Obama Bypasses Congress and Bans the Confederate Battle Flag

What you idiot liberals are calling the "confederate battle flag" is actually the battle flag of north Virginia. It's not even the real confederate battle flag.

So what the hell is it doing on gravestones?

I don't know, ask the dead people. It doesn't change history and that it's NOT the real confederate battle flag.
Didn't the confederates fly that flag during the civil war?
Aw screw you. Frankly I don't give a damn…. No rebel flag is welcome but especially copies of the one displayed so ubiquitously everywhere in the south. And all those idiots displaying it aren't from North Virginia.

Fuck you.

Because they don't know either, or they don't care. Just like you, you didn't know until I told you.

I don't know why they fly that flag, but if they wanted to fly the real confederate flag, they'd need to fly this one:

Fuck that traitor flag as well. However, we know the one the racists fly is the one that is near and dear to their heart so I for one am very happy the cause for the loser flag has lost yet another battle.
I have a question for liberals. If the war was about slavery, how come 250,000 men who didn't own slaves lost their lives fighting for the handful who did? Why would anyone do that? Does that make sense? Not everyone was a slave owner, in fact by all means most people didn't own any slaves. So why would so many risk their lives to fight for someone's right to own something they didn't even have?

I won't comment on Obama banning anything because I don't believe it, but I'd love to discuss the true history of the civil war.
What do you mean if the war was about slavery? The states that ceded admitted the war was about slavery in their articles of secession. I. E.

Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The declaration stated the primary reasoning behind South Carolina's declaring of secession from the U.S., which was described as "increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the Institution of Slavery""

Just because 250K ignorant poor white men were fooled by politicians doesnt mean much. Those types remained fooled to this day.
The US government is removing, 150 years later, the battle flag of the traitors to the nation? And they have a problem with this?

It would appear losing, after causing 650,000 deaths, has a price. The confederate states of dipshittia should have thought of the consequences before starting it. They're lucky they weren't made to take down every confederate flag in 1865 and eat them.

Non issue.
These men stood side by side and fought and died for their nation and what they felt were their constitutional rights. Guess we must ban British flag from graves in USA of those troops who died in Revolutionary War and War of 1812. Great Britain did not ban slavery until 1831. Guess British flag is a symbol of hate?

You know, if after the civil war started the entire south had said "we don't care about slaves, here we are freeing them all right now" I would say yes they were fighting for something more noble than defending an economy built on slavery. They didn't and they weren't. Read up on how blacks fighting for the North were treated when captured by southern soldiers. Think Isis.

England or any other foreign entity is a Red Herring and not worthy of comment.
It was not all about slavery. Lincoln even said as much. It was a constitutional crisis. "Could the states leave the Union after ratification? Was it a binding contract?" Slavery was put into the popular history after communist Carl Sandburg wrote his biography of Lincoln.
No dummy. It wasnt about slavery to the north. It was for the south. Thats why they said so in the cornerstone speech.

“Corner Stone” Speech | Teaching American History

""The new constitution has put at rest, forever, all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institution African slavery as it exists amongst us the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization. This was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution. ""
For people who don't like Muslims, their forebears sure brought a lot of them to our shores. Fifteen to thirty percent of the male slaves to the US were Muslim.
As were those fellow Africans (Muslims?) who enslaved them and sold them to Dutch, Portugese and Arab (Muslim) traders, who in turn sold them to Western slave dealers.

Slavery is endemic to the Muslim culture and continues to this day in some parts of their world, the Sudan for one prime example. There a healthy young male can be purchased today for about a thousand U.S. dollars.

That's a pretty good reason to not like Muslims -- and there are more.
The first players in the supply chain were mainly African warlords. They did the capturing and delivered the survivors to the buyers. I don't know the religious preferences of the African slavers. The buyers were primarily European, so it would be safe to say they were probably Christian.

Predominately Muslim areas weren't immune from slaver attacks. Historians know where the slaves were taken from and therefore can estimate the percentage that were likely of the Muslim faith.
Agreed....and slavery still exists in Africa. Of course, they didn't invent slavery. That goes back as far as the human race....oddly enough, back to Africa. :D
The human race started in Africa but the history of slavery started with the written accounts of it, or with drawings depicting it. Your ancestors are the same as Black's ancestors so what is your point?
People say that when they want to pretend chattel slavery isnt a recent invention by whites which is totally different than traditional slavery practiced by like people.
And remember- when we say "Union" what we are talking about are United States Army troops.

Yes- the Confederate slave states started the war when they fired on American troops in an American fort.
The Confederate troops were Americans. They fired on Union troops whom they regarded as oppressive government police agents committed to enforcement of laws the Confederates considered to be wrongful and tyrannical.

The Confederates were no less American than were their Union adversaries.
They were traitors so yes they were less american. As a matter of fact they didnt even want to be americans.
Obama Bypasses Congress and Bans the Confederate Battle Flag - Minutemen News

Once again this president does something he has no power to do. If Paul Ryan wasn't such a coward he could do something about this. The pres should have been impeached a long time ago.

Barack Obama does hate America, Barack Obama an evil man, He is destroying America, Is aiding and abetting a Muslim caliphate and as such Is a Traitor, he is a Communist, and should be considered a terrorist by every traditional American of sound mind.

For instance, throughout his presidency he has rightfully earned the tittle
of - America's Best Gun Salesman -. It is this accomplishment that
history will most fondly remember him.
well if, IF, this is true, it's a clear violation of his oath to uphold the Constitution.
where in the constitution does it say he cant ban some random traitorous flag?
First Amendment.
Obama Bypasses Congress and Bans the Confederate Battle Flag - Minutemen News

Once again this president does something he has no power to do. If Paul Ryan wasn't such a coward he could do something about this. The pres should have been impeached a long time ago.

Barack Obama does hate America, Barack Obama an evil man, He is destroying America, Is aiding and abetting a Muslim caliphate and as such Is a Traitor, he is a Communist, and should be considered a terrorist by every traditional American of sound mind.

For instance, throughout his presidency he has rightfully earned the tittle
of - America's Best Gun Salesman -. It is this accomplishment that
history will most fondly remember him.
well if, IF, this is true, it's a clear violation of his oath to uphold the Constitution.
where in the constitution does it say he cant ban some random traitorous flag?
First Amendment.
show me
Obama Bypasses Congress and Bans the Confederate Battle Flag - Minutemen News

Once again this president does something he has no power to do. If Paul Ryan wasn't such a coward he could do something about this. The pres should have been impeached a long time ago.

Barack Obama does hate America, Barack Obama an evil man, He is destroying America, Is aiding and abetting a Muslim caliphate and as such Is a Traitor, he is a Communist, and should be considered a terrorist by every traditional American of sound mind.

For instance, throughout his presidency he has rightfully earned the tittle
of - America's Best Gun Salesman -. It is this accomplishment that
history will most fondly remember him.
well if, IF, this is true, it's a clear violation of his oath to uphold the Constitution.
where in the constitution does it say he cant ban some random traitorous flag?
First Amendment.
show me
First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[1]

flags are a form of speech.

Unless you agree, fully, that you would support the removal of BPP flags, banners, etc, you are a hypocrite

so would you support that?

I wouldn't
Obama Bypasses Congress and Bans the Confederate Battle Flag - Minutemen News

Once again this president does something he has no power to do. If Paul Ryan wasn't such a coward he could do something about this. The pres should have been impeached a long time ago.

Barack Obama does hate America, Barack Obama an evil man, He is destroying America, Is aiding and abetting a Muslim caliphate and as such Is a Traitor, he is a Communist, and should be considered a terrorist by every traditional American of sound mind.

For instance, throughout his presidency he has rightfully earned the tittle
of - America's Best Gun Salesman -. It is this accomplishment that
history will most fondly remember him.
well if, IF, this is true, it's a clear violation of his oath to uphold the Constitution.
where in the constitution does it say he cant ban some random traitorous flag?
First Amendment.
show me
First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[1]

flags are a form of speech.

Unless you agree, fully, that you would support the removal of BPP flags, banners, etc, you are a hypocrite

so would you support that?

I wouldn't
Where does it say Obama banned flying the loser flag for private citizens?
Aw screw you. Frankly I don't give a damn…. No rebel flag is welcome but especially copies of the one displayed so ubiquitously everywhere in the south. And all those idiots displaying it aren't from North Virginia.

Fuck you.

Because they don't know either, or they don't care. Just like you, you didn't know until I told you.

I don't know why they fly that flag, but if they wanted to fly the real confederate flag, they'd need to fly this one:

Fuck that traitor flag as well. However, we know the one the racists fly is the one that is near and dear to their heart so I for one am very happy the cause for the loser flag has lost yet another battle.

The Confederate Flag is rarely known today even by people born and bred below Mason-Dixon line.
well if, IF, this is true, it's a clear violation of his oath to uphold the Constitution.
where in the constitution does it say he cant ban some random traitorous flag?
First Amendment.
show me
First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[1]

flags are a form of speech.

Unless you agree, fully, that you would support the removal of BPP flags, banners, etc, you are a hypocrite

so would you support that?

I wouldn't
Where does it say Obama banned flying the loser flag for private citizens?
A ban is censorship, you fucking back peddle fail pussy.

knew you wouldn't be man enough to give an honest answer.

fucking leftist always support hateful shit that they want but when it could be applied to them, they fail.
where in the constitution does it say he cant ban some random traitorous flag?
First Amendment.
show me
First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[1]

flags are a form of speech.

Unless you agree, fully, that you would support the removal of BPP flags, banners, etc, you are a hypocrite

so would you support that?

I wouldn't
Where does it say Obama banned flying the loser flag for private citizens?
A ban is censorship, you fucking back peddle fail pussy.

knew you wouldn't be man enough to give an honest answer.

fucking leftist always support hateful shit that they want but when it could be applied to them, they fail.
You didnt show me where he banned it for private citizens so how is it censorship?
Aw screw you. Frankly I don't give a damn…. No rebel flag is welcome but especially copies of the one displayed so ubiquitously everywhere in the south. And all those idiots displaying it aren't from North Virginia.

Fuck you.

Because they don't know either, or they don't care. Just like you, you didn't know until I told you.

I don't know why they fly that flag, but if they wanted to fly the real confederate flag, they'd need to fly this one:

Fuck that traitor flag as well. However, we know the one the racists fly is the one that is near and dear to their heart so I for one am very happy the cause for the loser flag has lost yet another battle.

The Confederate Flag is rarely known today even by people born and bred below Mason-Dixon line.
Thats because they preferred the battle flag flown by the KKK.
First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[1]

flags are a form of speech.

Unless you agree, fully, that you would support the removal of BPP flags, banners, etc, you are a hypocrite

so would you support that?

I wouldn't
Where does it say Obama banned flying the loser flag for private citizens?
A ban is censorship, you fucking back peddle fail pussy.

knew you wouldn't be man enough to give an honest answer.

fucking leftist always support hateful shit that they want but when it could be applied to them, they fail.
You didnt show me where he banned it for private citizens so how is it censorship?
you're a fucking idiot

I answered your moronic question, I humored your stewpuddity, and in response to a perfect answer, you ask another, different question.

First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[1]

flags are a form of speech.

Unless you agree, fully, that you would support the removal of BPP flags, banners, etc, you are a hypocrite

so would you support that?

I wouldn't
Where does it say Obama banned flying the loser flag for private citizens?
A ban is censorship, you fucking back peddle fail pussy.

knew you wouldn't be man enough to give an honest answer.

fucking leftist always support hateful shit that they want but when it could be applied to them, they fail.
You didnt show me where he banned it for private citizens so how is it censorship?
you're a fucking idiot

I answered your moronic question, I humored your stewpuddity, and in response to a perfect answer, you ask another, different question.

So you cant show me where he banned it for private citizens yet somehow you still think its censorship?
First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[1]

flags are a form of speech.

Unless you agree, fully, that you would support the removal of BPP flags, banners, etc, you are a hypocrite

so would you support that?

I wouldn't
Where does it say Obama banned flying the loser flag for private citizens?
A ban is censorship, you fucking back peddle fail pussy.

knew you wouldn't be man enough to give an honest answer.

fucking leftist always support hateful shit that they want but when it could be applied to them, they fail.
You didnt show me where he banned it for private citizens so how is it censorship?
you're a fucking idiot

I answered your moronic question, I humored your stewpuddity, and in response to a perfect answer, you ask another, different question.

So you cant show me where he banned it for private citizens yet somehow you still think its censorship?

Obama did it for religious reasons. The Confederate Battle Flag has a cross on it.
First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[1]

flags are a form of speech.

Unless you agree, fully, that you would support the removal of BPP flags, banners, etc, you are a hypocrite

so would you support that?

I wouldn't
Where does it say Obama banned flying the loser flag for private citizens?
A ban is censorship, you fucking back peddle fail pussy.

knew you wouldn't be man enough to give an honest answer.

fucking leftist always support hateful shit that they want but when it could be applied to them, they fail.
You didnt show me where he banned it for private citizens so how is it censorship?
you're a fucking idiot

I answered your moronic question, I humored your stewpuddity, and in response to a perfect answer, you ask another, different question.

So you cant show me where he banned it for private citizens yet somehow you still think its censorship?
you clearly are incredibly dumb.

ok, I'll spell it out for you since you can't think for yourself.

If I can't put up a flag, which the ban would prevent, that's censorship and is against the Constitution.

I'm sorry you don't understand, dems keep black schools underfunded to ensure you are unable to think for yourself.

it's not your fault, even though you are an adult, you are still be held back.
Where does it say Obama banned flying the loser flag for private citizens?
A ban is censorship, you fucking back peddle fail pussy.

knew you wouldn't be man enough to give an honest answer.

fucking leftist always support hateful shit that they want but when it could be applied to them, they fail.
You didnt show me where he banned it for private citizens so how is it censorship?
you're a fucking idiot

I answered your moronic question, I humored your stewpuddity, and in response to a perfect answer, you ask another, different question.

So you cant show me where he banned it for private citizens yet somehow you still think its censorship?
you clearly are incredibly dumb.

ok, I'll spell it out for you since you can't think for yourself.

If I can't put up a flag, which the ban would prevent, that's censorship and is against the Constitution.

I'm sorry you don't understand, dems keep black schools underfunded to ensure you are unable to think for yourself.

it's not your fault, even though you are an adult, you are still be held back.
Who said you couldnt put up the flag? Thats what i keep asking you but you seem to get enraged everytime.

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