Obama Bypasses Congress and Bans the Confederate Battle Flag

Your own link points out the very limited nature of the ban!

From your link:
"ban flying of Confederate flags from fixed flagpoles"
Ahhh, you finally read my link! Thanks. Correct, of course.

Did I argue anything differently? Let's keep talking about this. Do you agree there is a movement afoot to ban the CSA flag, and even Confederate monuments, from government land?

Why the rush to revise history? Just because a few fucking racist assholes use the flag for racist reasons?

Revise what history?

There are millions of Americans whose families have experienced that flag being used against them by racist assholes- that is as much a part of history as the flag being part of the rebellion against the United States.

Personally- I don't care much either way- but there are no living Americans who fought under that flag. But there are living Americans who experienced having that flag being used as a symbol to oppress them. You seem to think that the experiences of living Americans should be ignored just to pander to the Confederate fan boys.
Obama Bypasses Congress and Bans the Confederate Battle Flag - Minutemen News

Once again this president does something he has no power to do. If Paul Ryan wasn't such a coward he could do something about this. The pres should have been impeached a long time ago.

Barack Obama does hate America, Barack Obama an evil man, He is destroying America, Is aiding and abetting a Muslim caliphate and as such Is a Traitor, he is a Communist, and should be considered a terrorist by every traditional American of sound mind.

He's also guilty of sexual harassment of teen girls on a huge scale: Transgender School Issue: Penn. Girl Has Case For Sexual Harassment Against Obama Admin. whether or not he realizes his behavior and threats result in these girls feeling creeped out about their intimate boundaries.... That's always how it is. The perps using their power to harass and intimidate never realize that it's sexual harassment until the law steps in.

I wasn't aware that B.O. could ban free speech. The confederate flag is a symbol of free speech. He can't override the Constitution. I'd flip him the middle finger wherever the flag was banned.
LOL........I find it amusing that has your panties in a wad.
So you agree that the Confederate Flag has not been banned in America as the OP has claimed.
I never claimed it did, so, again, why are you lying about this? What, truly, is your motivation here? I'm curious on the source of your outrage with me personally and not any other posters, including the OP. My read is this is personal to you.

Did I fuck a woman you liked?
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..and yet, anyone with the slightest common sense knows that is a hoax:

FALSE: Obama Bans Confederate Flag Through Executive Order

Of course, maybe the banning took place under the radar while Jade Helm was taking over Texas....
Thanks for the backpedal and the Jade Helm derail (something else I called bullshit on).

The EO part is bullshit. The fact the Obama administration has been pushing for CSA flag bans for months is true. Also true is the fact Obama's VA quietly slid this ban into action.

Are you denying this too?

I wouldn't want to rain on your fantasy world.....
I wouldn't want to rain on your fantasy world.....
Translation: I don't have an intelligent answer, so I'll just post something vague and hope someone smarter than me can fill in the blanks. Meanwhile, do you like my motorcycle? I don't wear a helmet.

What fantasy world?
...I wasn't aware that B.O. could ban free speech. The confederate flag is a symbol of free speech. He can't override the Constitution. I'd flip him the middle finger wherever the flag was banned.
He can't, nor can any President. Even the fear-mongering Left who scream about a President Trump (won't happen, BTW, odds favor Hillary).

OTOH, the extremists on both the Left and the Right have been chipping away at the Constitution for over 20 years. It's a matter of encroachment; constant whittling away at a larger goal. The Republicans have been doing it for years against abortion and the Democrats have been doing it for years against the Second Amendment.

Now we have a symbol of our history, one particular flag of many, used by the Confederate States of America. The Left wants to abolish it. Like guns, they can't do it all at once, so they chip away at it...you know, like banning flying it over Confederate graves in government cemeteries.
This fantasy world:
Also true is the fact Obama's VA quietly slid this ban into action.

" Also true is the fact Obama's VA quietly slid this ban into action."

BTW. National cemeteries have never allowed any flags but US and state flags on any fixed flagpole.

Is that worded too vaguely for you?
This fantasy world:
Also true is the fact Obama's VA quietly slid this ban into action.

" Also true is the fact Obama's VA quietly slid this ban into action."

BTW. National cemeteries have never allowed any flags but US and state flags on any fixed flagpole.

Is that worded too vaguely for you?
Why do you think the Washington Times and other media would print a fantasy? Do you think it's a vast right wing conspiracy?
I'm ok with it as long as it's banned on public property AND taxpayer funds are funding it. The Rebel Flag is a flag that represents traitors to the US...there's nothing patriotic about it. If you want to show pride in being from the south-just fly the state flag (that's what I do).
I'm ok with it as long as it's banned on public property AND taxpayer funds are funding it. The Rebel Flag is a flag that represents traitors to the US...there's nothing patriotic about it. If you want to show pride in being from the south-just fly the state flag (that's what I do).
So do you feel the same way about the British flag being flown over US territory?

I'm guessing not. Want to disregard the feelings of a large portion of Americans? Go for it. Let's fight over it. We did it before, why not again?....except this time those against it are also against guns and those for it are fully armed. LOL

...oh, yeah, before you go off on the standard LWL argument "You can't fight the entire US military" consider the fact who makes up the majority of the US military in the Liberal-desired "all volunteer military". It sure as shit ain't mostly liberals.
Obama Bypasses Congress and Bans the Confederate Battle Flag - Minutemen News

Once again this president does something he has no power to do. If Paul Ryan wasn't such a coward he could do something about this. The pres should have been impeached a long time ago.

Barack Obama does hate America, Barack Obama an evil man, He is destroying America, Is aiding and abetting a Muslim caliphate and as such Is a Traitor, he is a Communist, and should be considered a terrorist by every traditional American of sound mind.

He's also guilty of sexual harassment of teen girls on a huge scale: .

Poor delusional Silhouette.
LOL........I find it amusing that has your panties in a wad.
So you agree that the Confederate Flag has not been banned in America as the OP has claimed.
I never claimed it did, so, again, why are you lying about this? What, truly, is your motivation here? I'm curious on the source of your outrage with me personally and not any other posters, including the OP. My read is this is personal to you.

Did I fuck a woman you liked?

My read is that your panties are getting really twisted when your falsehoods are being pointed out.

I doubt you have ever fucked any woman.
I'm ok with it as long as it's banned on public property AND taxpayer funds are funding it. The Rebel Flag is a flag that represents traitors to the US...there's nothing patriotic about it. If you want to show pride in being from the south-just fly the state flag (that's what I do).
So do you feel the same way about the British flag being flown over US territory?

I'm guessing not. Want to disregard the feelings of a large portion of Americans? .

You clearly want to disregard the feelings of large portions of Americans.

Why do you think that the feelings of Confederate Fan boys are more valid than those offended by the Confederate flag?
My read is that your panties are getting really twisted when your falsehoods are being pointed out.

I doubt you have ever fucked any woman.
Awesome emotional reaction, dude. Seriously. There's some real anger there and I am truly fascinated. Keep it up. Tell me some more.

Obviously I've hurt you badly somewhere, I just don't where know yet.
....Why do you think that the feelings of Confederate Fan boys are more valid than those offended by the Confederate flag?
Bottom line difference between you and me: You want to ban all offensive things and I want to allow people to "change the channel" aka not ban anything but allow them their First Amendment rights.

....that and the fact I fucked the love of your affection or did something else that drives your basic emotions.
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....Why do you think that the feelings of Confederate Fan boys are more valid than those offended by the Confederate flag?
Bottom line difference between you and me: You want to ban all offensive things and I want to allow people to "change the channel" aka not ban anything but allow them their First Amendment rights.

....that and the fact I fucked the love of your affection or did something else that drives your basic emotions.

The bottom line between you and me is that I prefer the truth.

You mutter empty platitudes about the 'feelings' of the people who care about the Confederate flag- but when I point out that there are millions that feel just the opposite about the Confederate flag.

As we have pointed out- the Confederate Flag is not nor has been banned. Nor do I care whether you fly your Confederate flag, your Nazi flag or your NASCAR flag.

Your First amendment rights are intact, nor do I have any interest in having the government taking them away.
My read is that your panties are getting really twisted when your falsehoods are being pointed out.

I doubt you have ever fucked any woman.
Awesome emotional reaction, dude. Seriously.

LOL.....I love how you think you get to dish it out without anyone giving your own medicine back to you.

Like I said- I doubt you have ever been intimate with any woman.

You would have more depth if you had.
The bottom line between you and me is that I prefer the truth.

You mutter empty platitudes about the 'feelings' of the people who care about the Confederate flag- but when I point out that there are millions that feel just the opposite about the Confederate flag.

As we have pointed out- the Confederate Flag is not nor has been banned. Nor do I care whether you fly your Confederate flag, your Nazi flag or your NASCAR flag.

Your First amendment rights are intact, nor do I have any interest in having the government taking them away.
Dude, your "truth" is the same as all political extremists, both Left and Right: you want to ban shit, not embrace the "truth".

I disagree with Republicans/far right on abortion, gay marriage and religion in government, but unlike you, I don't believe people have to choose between the extreme right and the extreme left. There's a better path.

Like I said- I doubt you have ever been intimate with any woman. .
You're free to post whatever you like. Unlike you, I don't advocate banning your statements.

OTOH, your anger has a basis. So why the anger? Is it personal, like me fucking your love, or is it just general, you hate anyone to the right of your personal point of view? I doubt it's the latter since you are not attacking the OP poster as harshly as you are me, so I believe it's personal with you.

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