killed women and children.
Trump loosens a drone, hits a very specific target successfully - and the media acts like he is at the precipice of World War.

obama didn't have THOUSANDS of attacks. from what i can find he had 540 but >20k bombs dropped.

Obama’s covert drone war in numbers: ten times more strikes than Bush

563 according to this article.

trump seems to be outpacing him - take that for whatever you wish, just looking at #'s.

people need to validate their rage and there would likely be less rage in the world.

might want to check that chit out again NOTICE THE YEARS.

Obama, had our OWN AMERICANS killed.

View attachment 298076
This page contains the links to all the posts CODA has published on Islam.
Those that concern the United States are colored red. All the others are colored blue.
50+ U.S. intelligence analysts accuse Pentagon of altering their reports to present distorted rosy view of war against ISIS,” Oct. 30, 2015.

Russian intelligence says ISIS and Taliban amassing on Afghan border for invasion of Central Asia,” Oct. 29, 2015.

Chinese military joins Russia in Syria,” Sept. 24, 2015.

“Russian tanks in Syria,” Sept. 16, 2015.

Obama to let in 10,000 Syrian refugees despite no way of identifying terrorists,” Sept. 11, 2015.

Russian troops are in Syria to help Assad regime,” Sept. 9, 2015.

Former CIA director Gen. David Petraeus wants U.S. to arm Al-Qaeda,” Sept. 3,
i searched the first few pages of drone attacks and found several saying 540-560.

i was not addressing the rest and am not going to get dragged into it.

I was in error, the number I confused it with was the number of civilian deaths not attacks. The actual number of drone attacks is only known by the Pentagon, as some were covert as already reported.
As best I could find the number was 573.
Point being the left media as well as the Washington talking heads (this time Democrats) going hysterical over this while ignoring the mountain of Obama's attacks is just a wee bit disingenuous.
Of that I would agree. If this general was actively planning to attack us, warranted. I can certainly understand the trepidation of others not wanting a war, I sure don't. But we do need to defend ourselves.
Right along with Al Green 4 years ago calling for beginning an impeachment plan before the President was even elected. Right along with all of the never Trumpers everywhere.
I am no Trump fan. I give his winning the election a stand up ovation... as should every American citizen who is not a corporatist/globalist. A non establishment candidate winning is a win for EVERYONE... BUT... the wealthy investor class.
Trump is about 10% as bad as the hysterics and 24 hour media drum beating makes him out to be.
Indeed, virtually everything the left is triggered about - Obama did also, and probably worse.

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