Obama budget to take aim at wealthy IRAs

No, we can't.

HOw about this. Let employees vote out the CEO.

Sounds simple to me.

It sounds pretty stupid to me.

But begging for their scraps like you do, that's fine?

Actually, companies in Germany and Japan already do this.

And while American CEO's make 400 times what a line worker makes, German and Japanese CEO's make only about 10-15 times what line workers make.

And oddly, it works out.


That is such a crap statistic. Only a small fraction of CEOs make that multiple - and they are found in mega corporations. The typical CEO in the U.S. manages a small to medium size firm, and the ratio is in line with or even lower than the Japanese one.

I work in high tech. The CEOs in smaller companies for which I have worked make about 4X-5X what an engineer does.
It sounds pretty stupid to me.

But begging for their scraps like you do, that's fine?

Actually, companies in Germany and Japan already do this.

And while American CEO's make 400 times what a line worker makes, German and Japanese CEO's make only about 10-15 times what line workers make.

And oddly, it works out.


That is such a crap statistic. Only a small fraction of CEOs make that multiple - and they are found in mega corporations. The typical CEO in the U.S. manages a small to medium size firm, and the ratio is in line with or even lower than the Japanese one.

I work in high tech. The CEOs in smaller companies for which I have worked make about 4X-5X what an engineer does.

CEOs, unlike doctors, have not managed to garner the sympathy of the American public. However, like doctors, they do a unique job that requires specialized skills and talent. They are not the representative of the American worker. That would be the union rep, not the CEO. The CEO's job is to turn a profit and make the most possible money for the company shareholders.

I have my own company registered in TN of which I am a CEO. I don't employe anyone, it is a one woman endeavor. If I live long enough, though, I may take on one employee to help with the more mundane tasks. That person will not be the reaons and motivation for my business. Making money is the reason and motivation for my business.
Why should millions of people lose their jobs because a few rich, greedy assholes make bad decisions?

Frankly, I think you are halfway making my case for me.

Because without those rich, greedy assholes making decisions, good or bad, those millions of people wouldn't have the jobs in the first place.

Except they don't make good decisions, or at least not good decisions for working people.

And that's the problem. The focus SHOULD be keeping people employed, not making obscene profits for the wealthy.

Case in point. My phone company recently screwed up my bill. I called to resolve it, and it took 10 minutes of going through an automated operator before I finally got to a person in a call center in the Philippines. Barely spoke English and took another 10 minutes to resolve my problem.

Now, while that made some asshole wealthier for thinking of it, it didn't do me any good, as it was a waste of my time, and it didn't help the workforce any, as an American should have been doing that job.

But keep saying how it's so important that the top 20% have 85% of the wealth and the rest of us should be happy fighting over the scraps with illegals and people in other countries.

No, really dude,


  • $deadhorse.jpg
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Funny how this article starts out with "like Mitt Romney" and doesn't start out with "like Barrack Obama." Wonder why? It would actually make sense to do so.

President Obama’s budget, to be released next week, will limit how much wealthy individuals – like Mitt Romney – can keep in IRAs and other retirement accounts.

The proposal would save around $9 billion over a decade, a senior administration official said, while also bringing more fairness to the tax code.

Read more: Obama budget to take aim at wealthy IRAs - The Hill's On The Money
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They need crack down on off-shore accounts and blind trusts. If you move your money off shore, it should be taxed both when you move it and when you later try to spend or use it back in the states.

Taxation is partially about steering people toward desirable behavior. Dodging capital gains taxes is NOT desirable behavior.

Then got to Germany. And for your information, I earn 6 figures a year.

If find people who brag about how much they make on the internet as tedious as folks who brag about how big their male members are...

Incidently, the intent is to fix this country. Before Germany got to where it is today, they made a lot of mistakes. We are currently repeating them.

That is such a crap statistic. Only a small fraction of CEOs make that multiple - and they are found in mega corporations. The typical CEO in the U.S. manages a small to medium size firm, and the ratio is in line with or even lower than the Japanese one.

I work in high tech. The CEOs in smaller companies for which I have worked make about 4X-5X what an engineer does.

CEO Compensation, 2012

Here was my favorite.

George Paz

Express Scripts


As someone who has Express Scripts as our prescription drug provider, I htink this is obscene. Their service is beyond shitty.
Of course you failed to note that it was YOU who purchased that plan that makes it happen. That CEO did not make the decisions because he thought he could screw another person out of a job. He made that decision because his customers demanded a cheaper product. Had he stayed with what YOU are demanding: an American help line employed by some nice union employees with fast and reliable service, you would have dropped them faster than a hot potato as soon as you seen the bill. That is the reality. There are no companies that offer this service anymore (because there was a time when they did) because the customers flocked to the cheaper venue. The one time affair was not worth paying hundreds more a year.

Uh, sorry, guy, most of the time I was growing up. we had nice reliable union guys running the phones and guess what, bills weren't much more than they are now.

You continually ignore this basic fact. For one that claims demand drives the economy and supply is totally irrelevant, for one that is supposedly a Keynesian economic proponent, you seem to not understand the most basic of concepts.

Once again, you fools on the right crashed the economy in 2008. It's clear you don't understand much of anything.

You want to know why we are here in this situation, Americans are refusing to take personal responsibility in the decisions they make regarding their money. Instead, they beg and grovel for the government to do it for them so they can be fat and lazy without thinking about their purchases. How has that turned out? Asking the government owned by the major corporations to look out for us? Yes, not so well.

Again, we need to take our government back from the corporations... we kind of did that in 2008 and 2012. But that's okay, man... keep blaming working people for the excesses of the rich....


That always works out well.

That is such a crap statistic. Only a small fraction of CEOs make that multiple - and they are found in mega corporations. The typical CEO in the U.S. manages a small to medium size firm, and the ratio is in line with or even lower than the Japanese one.

I work in high tech. The CEOs in smaller companies for which I have worked make about 4X-5X what an engineer does.

CEO Compensation, 2012

Here was my favorite.

George Paz

Express Scripts


As someone who has Express Scripts as our prescription drug provider, I htink this is obscene. Their service is beyond shitty.

Then don't use their service if you don't like how he's compensated.

There also something about exec comp that you probably don't realize: GAAP and SEC reporting require the increase in the paper value of stock options to be classified as compensation, even if they haven't been cashed in. This feature often overstates actual comp by quite a bit.

You also neglect the role of Big Government in enriching over-regulated industries.
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Then got to Germany. And for your information, I earn 6 figures a year.

If find people who brag about how much they make on the internet as tedious as folks who brag about how big their male members are...

Incidently, the intent is to fix this country. Before Germany got to where it is today, they made a lot of mistakes. We are currently repeating them.

I agree with you, yes we are repeating many of Germany's mistakes.

Then got to Germany. And for your information, I earn 6 figures a year.

If find people who brag about how much they make on the internet as tedious as folks who brag about how big their male members are...

Incidently, the intent is to fix this country. Before Germany got to where it is today, they made a lot of mistakes. We are currently repeating them.

Well give it 6 weeks and I will be on Social Security.
Of course you failed to note that it was YOU who purchased that plan that makes it happen. That CEO did not make the decisions because he thought he could screw another person out of a job. He made that decision because his customers demanded a cheaper product. Had he stayed with what YOU are demanding: an American help line employed by some nice union employees with fast and reliable service, you would have dropped them faster than a hot potato as soon as you seen the bill. That is the reality. There are no companies that offer this service anymore (because there was a time when they did) because the customers flocked to the cheaper venue. The one time affair was not worth paying hundreds more a year.

Uh, sorry, guy, most of the time I was growing up. we had nice reliable union guys running the phones and guess what, bills weren't much more than they are now.

You continually ignore this basic fact. For one that claims demand drives the economy and supply is totally irrelevant, for one that is supposedly a Keynesian economic proponent, you seem to not understand the most basic of concepts.

Once again, you fools on the right crashed the economy in 2008. It's clear you don't understand much of anything.

You want to know why we are here in this situation, Americans are refusing to take personal responsibility in the decisions they make regarding their money. Instead, they beg and grovel for the government to do it for them so they can be fat and lazy without thinking about their purchases. How has that turned out? Asking the government owned by the major corporations to look out for us? Yes, not so well.

Again, we need to take our government back from the corporations... we kind of did that in 2008 and 2012. But that's okay, man... keep blaming working people for the excesses of the rich....


That always works out well.

You obviously weren't paying attention to what happened to unions in Wisconsin last year.

In U.S., Labor Union Approval Steady at 52%

Approval for unions are near a record low.

Then don't use their service if you don't like how he's compensated.

There also something about exec comp that you probably don't realize: GAAP and SEC reporting require the increase in the paper value of stock options to be classified as compensation, even if they haven't been cashed in. This feature often overstates actual comp by quite a bit.

You also neglect the role of Big Government in enriching over-regulated industries.

I WOULD love to pick another service. Unfortunately, that's the one my employer picked. Great thing, if we could actually DEMAND which service we want, and then have our employers pay for it without whinging, you might be on to something.

don't care about the tricks they use to hide how much the one percent is stealing from the rest of us.

Nope, don't blame government for greed any more than I blame short dresses for rape.

Then got to Germany. And for your information, I earn 6 figures a year.

If find people who brag about how much they make on the internet as tedious as folks who brag about how big their male members are...

Incidently, the intent is to fix this country. Before Germany got to where it is today, they made a lot of mistakes. We are currently repeating them.

I agree with you, yes we are repeating many of Germany's mistakes.

Oh, wait, this isn't going to be one of your crazy Obama=Hitler analogies, because honestly, that never stops sounding crazy.
Nope, don't blame government for greed any more than I blame short dresses for rape.

What a bogus analogy.

Oh, it's a perfect analogy...

The Rapist used to be able to argue that unless the woman was pretty much a virgin, you could bring up her past as a defense. She was dressed that way, she was a loose woman, etc. Frankly, these arguments were still made within my lifetime. Like the notorious case with the woman who was assaulted on the Pool Table in the 1980's. Only crazy feminists argued otherwise.

Similarly, whenever the greedy CEO justifies screwing over workers and consumers, why, it's because government regulates too much. How dare you insist we not put toxins in the water? We are going to move our factory to a place where that's cool.

Mitt Romney regaled his 50K a plate audience with how wonderful he thought it was that there were these women at this Chinese appliance factory who lived 120 to a dorm, 10 to a room. How dare American workers demand decent working conditions and decent pay. Hey, none of you wage slaves carrying away those plates have a camera, do you?

Finding someone else to blame for your bad behavior. Why not just call them on their bad behavior?
Nope, don't blame government for greed any more than I blame short dresses for rape.

What a bogus analogy.

Oh, it's a perfect analogy...

The Rapist used to be able to argue that unless the woman was pretty much a virgin, you could bring up her past as a defense. She was dressed that way, she was a loose woman, etc. Frankly, these arguments were still made within my lifetime. Like the notorious case with the woman who was assaulted on the Pool Table in the 1980's. Only crazy feminists argued otherwise.

Similarly, whenever the greedy CEO justifies screwing over workers and consumers, why, it's because government regulates too much. How dare you insist we not put toxins in the water? We are going to move our factory to a place where that's cool.

Mitt Romney regaled his 50K a plate audience with how wonderful he thought it was that there were these women at this Chinese appliance factory who lived 120 to a dorm, 10 to a room. How dare American workers demand decent working conditions and decent pay. Hey, none of you wage slaves carrying away those plates have a camera, do you?

Finding someone else to blame for your bad behavior. Why not just call them on their bad behavior?


Big Government Cronies are enabled by Big Government to rent seek. Big Government is hardly the Short Skirt in the equation. It is a Co-Rapist.


Big Government Cronies are enabled by Big Government to rent seek. Big Government is hardly the Short Skirt in the equation. It is a Co-Rapist.

Huh? WTF are you even talking about here?

By your logic, we should have seen LESS bad behavior by corporations when Bush either rolled back regulations or didn't bother to enforce the ones which were on the books.
If find people who brag about how much they make on the internet as tedious as folks who brag about how big their male members are...

Incidently, the intent is to fix this country. Before Germany got to where it is today, they made a lot of mistakes. We are currently repeating them.

I agree with you, yes we are repeating many of Germany's mistakes.

Oh, wait, this isn't going to be one of your crazy Obama=Hitler analogies, because honestly, that never stops sounding crazy.

Oh, gee, I have never made that analogy. But, no, we are making many of the same mistakes Germany has. I just wonder why we think our outcome will be any different.

Then don't use their service if you don't like how he's compensated.

There also something about exec comp that you probably don't realize: GAAP and SEC reporting require the increase in the paper value of stock options to be classified as compensation, even if they haven't been cashed in. This feature often overstates actual comp by quite a bit.

You also neglect the role of Big Government in enriching over-regulated industries.

I WOULD love to pick another service. Unfortunately, that's the one my employer picked. Great thing, if we could actually DEMAND which service we want, and then have our employers pay for it without whinging, you might be on to something.

don't care about the tricks they use to hide how much the one percent is stealing from the rest of us.

Nope, don't blame government for greed any more than I blame short dresses for rape.

Wow! I agree with something you've posted twice in one day!!!
I would also love to pick the services I want. Unfortunately, I don't get to choose what I want or need, I am forced to pay for a whole bunch of service that is now mandated by Obamacare. So much for choices...

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