Obama calls Korean War a Victory

As I said on another thread...Obabble talking war is like Bieber talking football.

You guys had your chance in Afghanistan and Iraq. Cheney and the GOP so completely fucked up both of those adventures that they are beyond redemption.

President Obama bit the bullet and gave the orders to take out Bin Laden. And the Al Queda has been decimated during this President's terms. You fellows gave excuse for seven years as to why you could not get him. And Bush even stated publically "Bin Laden is not a concern of mine". You murder 3000 Americans on American soil, and you are not the concern of the American President?

Whatever you qualifications are in other areas of life, you are one piss poor judge of who really understands the reasons to make war.

You people just don't give it up. Iraq was won with comparatively few casualties both militarily and civilian. The Kurds love GWB for freeing them from Saddam's rule.

Show the absolute proof that Obama killed OBL. Hell for that matter show me any proof. His word ain't near good enough.
The only trouble with our wars is that we don't fight them commensurate with our military resources. We tip toe dragging lawyers behind us always referring to our checklists of politically correct procedures and tactics. I say again...warn all nations that if they fuck with us their infrastructure will be decimated without regard to casualties. We will hold no ground ...we will make it uninhabitable.
The final outcome will be when the people in North Korea finally rise up and take out the present rulers. When that happens, I suspect it will make the French Revolution look bloodless.

No, the West definately won that war, for while the borders remain where they were, the lives of the citizens of the two Koreas are a stark lesson in reality for those that look to what kind of government works best.

The North attacked to try and make all of Korea communist the goal of South Korea and it's allies was to defeat the North and make all of Korea Democratic when the shooting stopped neither side had accomplished their goal that is the classic definition of a stalemate if people want to try and spin this into something other than what it is fine whatever.

When is the ignorant pop-culture going to learn about the "forgotten war" and quit relying on cliches? The US/UN defeated the North Korean military and kicked them back across the 38th parallel. The NK capital of Pyongyang was taken and the NK no longer existed as a threat. A possibly demented American general decided to on a campaign to approach the Yalu River even though Red China promised to enter the conflict. To make a long story short the craziness of general MacArthur and the cowardly and detached Truman administration turned victory into a three year stalemate and a embarrassing truce.

Yes, we could have stayed out of above the 38 parallel but to measure what was down them through the prism of time seems unfair. The truth is the "demented" General pulled off at least two of the most incredible military actions in US history. For sure the Congress, President and McArthur underestimated the Chinese and Russians with tragic results. But their motive was a united Korea which would have been the best for all of Korea. Now 60 years later we can clearly see the difference between a dictatorship and modern capitalism.

Actually your bitch should be with China and Russia that had no reason to enter the war.
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The only trouble with our wars is that we don't fight them commensurate with our military resources. We tip toe dragging lawyers behind us always referring to our checklists of politically correct procedures and tactics. I say again...warn all nations that if they fuck with us their infrastructure will be decimated without regard to casualties. We will hold no ground ...we will make it uninhabitable.

In my opinion we did that in both Korea and Vietnam. Operation Linebacker was basically the carpet bombing of North Vietnam and we did the same in NK until Russia entered the war. The problem was it happen in Vietnam too late public opinion had been turned by traitors like Walter Cronkite who lied about the Tet offensive as if it were a loss for the south when in fact it was a victory.

Not that I like any war it seems we should be able to solve problems without war but every day it seems we are getting closer to another one.
Even Papa Doc obama, as stupid as he is, knows that there was no victory in Korea, only a thin truce that North Korea continues to threaten to violate. He is just farting through his mouth as usual.
How frigging clueless can this man be?

Like today, to afraid of China. Instead, let them win without war

Yea, victory in turn and North Korea is making nukes?



Obama calls Korean War a victory, honors veterans | Reuters

"Here, today, we can say with confidence that this war was no tie. Korea was a victory," Obama said to cheers from an outdoor crowd populated by war veterans from the United States and South Korea.

Some victory. We still have thousands of troops stationed at the 38th parallel (The DMZ).

It is the world's most fortified border. Victory? Really?
How frigging clueless can this man be?

Like today, to afraid of China. Instead, let them win without war

Yea, victory in turn and North Korea is making nukes?



Obama calls Korean War a victory, honors veterans | Reuters

"Here, today, we can say with confidence that this war was no tie. Korea was a victory," Obama said to cheers from an outdoor crowd populated by war veterans from the United States and South Korea.

Some victory. We still have thousands of troops stationed at the 38th parallel (The DMZ).

It is the world's most fortified border. Victory? Really?

Could we have troops at the 38th if we had lost?
How frigging clueless can this man be?

Like today, to afraid of China. Instead, let them win without war

Yea, victory in turn and North Korea is making nukes?



Obama calls Korean War a victory, honors veterans | Reuters

"Here, today, we can say with confidence that this war was no tie. Korea was a victory," Obama said to cheers from an outdoor crowd populated by war veterans from the United States and South Korea.

Some victory. We still have thousands of troops stationed at the 38th parallel (The DMZ).

It is the world's most fortified border. Victory? Really?

Could we have troops at the 38th if we had lost?

Ever hear of an Armistice Agreement? No side won. It was a cessation of hostilities that can be rekindled at any time.

Some victory. We still have thousands of troops stationed at the 38th parallel (The DMZ).

It is the world's most fortified border. Victory? Really?

Could we have troops at the 38th if we had lost?

Ever hear of an Armistice Agreement? No side won. It was a cessation of hostilities that can be rekindled at any time.


And with an armistice it cannot be rekindled?
WTF? technically were still at war with the North....The War never ended.

Technically? Congress never declared us at War with N. Korea. But the invaders were driven back and S. Korea is thriving.
The only trouble with our wars is that we don't fight them commensurate with our military resources. We tip toe dragging lawyers behind us always referring to our checklists of politically correct procedures and tactics. I say again...warn all nations that if they fuck with us their infrastructure will be decimated without regard to casualties. We will hold no ground ...we will make it uninhabitable.

In my opinion we did that in both Korea and Vietnam. Operation Linebacker was basically the carpet bombing of North Vietnam and we did the same in NK until Russia entered the war. The problem was it happen in Vietnam too late public opinion had been turned by traitors like Walter Cronkite who lied about the Tet offensive as if it were a loss for the south when in fact it was a victory.

Not that I like any war it seems we should be able to solve problems without war but every day it seems we are getting closer to another one.

"Who won and who lost in the great Tet offensive against the cities? I'm not sure. The Vietcong did not win by a knockout, but neither did we."


"To say that we are closer to victory today is to believe, in the face of the evidence, the optimists who have been wrong in the past. To suggest we are on the edge of defeat is to yield to unreasonable pessimism. To say that we are mired in stalemate seems the only realistic, yet unsatisfactory, conclusion."


What it proved was that the North had a great deal of support in the South, enough to pull off Tet.
How frigging clueless can this man be?

Like today, to afraid of China. Instead, let them win without war

Yea, victory in turn and North Korea is making nukes?



Obama calls Korean War a victory, honors veterans | Reuters

"Here, today, we can say with confidence that this war was no tie. Korea was a victory," Obama said to cheers from an outdoor crowd populated by war veterans from the United States and South Korea.

You forgot the other part of his statement
""When 50 million South Koreans live in freedom ... in stark contrast to the repression and poverty of the North, that's a victory; that's your legacy," he said."
How frigging clueless can this man be?

Like today, to afraid of China. Instead, let them win without war

Yea, victory in turn and North Korea is making nukes?



Obama calls Korean War a victory, honors veterans | Reuters

"Here, today, we can say with confidence that this war was no tie. Korea was a victory," Obama said to cheers from an outdoor crowd populated by war veterans from the United States and South Korea.

I take it you've never been to South Korea.

I hear it's nice.

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