Obama Budget Shows Middle-Class Tax Pledge Was Fraud


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
PAY UP you fools who voted for this man...Obama needs YOUR hard earned MONEY...tsk tsk

Posted 04/23/2013 06:35 PM ET

Taxes: A new study shows President Obama's budget would significantly boost taxes on the middle class. Funny, we seem to recall him promising voters that only the rich would pay for his grandiose spending plans.

According to the analysis from the nonpartisan but liberal-leaning Tax Policy Center, Obama's budget would hit wealthy families hardest, with the top 20% of income earners shouldering almost 90% of the tax hike.

But families at every income level would end up paying more if Obama's budget were enacted, including those making less than $10,000 a year.

Among other things, the TPC explains, Obama wants to nearly double the federal cigarette tax, raising it to $1.95 a pack and indexing it for inflation, to pay for his universal preschool plan. That hike would be paid for almost entirely by lower-income families.

In addition, Obama wants to change the government's inflation gauge to what's called a "chained CPI," which would in effect lower the official inflation number.

Since tax brackets are indexed to the CPI, this would push middle-class families into higher tax brackets more quickly. The Tax Policy Center's Joseph Rosenberg called it a "backdoor" tax hike of $100 billion.

Then there's Obama's proposal to limit the tax break from deductions to 28%, which would raise taxes on families with incomes down to $183,250 — well below Obama's no-new-tax threshold of $250,000.

This will be a shock to those who thought Obama was being honest when he promised during his re-election campaign that he could spend more money and cut the deficit simply by asking the "wealthiest families to pay a little more" and closing some corporate loopholes.

The fact is, Obama long ago violated his no-new-middle-class-tax pledge, not that anyone noticed, since the press gave him a free pass.

Almost as soon as he took office, Obama signed a law that nearly tripled the federal cigarette taxes — a $33 billion tax hike paid mainly by lower-income families.

all of it here
Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Obama's Budget Shows His Middle-Class Tax Pledge Was A Fraud - Investors.com
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All those "lower income families" need to do is stop smoking and they can avoid the tax.

Frankly, if you are having trouble making ends meet, you shouldn't be smoking to start with.
All those "lower income families" need to do is stop smoking and they can avoid the tax.

Frankly, if you are having trouble making ends meet, you shouldn't be smoking to start with.

well Frankly, it's none of your business and this isn't about the smoking, now is it
It's about the taxes on the middle CLASS in HIS BUDGET
All those "lower income families" need to do is stop smoking and they can avoid the tax.

Frankly, if you are having trouble making ends meet, you shouldn't be smoking to start with.

well Frankly, it's none of your business and this isn't about the smoking, now is it
It's about the taxes on the middle CLASS in HIS BUDGET

No, it's about taxing a dangerous product that costs billions in health care costs every year the rest of us have to carry.

Not getting weepy over the smokers paying more.
I'm sure when the ACA hits, you know, the one with another 21 tax increases in it, folks will begin to see just who they put back in the WH. The who that could give shit one about the middle class.

I'm also sure they will be regretting their choice big time.
Obama’s War on the Middle Class

May 24, 2013 By Mark Hendrickson


Further evidence of Obama’s silent war on the middle class is the explosion in the number of Americans receiving food stamps. When Obama took office in January 2009, there were approximately 32 million Americans on food stamps; as of April 5, 2013, that numbered had swollen by nearly 50% to 47.3 million.[3] Poor Americans already had been receiving food stamps before Obama became president; the increase came from members of the middle-class Americans that his policies had initiated into hard times.

Another dramatic indicator of economic hardship has been the unprecedented increase in the number of Americans receiving federal disability payments—8.8 million, a 19% increase in only four years. Working conditions haven’t become more dangerous; the disturbing rise in these numbers means that many have found it easier to get on disability than to get a job. The 1.4 million net increase in disability enrollments is five times greater than the growth in net jobs during the same period—a meager 291,000 jobs.[4]


Obama channeled millions of stimulus dollars to increase employment for such favored constituencies as teachers, construction workers, and federal employees in his first two years without significantly reducing unemployment. The economic explanation is this: When a job exists (or earns as much as it does) only because of a government subsidy, then the job is costing more than the value it is producing. This imposes a net loss on society, and the wealth that is diverted from the private sector reduces its ability to create and sustain economically viable jobs.

Is the Obama-Caused Economic Weakness Intentional?


The Green Agenda

President Obama is what I call a “mean green.” Like the radical environmentalists, he objects to the American middle class’s standard of living. He disapproves of Americans living comfortably when there are poor nations in the world. In his words: “We can’t drive our SUVs and, you know, eat as much as we want and keep our homes, you know, 72 degrees at all times…and then just expect that every other country is going to say OK…[when we] keep using 25 percent of the world’s energy.”

That explains why Obama chose Dr. Steven Chu to be Secretary of Energy for his first term. Chu’s most famous policy goal was encapsulated in his statement, “Somehow we have to figure out a way to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.” Well, Chu didn’t succeed fully, but the price of gasoline is approximately double what it was at the outset of the Obama presidency.


Obama?s War on the Middle Class | FrontPage Magazine
Boohoo. Smokers have to pay more for their unhealthy habit. Boo-fucking-hoo
The cigarette tax is not being used to fund pre-schoolers, they are using to pay for Medicaid insurance. Look at every state budget and you will see that taxes paid on cigarettes is funding their portion of Medicaid costs.

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