Obama budget to take aim at wealthy IRAs

some people just hate the founders intention for the peopel to have power

But people should be FAIRLY Compensated.

BUt in Right Wing crazy land, 58K for assembling a car is too much, and 12 million for mismanagin the company is too little.

Frankly, I want the guy who assembled my car to be well compensated.

FAIR is SUBJECTIVE, you idiot... you want more, you put yourself in demand more.. it is that fucking simple

How many can flip a burger, use an airgun to put a bolt in a car or whatever??? MANY with very little skill or training.. how many can run a multi-national company??? I'll put it this way, if it is so easy to be a CEO of a billion dollar company, why have you not started a company and got it there???

You're argument would be valid if these CEO's started the companies, built them up and got them there.

In the case of GM, the CEO there ran his company so badly that investors lost their shirts, the company declared bankruptcy and the government had to bail it out.

Yet he still got a 12 million dollar severance package. But that guy with the airgun, that guy is making too much money. Really.

Uh huh.. sorry.. many of them DID or worked their way up from the beginning of the company

And where was GM forced to hire someone YOU deem as incompetent? Did they not have the freedom to hire who they want and take the consequences... and did the person getting hired have to prove or advertise credentials that set him or her above other candidates?? Where was your application and resume?? Where were you proving how wrong they were and how easy it was for you to do?? I mean if you know so much, you should be able to articulate it to get yourself in that CEO position.. Where are you doing that??? Please show us... You seem to know it all about how easy it is to run a billion dollar business.. all the while collectively making sure all workers get evenly compensated

And yes, almost ANYONE can operate an airgun with little training and experience.. you tell us how running a multi-national conglomerate is done.. we're waiting
some people just hate the founders intention for the peopel to have power

They never intended, you drunk twat, for 'the people' to have the power to infringe on others and take from 'the successful' because of their jealousy of 'the successful'.. that was FAR from what this country was founded on and far from how the government was set up to work

Now.. do the right thing and go kill yourself and make the world a better place..
My point is, is why do they name Romney when in fact Obama is one of the 1 percenters? Or Al Gore was bragged about just recently about being richer then Romney. We all know why, but it needs asked any way.

OH, was THAT your point?

Maybe it was because Romney went around talking about how half the country wouldn't vote for him because they weren't going to benefit from his tax cuts because they were all on Welfare.

Maybe because Romney was the guy talking about making 120 Chinese women share a single bathroom at a factory behind barbed wire was a "Great investment".

Maybe because he went around saying stuff like "I like to be able to fire people" and "I'm not concerned about the very poor."

Such a partisan dancing horse you are. Romney was so yesterday. The reason that his name was used was for class warfare that is all. Obama and Gore certainly are not going to direct those comments towards themselves even though they are more applicable.

Uh huh.. sorry.. many of them DID or worked their way up from the beginning of the company

And where was GM forced to hire someone YOU deem as incompetent? Did they not have the freedom to hire who they want and take the consequences... and did the person getting hired have to prove or advertise credentials that set him or her above other candidates?? Where was your application and resume?? Where were you proving how wrong they were and how easy it was for you to do?? I mean if you know so much, you should be able to articulate it to get yourself in that CEO position.. Where are you doing that??? Please show us... You seem to know it all about how easy it is to run a billion dollar business.. all the while collectively making sure all workers get evenly compensated

And yes, almost ANYONE can operate an airgun with little training and experience.. you tell us how running a multi-national conglomerate is done.. we're waiting

Well, how about not insisting on making more SUV's no one wanted to buy when gas went up to $4.00 a gallon would have been a good idea.

POint was, Wagoneer fucked it up, not the guy with the blowgun.
My point is, is why do they name Romney when in fact Obama is one of the 1 percenters? Or Al Gore was bragged about just recently about being richer then Romney. We all know why, but it needs asked any way.

OH, was THAT your point?

Maybe it was because Romney went around talking about how half the country wouldn't vote for him because they weren't going to benefit from his tax cuts because they were all on Welfare.

Maybe because Romney was the guy talking about making 120 Chinese women share a single bathroom at a factory behind barbed wire was a "Great investment".

Maybe because he went around saying stuff like "I like to be able to fire people" and "I'm not concerned about the very poor."

Such a partisan dancing horse you are. Romney was so yesterday. The reason that his name was used was for class warfare that is all. Obama and Gore certainly are not going to direct those comments towards themselves even though they are more applicable.

Romney was part of the problem.

The GOP used to get working people and their problems.

Now they sit there eating their plates that cost more than an average American makes in a year and wondering why the lazy bastards won't vote for them.

Uh huh.. sorry.. many of them DID or worked their way up from the beginning of the company

And where was GM forced to hire someone YOU deem as incompetent? Did they not have the freedom to hire who they want and take the consequences... and did the person getting hired have to prove or advertise credentials that set him or her above other candidates?? Where was your application and resume?? Where were you proving how wrong they were and how easy it was for you to do?? I mean if you know so much, you should be able to articulate it to get yourself in that CEO position.. Where are you doing that??? Please show us... You seem to know it all about how easy it is to run a billion dollar business.. all the while collectively making sure all workers get evenly compensated

And yes, almost ANYONE can operate an airgun with little training and experience.. you tell us how running a multi-national conglomerate is done.. we're waiting

Well, how about not insisting on making more SUV's no one wanted to buy when gas went up to $4.00 a gallon would have been a good idea.

POint was, Wagoneer fucked it up, not the guy with the blowgun.

Uhhh.. so now you also get to control demand for product... or the free will of the company to make what it wants and live or die by those decisions (and they should have been allowed to die)... my, what power hungry little fuckers you collectivists are

Point was.. if it were SO easy and if their compensation were easy to get because even little simpletons like yourself could do it right, YOU WOULD BE DOING IT
The rich are going to be fine, really.

I mean, they might only have to buy ONE dressage horsie this year, but they will be fine.

joe are you still rocking that I was a republican thing?

uh do you want the government telling you what is acceptable and what is not in terms or making money? Are you serious?
The rich are going to be fine, really.

I mean, they might only have to buy ONE dressage horsie this year, but they will be fine.

I'm sure you won't mind eating that horse after you've murdered all the "wealthy" and stolen all their goods. I cannot imagine you would know what else to do with a fine, well-trained animal of that sort.

Actually, teaching a horse how to dance is sort of humiliating to the horse. Shooting it would be a mercy.

Something is truly fucked up if we can't provide decent education and health care for all America's children, but some rich douchebag can spend money teaching a fucking horse to dance.

Jealous much?

Riddle me this: do you watch MOVIES or SPORTING EVENTS? How rich are the performers and athletes who are doing basically trivial fluff?

Here's a clue: people have THE RIGHT to spend THEIR OWN MONEY however their tastes and means afford them. You may not like dressage, but that is absolutely not a criteria for how someone else spends HIS OWN MONEY.
some people just hate the founders intention for the peopel to have power

And Idiots like you advocate for the government to concentrate power and destroy individual rights.

Go figure.

Uh huh.. sorry.. many of them DID or worked their way up from the beginning of the company

And where was GM forced to hire someone YOU deem as incompetent? Did they not have the freedom to hire who they want and take the consequences... and did the person getting hired have to prove or advertise credentials that set him or her above other candidates?? Where was your application and resume?? Where were you proving how wrong they were and how easy it was for you to do?? I mean if you know so much, you should be able to articulate it to get yourself in that CEO position.. Where are you doing that??? Please show us... You seem to know it all about how easy it is to run a billion dollar business.. all the while collectively making sure all workers get evenly compensated

And yes, almost ANYONE can operate an airgun with little training and experience.. you tell us how running a multi-national conglomerate is done.. we're waiting

Well, how about not insisting on making more SUV's no one wanted to buy when gas went up to $4.00 a gallon would have been a good idea.

POint was, Wagoneer fucked it up, not the guy with the blowgun.

Seems consumers are pretty interested in your SUVs. All of the big three are posting records sales, led by big pickups. Maybe your opinions are not as universal as you would like to think they are?

Detroit gets a lift from robust pickup sales- MSN Money

Uh huh.. sorry.. many of them DID or worked their way up from the beginning of the company

And where was GM forced to hire someone YOU deem as incompetent? Did they not have the freedom to hire who they want and take the consequences... and did the person getting hired have to prove or advertise credentials that set him or her above other candidates?? Where was your application and resume?? Where were you proving how wrong they were and how easy it was for you to do?? I mean if you know so much, you should be able to articulate it to get yourself in that CEO position.. Where are you doing that??? Please show us... You seem to know it all about how easy it is to run a billion dollar business.. all the while collectively making sure all workers get evenly compensated

And yes, almost ANYONE can operate an airgun with little training and experience.. you tell us how running a multi-national conglomerate is done.. we're waiting

Well, how about not insisting on making more SUV's no one wanted to buy when gas went up to $4.00 a gallon would have been a good idea.

POint was, Wagoneer fucked it up, not the guy with the blowgun.

Seems consumers are pretty interested in your SUVs. All of the big three are posting records sales, led by big pickups. Maybe your opinions are not as universal as you would like to think they are?

Detroit gets a lift from robust pickup sales- MSN Money

yep he's another commie masquerading as a middle of the road republican, like Starkey does....it's hilarious it only takes a few posts to smoke these guys out. Joe trucks are still selling bro, as much as you libtards have tried to kill the market.....still selling. Why not just allow people to choose what they want instead of putting regulations and trying to drive up gas prices?
I'm sure you won't mind eating that horse after you've murdered all the "wealthy" and stolen all their goods. I cannot imagine you would know what else to do with a fine, well-trained animal of that sort.

Actually, teaching a horse how to dance is sort of humiliating to the horse. Shooting it would be a mercy.

Something is truly fucked up if we can't provide decent education and health care for all America's children, but some rich douchebag can spend money teaching a fucking horse to dance.

Jealous much?

Riddle me this: do you watch MOVIES or SPORTING EVENTS? How rich are the performers and athletes who are doing basically trivial fluff?

Here's a clue: people have THE RIGHT to spend THEIR OWN MONEY however their tastes and means afford them. You may not like dressage, but that is absolutely not a criteria for how someone else spends HIS OWN MONEY.

but the right bitches all the time about how poor people spend
Actually, teaching a horse how to dance is sort of humiliating to the horse. Shooting it would be a mercy.

Something is truly fucked up if we can't provide decent education and health care for all America's children, but some rich douchebag can spend money teaching a fucking horse to dance.

Jealous much?

Riddle me this: do you watch MOVIES or SPORTING EVENTS? How rich are the performers and athletes who are doing basically trivial fluff?

Here's a clue: people have THE RIGHT to spend THEIR OWN MONEY however their tastes and means afford them. You may not like dressage, but that is absolutely not a criteria for how someone else spends HIS OWN MONEY.

but the right bitches all the time about how poor people spend


The criticisms I see are how poor people spend ENTITLEMENT MONEY provided by OTHER PEOPLE on cigarettes, booze, and drugs. That's a valid criticism. Food stamps via EBT allow a great deal of fraud and misuse.
The government has a plan to seize all the retirement accounts. It's to "help" people avoid the risk of a corrupt financial advisor.

It?s Coming: The Government Wants to ?Help Manage? Retirement Accounts | A Lightning War for Liberty

The U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is weighing whether it should take on a role in helping Americans manage the $19.4 trillion they have put into retirement savings, a move that would be the agency’s first foray into consumer investments.

“That’s one of the things we’ve been exploring and are interested in in terms of whether and what authority we have,” bureau director Richard Cordray said in an interview. He didn’t provide additional details.

The bureau’s core concern is that many Americans, notably those from the retiring Baby Boom generation, may fall prey to financial scams, according to three people briefed on the CFPB’s deliberations who asked not to be named because the matter is still under discussion.

The retiree gets one check, including whatever social security is to be paid. Nothing is passed to the heirs of the retirement account holder.

US Government Takes Two More Steps Toward Nationalization of Private Retirement Account Assets | Coin Update

As part of the plan, at retirement, the assets of the plan would be turned over to the US government, which would then pay an annuity to the retiree. The retiree’s heirs would not receive the residual assets upon the death of the retiree.

There are many links on this page as to government plans.

Right Truth: Feds Want Our Pension Funds
The rich are going to be fine, really.

I mean, they might only have to buy ONE dressage horsie this year, but they will be fine.

I'm sure you won't mind eating that horse after you've murdered all the "wealthy" and stolen all their goods. I cannot imagine you would know what else to do with a fine, well-trained animal of that sort.

Actually, teaching a horse how to dance is sort of humiliating to the horse. Shooting it would be a mercy.

Something is truly fucked up if we can't provide decent education and health care for all America's children, but some rich douchebag can spend money teaching a fucking horse to dance.

Perhaps we should find the person who taught that horse to dance and put her in charge of public education. At least she shows results.

The more money we spend on education, the less educated our children become.

Any idea why that is?

Your concern for and empathy with horses is noted.
Funny how this article starts out with "like Mitt Romney" and doesn't start out with "like Barrack Obama." Wonder why? It would actually make sense to do so.

President Obama’s budget, to be released next week, will limit how much wealthy individuals – like Mitt Romney – can keep in IRAs and other retirement accounts.

The proposal would save around $9 billion over a decade, a senior administration official said, while also bringing more fairness to the tax code.

Read more: Obama budget to take aim at wealthy IRAs - The Hill's On The Money
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OK maybe I need some clarification here. The IRS already caps the maximum pre-tax IRA contribution. Although you can put in more in, you will pay your going tax rate on any contribution in excess of the cap. Even at that, there are limits to the excess amount put into an IRA. Then, when you start drawing against the IRA, don't you pay taxes on the money at that time? (tax deferred)
Just what exactly does the crook-in-chief thinks people with sufficient funds to become victims of this criminal proposal are going to do with their money? Do the really rich even have IRAs? I'm thinking they probably don't need IRAs. So which demographic is the real target of such an asinine proposal?

The real target is the middle class. And you are correct, the Kennedys, the Rockefellers, etc etc have 'mist fortunes' - money that is in family trust accounts which remain intact and pass unscathed by the IRS from generation to generation. Many will be sucked in by the because they don't understand that it targets the middle class.

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Jealous much?

Riddle me this: do you watch MOVIES or SPORTING EVENTS? How rich are the performers and athletes who are doing basically trivial fluff?

Here's a clue: people have THE RIGHT to spend THEIR OWN MONEY however their tastes and means afford them. You may not like dressage, but that is absolutely not a criteria for how someone else spends HIS OWN MONEY.

but the right bitches all the time about how poor people spend


The criticisms I see are how poor people spend ENTITLEMENT MONEY provided by OTHER PEOPLE on cigarettes, booze, and drugs. That's a valid criticism. Food stamps via EBT allow a great deal of fraud and misuse.

It is just another liberal lying story line. They have to say that in order to keep the 47 percent in line. Much like they have to say that the unborn child is nothing more then a blob of flesh. If they didn't then they know what that would make them out to be.

The left wing is so disingenuous and I only use the abortion debate as proof. Much like this debate their only alternative is not that the working poor can work or that a woman can choose life it is that the alternatives are so bad because the right says so. In other words trying to get people to work is exactly the same as cutting them off of welfare if they can't get work or won't. The left wing has no integrity and Romney was right, there is 47 percent that won't vote any other way because the democrats made sure they have no other choice, at least an honest choice.

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