Obama Bypasses Congress and Bans the Confederate Battle Flag

British soldiers weren't traitors to their country.
They enforced a tyrannical rule over innocent people and killed thousands of Americans. A few decades later, they killed thousands more Americans in the War of 1812. Your selective memory is purely political and not based on fact.
Actually ,oral history does exist but remains localized in primitive settings around the globe. Writing is the means by which events can be catalogued and disseminated to large group of people. A crucial consistency is afforded by written words that oral traditions cannot approach. Much of the history of Africa has been lost or undervalued because many native counties had no written language.

RACE: I don't believe in race, therefore I cannot be a racist. Do you believe in race? Obviously you do and that, technically, for better or worse, makes YOU a racist.
Seriously? You're going to bet that "oral history" is accurate? Ever hear of the game "Gossip" or "Telephone"?

Dude, you've made several racist statements before and I've called you on it. You ranted then departed. If you truly don't believe in race, then stop bringing up racist shit.
British soldiers weren't traitors to their country.
They enforced a tyrannical rule over innocent people and killed thousands of Americans. A few decades later, they killed thousands more Americans in the War of 1812. Your selective memory is purely political and not based on fact.

Whoa! This is a new twist! Soldiers of other countries who fight for their country are traitors, but soldiers of America who do the same thing are patriots!
Actually ,oral history does exist but remains localized in primitive settings around the globe. Writing is the means by which events can be catalogued and disseminated to large group of people. A crucial consistency is afforded by written words that oral traditions cannot approach. Much of the history of Africa has been lost or undervalued because many native counties had no written language.

RACE: I don't believe in race, therefore I cannot be a racist. Do you believe in race? Obviously you do and that, technically, for better or worse, makes YOU a racist.
Seriously? You're going to bet that "oral history" is accurate? Ever hear of the game "Gossip" or "Telephone"?

Dude, you've made several racist statements before and I've called you on it. You ranted then departed. If you truly don't believe in race, then stop bringing up racist shit.

Did you just say "You're going to bet that "oral history" is accurate?" Wtf? Where the hell did THAT come from? Are you drinking or shooting up? If you can't follow the conversation just stop posting…you are making a fool of yourself.

And your opinion on what I bring up is of NO consequence. You can interpret it any way you wish. And if I departed in the face of your "calling me " on something it ust have been because you weren't making any sense; just as you aren't making any sense now.
Whoa! This is a new twist! Soldiers of other countries who fight for their country are traitors, but soldiers of America who do the same thing are patriots!

Interesting that you call someone a traitor who was serving their "country", yet you love soldiers who attack the United States.
Did you just say "You're going to bet that "oral history" is accurate?" Wtf? Where the hell did THAT come from? Are you drinking or shooting up? If you can't follow the conversation just stop posting…you are making a fool of yourself.

And your opinion on what I bring up is of NO consequence. You can interpret it any way you wish. And if I departed in the face of your "calling me " on something it ust have been because you weren't making any sense; just as you aren't making any sense now.
Embarrassed because you brought up oral history? You should be. While it exists, it's inaccurate. If, indeed, Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible, then his source was purely oral history....about 2600 years worth.

Feel free to rant, insult and be as big a racist as you can be.
I'll make it real simple for ya. People who take up arms against their own country are patriots if they win, traitors when they lose.

We're talking about the US civil war here. We're talking about nineteenth century traitors and one of their banners, which a national cemetery has wisely, though belatedly, chosen not to display.
Obama Bypasses Congress and Bans the Confederate Battle Flag - Minutemen News

Once again this president does something he has no power to do. If Paul Ryan wasn't such a coward he could do something about this. The pres should have been impeached a long time ago.

Barack Obama does hate America, Barack Obama an evil man, He is destroying America, Is aiding and abetting a Muslim caliphate and as such Is a Traitor, he is a Communist, and should be considered a terrorist by every traditional American of sound mind.

For instance, throughout his presidency he has rightfully earned the tittle
of - America's Best Gun Salesman -. It is this accomplishment that
history will most fondly remember him.
Moorelloyd, you knew this is a lie when you posted it, didn't you? It's amazing how many people will believe this kind of crap when it favors their POV! This is just an update on one of those chain Emails I received during the Bush admin and the Iraq war that said our troops were banned from praying before going on a mission. And another that said Democrats are trying to get all crosses removed from graves at national cemeteries. And it is believed! Good grief! Do you think most Americans are THAT stupid, that you insult us with that pathetic crap?
Moorelloyd, you knew this is a lie when you posted it, didn't you? It's amazing how many people will believe this kind of crap when it favors their POV! This is just an update on one of those chain Emails I received during the Bush admin and the Iraq war that said our troops were banned from praying before going on a mission. And another that said Democrats are trying to get all crosses removed from graves at national cemeteries. And it is believed! Good grief! Do you think most Americans are THAT stupid, that you insult us with that pathetic crap?
Are the flags banned or not?
Moorelloyd, you knew this is a lie when you posted it, didn't you? It's amazing how many people will believe this kind of crap when it favors their POV! This is just an update on one of those chain Emails I received during the Bush admin and the Iraq war that said our troops were banned from praying before going on a mission. And another that said Democrats are trying to get all crosses removed from graves at national cemeteries. And it is believed! Good grief! Do you think most Americans are THAT stupid, that you insult us with that pathetic crap?
Are the flags banned or not?
I don't know if there is a local ban, but there is NO BAN by Obama. No XO. It's a lie!

President Obama Signs Executive Order Banning Confederate Flag-Fiction!
I don't know if there is a local ban, but there is NO BAN by Obama. No XO. It's a lie!

President Obama Signs Executive Order Banning Confederate Flag-Fiction!
Calm down. Since when did President Obama stop being the Commander in Chief? Are you saying President Obama couldn't or wouldn't reverse the ban if he wanted to do so?

Again you bring up the fiction of an EO. Where did I ever say it was an EO? I asked this before after you accused me and you ran from the question. Why? A man would admit they erred. Are you a man?
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I don't know if there is a local ban, but there is NO BAN by Obama. No XO. It's a lie!

President Obama Signs Executive Order Banning Confederate Flag-Fiction!
Calm down. Since when did President Obama stop being the Commander in Chief? Are you saying President Obama couldn't or wouldn't reverse the ban if he wanted to do so?

Again you bring up the fiction of an EO. Where did I ever say it was an EO?
aka Kamikazi, I was quoting Moore when I mentioned the XO. This thread is based on the lie that an Obama XO bypassed Congress to ban the flags, and I believe I cited his post in my response. I am sorry if I was not clear to you. As I stated earlier, I remember well all the demonizing thru chain Emails of the most blatant lies that Republicans spread during the Iraq war. A Republican friend of mine working as a civilian in Mosul at the time forwarded a couple to me (the ban on Christian prayer and the removal of crosses in national cemeteries), and I challenged him. He fact-checked and deleted them with an apology, so I can't forward any, but I think you know of the demonizing campaign. My objective here is to challenge the OP.
Whoa! This is a new twist! Soldiers of other countries who fight for their country are traitors, but soldiers of America who do the same thing are patriots!

Interesting that you call someone a traitor who was serving their "country", yet you love soldiers who attack the United States.

Well, now, Divine, first of all, we declared war on Britain before they declared war on us in 1812. How did you expect British soldiers to react? Second, our War of Independence was equivalent to a civil war, to Britain. We were subjects of Britain, and living in a British colony, and we launched a rebellion, exactly like the South later did against the union. Again, how would you expect the British to react? Especially, since they had just invested one hell of a lot of money in the American colonies defending us against the French and Indians, in that war. In fact, to them, George Washington, who had been a British officer fighting the French in that war, was, indeed, a traitor to the British by changing uniforms and fighting the British just a few years later. I have to ask myself whether you understand history or not, or are you just another, "My country, right or wrong" patriot.
Whoa! This is a new twist! Soldiers of other countries who fight for their country are traitors, but soldiers of America who do the same thing are patriots!

Interesting that you call someone a traitor who was serving their "country", yet you love soldiers who attack the United States.

Well, now, Divine, first of all, we declared war on Britain before they declared war on us in 1812. How did you expect British soldiers to react? Second, our War of Independence was equivalent to a civil war, to Britain. We were subjects of Britain, and living in a British colony, and we launched a rebellion, exactly like the South later did against the union. Again, how would you expect the British to react? Especially, since they had just invested one hell of a lot of money in the American colonies defending us against the French and Indians, in that war. In fact, to them, George Washington, who had been a British officer fighting the French in that war, was, indeed, a traitor to the British by changing uniforms and fighting the British just a few years later. I have to ask myself whether you understand history or not, or are you just another, "My country, right or wrong" patriot.
"My country, right or wrong" is a motto of nationalists, not patriots.
Whoa! This is a new twist! Soldiers of other countries who fight for their country are traitors, but soldiers of America who do the same thing are patriots!

Interesting that you call someone a traitor who was serving their "country", yet you love soldiers who attack the United States.

Well, now, Divine, first of all, we declared war on Britain before they declared war on us in 1812. How did you expect British soldiers to react? Second, our War of Independence was equivalent to a civil war, to Britain. We were subjects of Britain, and living in a British colony, and we launched a rebellion, exactly like the South later did against the union. Again, how would you expect the British to react? Especially, since they had just invested one hell of a lot of money in the American colonies defending us against the French and Indians, in that war. In fact, to them, George Washington, who had been a British officer fighting the French in that war, was, indeed, a traitor to the British by changing uniforms and fighting the British just a few years later. I have to ask myself whether you understand history or not, or are you just another, "My country, right or wrong" patriot.
"My country, right or wrong" is a motto of nationalists, not patriots.

The US government is removing, 150 years later, the battle flag of the traitors to the nation? And they have a problem with this?

It would appear losing, after causing 650,000 deaths, has a price. The confederate states of dipshittia should have thought of the consequences before starting it. They're lucky they weren't made to take down every confederate flag in 1865 and eat them.

Non issue.
These men stood side by side and fought and died for their nation and what they felt were their constitutional rights. Guess we must ban British flag from graves in USA of those troops who died in Revolutionary War and War of 1812. Great Britain did not ban slavery until 1831. Guess British flag is a symbol of hate?

You know, if after the civil war started the entire south had said "we don't care about slaves, here we are freeing them all right now" I would say yes they were fighting for something more noble than defending an economy built on slavery. They didn't and they weren't. Read up on how blacks fighting for the North were treated when captured by southern soldiers. Think Isis.

England or any other foreign entity is a Red Herring and not worthy of comment.
It was not all about slavery. Lincoln even said as much. It was a constitutional crisis. "Could the states leave the Union after ratification? Was it a binding contract?" Slavery was put into the popular history after communist Carl Sandburg wrote his biography of Lincoln.

Love the Cons historical revisionism.

The Confederate Slave states attempted to secede to protect their 'god given' states rights to own human property.

They even warned prior to the election that they would secede if Lincoln was elected- because they thought he would try to ban slavery

The North was not in the war to end slavery- but it did.
The South tried to secede to protect slavery- but ended up destroying its own slave society.
The revisionist history came with Sandburg.
Whoa! This is a new twist! Soldiers of other countries who fight for their country are traitors, but soldiers of America who do the same thing are patriots!

Interesting that you call someone a traitor who was serving their "country", yet you love soldiers who attack the United States.

Well, now, Divine, first of all, we declared war on Britain before they declared war on us in 1812. How did you expect British soldiers to react? Second, our War of Independence was equivalent to a civil war, to Britain. We were subjects of Britain, and living in a British colony, and we launched a rebellion, exactly like the South later did against the union. Again, how would you expect the British to react? Especially, since they had just invested one hell of a lot of money in the American colonies defending us against the French and Indians, in that war. In fact, to them, George Washington, who had been a British officer fighting the French in that war, was, indeed, a traitor to the British by changing uniforms and fighting the British just a few years later. I have to ask myself whether you understand history or not, or are you just another, "My country, right or wrong" patriot.
"My country, right or wrong" is a motto of nationalists, not patriots.

Patriots never lose their country now do they? Until 2008.
The U.S. was founded by liberals.

The confederacy was formed to ensure they could maintain four million people in slavery in perpetuity
Nice bending of history. The only similarity between "liberals" then and "liberals" now is that liberals then would be revolting against the authoritarian assholes who call themselves liberals now.

Well it depends on your definition of 'liberal'- they certainly were not 'Conservatives'.

The Tories were political conservatives who wanted to keep the status quo.
The Americans who drew up the Bill of Rights were certainly liberals
Your a Marxist dipstick. Ok, "America bad, America bad, America mean Ol racist, imperialist nation." That what they taught you in school mind sponge?

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