Obama Calls For Free Speech Crackdown: We Must “Detoxify” From “Scourge of Disinformation”

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Censorship is one of the first steps towards one party tyranny.
Hitler, Stalin and Mao also censored dissension.
Obama and the Dems are pushing American into totalitarianism.
They have to censor because the truth will destroy them.
Goodbye Obama then, if we need to get rid of misinformation anyway.
You mean like the attempt on Kavanaugh incited by democrats? Or is that different?
What do you mean "incited by Democrats:? What Democrats endorsed violence against any Justice.? This guy might be a Democrat but he is clearly disturbed and was acting on his own. He wanted to die

But if it was incited by Democrats, it would be no different. Still wrong. Don't be so quick to assume that we don't think that the same rules should apply to everyone.
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What do you mean "incited by Democrats:? What Democrats endorsed violence against any Justice.? This guy might be a Democrat but he is clearly disturbed and was acting on his own. He wanted to die

But if it was incited by Democrats, it would be no different. Still wrong. Don't be so quick to assume that we don't think that the same rules should apply to everyone.
Chuck Schumer.
More inane hysteria from the right. He said nothing about government censorship. Infact he said nothing about censorship at all. But all rights, including free speech have their limits and when someone's speech costs live we have to draw a line. The lies being told have resulted in the murder of immigrants, religious minorities, LGBT people and others. People to die of diseases because of lies about common sense preventive measures. That cannot continue

His message is that we as individuals and as a society must do what we can to fight the tsunami of lies and misinformation. We must hold each other accountable for what is said . We must hold social media and news outlets accountable for the content of what is printed, and broadcast. That is not censorship. It is accountability. It is how a civilized society functions.

You people have no business bitching about authoritarianism and censorship after you seek to ban classic literature from libraries and schools, resist the teaching of the true racial history of the US and oppose educational programs intended to teach children respect and acceptance of themselves and others who may be different in terms of gender and sexual orientation.


In case your interested, and I doubt that you are, here is an unbiased account of what he said

Yep, we know the drill ass-wipe, censor everyone but you idiots.
Who said the Left are fascists?
Anyone care to bet we never hear the call for government censorship of speech when a Republican moves into the White House with a Supermajority behind him/her in 25?

Former President Barack Obama did not miss the opportunity at the 2022 Copenhagen Democracy Summit to call for more censorship, asserting we must “detoxify our discourse.”

Ok. Let’s start with Obumbler. Practice what you preach, Barack, and stfu.

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