Obama budget to take aim at wealthy IRAs

You keep showing us there's no delineation between libertarians and Marxists.

Well, since I'm neither, what is your point?

Frankly, if anything, I'm saving the Rich from themselves. Income inequality always ends badly for the rich..

If you want to see how this story ends..

France 1787
Russia- 1917
Cuba - 1959
Iran - 1979.

The poor ended up even worse, moron.

That's not really true. Cubans are vastly better off under Castro than they were under Batista. It's why 50 years of "they are going to rise up against Castro, any minute now!" the exile community in Florida has been crooning has never happened.

You think your average Frenchman isn't better off today than he was under Louis XVI?

I will grant, revolutions cause a lot of short term misery, which is why they are to be avoided.

One should also recoginize that in all four of those cases, the rest of the world crapped themselves and spent decades punishing these countries for killing their rich people. Because we wouldn't want that kind of thing to catch on.
George Paz

Express Scripts


As someone who has Express Scripts as our prescription drug provider, I htink this is obscene. Their service is beyond shitty.

Then why do you use it?

What a fucking moron.

I don't have a choice. My company picks that service along with all the other increasingly half-ass services they try to pass off as "coverage". Because we can't do what every other industrialized country has done and go to single payer.

Single-payer would put your company out of business, or......it wouldn't be a private company anymore. It would be taken over by the government and they would be told how much they can earn along with who they could cover. You would be simply a go between and that's all.
Well, since I'm neither, what is your point?

Frankly, if anything, I'm saving the Rich from themselves. Income inequality always ends badly for the rich..

If you want to see how this story ends..

France 1787
Russia- 1917
Cuba - 1959
Iran - 1979.

The poor ended up even worse, moron.

That's not really true. Cubans are vastly better off under Castro than they were under Batista. It's why 50 years of "they are going to rise up against Castro, any minute now!" the exile community in Florida has been crooning has never happened.

You think your average Frenchman isn't better off today than he was under Louis XVI?

I will grant, revolutions cause a lot of short term misery, which is why they are to be avoided.

One should also recoginize that in all four of those cases, the rest of the world crapped themselves and spent decades punishing these countries for killing their rich people. Because we wouldn't want that kind of thing to catch on.

That explains why hundreds of thousands of them risked their lives to sail to America. Because many of them hated being better off.
Then why do you use it?

What a fucking moron.

I don't have a choice. My company picks that service along with all the other increasingly half-ass services they try to pass off as "coverage". Because we can't do what every other industrialized country has done and go to single payer.

Single-payer would put your company out of business, or......it wouldn't be a private company anymore. It would be taken over by the government and they would be told how much they can earn along with who they could cover. You would be simply a go between and that's all.

My company is based in the United Kingdom, where they ALREADY HAVE Single Payer.

Their biggest complaint. How much it costs to do business in America because of the cost of health insurance.

Frankly, I'm pretty tired of getting increasingly shitty service and watching these insurance company CEO pull down 8 figures for providing crappy service.
The poor ended up even worse, moron.

That's not really true. Cubans are vastly better off under Castro than they were under Batista. It's why 50 years of "they are going to rise up against Castro, any minute now!" the exile community in Florida has been crooning has never happened.

You think your average Frenchman isn't better off today than he was under Louis XVI?

I will grant, revolutions cause a lot of short term misery, which is why they are to be avoided.

One should also recoginize that in all four of those cases, the rest of the world crapped themselves and spent decades punishing these countries for killing their rich people. Because we wouldn't want that kind of thing to catch on.

That explains why hundreds of thousands of them risked their lives to sail to America. Because many of them hated being better off.

The ones who came here were the ones engaged in the douchebaggery.

Not counting when Castro decided to empty his prisons on our shores to make Carter look like a twit, most of the people who fled in the 1960's were the ones who were helping the Corporations and the Mob rape their country. Our mistake was taking them in, because they've been a toxin in our politics ever since.
Actually, you are under any service.

What you resent is paying to cover poor people. You don't mind covering the salary of a greedy CEO...

You do not pay the salary of a CEO. The company he runs pays his salary.

NO, insurance companies wouldn't exist without the labor of the people who buy policies, inflicted on them by managers trying to find the cheapest plan instead of the best plan.

If the people don't work for the insurance company then their labor is irrelevant to that company.

Your labor has nothing to do with a company you do not work for.

So, yeah, we pay their salaries, which add NOTHING to the quality of health care. Usually quite the oppossite, like when one of these dickheads calls a cancer a pre-existing condition because you had acne once.

Hey you're the one that wants government to force you to buy insurance and now you're whining about it.

Tell you what don't but it and pay the penalty tax that way you'll be giving the government extra money and that's what you want everyone else to do so lead by example.
You do not pay the salary of a CEO. The company he runs pays his salary.

NO, insurance companies wouldn't exist without the labor of the people who buy policies, inflicted on them by managers trying to find the cheapest plan instead of the best plan.

If the people don't work for the insurance company then their labor is irrelevant to that company.

Your labor has nothing to do with a company you do not work for.

That company only has a product because companies like mine pay them for a service. They only have money because people like me go in and work thankless jobs.

Now, personally, I'd like to get rid of private insurance and go single payer like every other country has had the good sense to do. And they can do it without paying a CEO 8 figures to make inhumane decisions.

So, yeah, we pay their salaries, which add NOTHING to the quality of health care. Usually quite the oppossite, like when one of these dickheads calls a cancer a pre-existing condition because you had acne once.

Hey you're the one that wants government to force you to buy insurance and now you're whining about it.

Tell you what don't but it and pay the penalty tax that way you'll be giving the government extra money and that's what you want everyone else to do so lead by example.[/QUOTE]

NO, I wanted a public option, single payer. ObamaCare is settling for half a loaf, admittably, because our politicians are cowards and our voters are easily manipulated sheep.

Until private insurance collapses in on itself (and it inevitably will), we will do these half measures. Kind of like a theif looting a burning house.
That's not really true. Cubans are vastly better off under Castro than they were under Batista. It's why 50 years of "they are going to rise up against Castro, any minute now!" the exile community in Florida has been crooning has never happened.

You think your average Frenchman isn't better off today than he was under Louis XVI?

I will grant, revolutions cause a lot of short term misery, which is why they are to be avoided.

One should also recoginize that in all four of those cases, the rest of the world crapped themselves and spent decades punishing these countries for killing their rich people. Because we wouldn't want that kind of thing to catch on.

That explains why hundreds of thousands of them risked their lives to sail to America. Because many of them hated being better off.

The ones who came here were the ones engaged in the douchebaggery.

Not counting when Castro decided to empty his prisons on our shores to make Carter look like a twit, most of the people who fled in the 1960's were the ones who were helping the Corporations and the Mob rape their country. Our mistake was taking them in, because they've been a toxin in our politics ever since.

The small Cassava farmer Roberto Lamas III fled in the 1960s because one of Castro's henchmen wanted his house. He was beaten, his wife was raped, his sons were taken for slave labor and they were forced to leave his land and sent into Havana to beg in the streets.

Yeah, he's much better off :cuckoo:
That explains why hundreds of thousands of them risked their lives to sail to America. Because many of them hated being better off.

The ones who came here were the ones engaged in the douchebaggery.

Not counting when Castro decided to empty his prisons on our shores to make Carter look like a twit, most of the people who fled in the 1960's were the ones who were helping the Corporations and the Mob rape their country. Our mistake was taking them in, because they've been a toxin in our politics ever since.

The small Cassava farmer Roberto Lamas III fled in the 1960s because one of Castro's henchmen wanted his house. He was beaten, his wife was raped, his sons were taken for slave labor and they were forced to leave his land and sent into Havana to beg in the streets.

Yeah, he's much better off :cuckoo:

Most Cubans are..

Our mistake was taking this refuse in. they should have taken their medicine for picking the wrong side.
You do not pay the salary of a CEO. The company he runs pays his salary.

NO, insurance companies wouldn't exist without the labor of the people who buy policies, inflicted on them by managers trying to find the cheapest plan instead of the best plan.

If the people don't work for the insurance company then their labor is irrelevant to that company.

Your labor has nothing to do with a company you do not work for.

So, yeah, we pay their salaries, which add NOTHING to the quality of health care. Usually quite the oppossite, like when one of these dickheads calls a cancer a pre-existing condition because you had acne once.

Hey you're the one that wants government to force you to buy insurance and now you're whining about it.

Tell you what don't but it and pay the penalty tax that way you'll be giving the government extra money and that's what you want everyone else to do so lead by example.

You have to love that scheme. If you don't "buy" the insurance we tell you to, when we tell you to, at the cost we tell you to, we will punish you buy taking your money anyhow. Rather belies the true purpose of the entire government plot, that being: to extract as much money as possible from the population while delivering little more than lip service for the promised "benefits". Sadly, there are way too many weak-minded, lazy individuals who think they will get something for nothing, at someone else's expense (the rich).

You have to love that scheme. If you don't "buy" the insurance we tell you to, when we tell you to, at the cost we tell you to, we will punish you buy taking your money anyhow. Rather belies the true purpose of the entire government plot, that being: to extract as much money as possible from the population while delivering little more than lip service for the promised "benefits". Sadly, there are way too many weak-minded, lazy individuals who think they will get something for nothing, at someone else's expense (the rich).

No, the problem is, I'm ALREADY paying for the non-insured.

I have insurance. I kick in about $1000 a year and my company kicks in about $4000 on my behalf. I also kick in about $500.00 a year into a HSA. (I fucking HATE HSA's).

WHen a poor person gets sick, he doesn't dutifully say, "Well, I'm poor. better get about the dying thing!" Nope. He shows up at an emergency room, gets treated at five times the cost of what it would cost if he got to see a general practioner. And that cost gets spread out to those of us who did the responsible thing and did pay. That is after we've paid for the eight figure salaries of the Insurance and Health Care CEO's...

And that's the thing. in EVERY OTHER COUNTRY, the amount spent per capita per person is half what it is in ours.

Because we aren't carrying all this muda* in the cost of heath care.

They live longer, less of their babies die in infancy, and a medical crisis doesn't cause 62% of bankruptcies.

[*Muda= Japanese for "waste".]

You have to love that scheme. If you don't "buy" the insurance we tell you to, when we tell you to, at the cost we tell you to, we will punish you buy taking your money anyhow. Rather belies the true purpose of the entire government plot, that being: to extract as much money as possible from the population while delivering little more than lip service for the promised "benefits". Sadly, there are way too many weak-minded, lazy individuals who think they will get something for nothing, at someone else's expense (the rich).

No, the problem is, I'm ALREADY paying for the non-insured.

I have insurance. I kick in about $1000 a year and my company kicks in about $4000 on my behalf. I also kick in about $500.00 a year into a HSA. (I fucking HATE HSA's).

WHen a poor person gets sick, he doesn't dutifully say, "Well, I'm poor. better get about the dying thing!" Nope. He shows up at an emergency room, gets treated at five times the cost of what it would cost if he got to see a general practioner. And that cost gets spread out to those of us who did the responsible thing and did pay. That is after we've paid for the eight figure salaries of the Insurance and Health Care CEO's...

And that's the thing. in EVERY OTHER COUNTRY, the amount spent per capita per person is half what it is in ours.

Because we aren't carrying all this muda* in the cost of heath care.

They live longer, less of their babies die in infancy, and a medical crisis doesn't cause 62% of bankruptcies.

[*Muda= Japanese for "waste".]

If you and your employer are only kicking in $5000 per year then you are the one being subsidized. No wonder you like Obamacare.

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