Obama Calls US Racist in Muslim Country that Persecutes Christians

And where was he? Malaysia, a Muslim country that persecutes Christians and other non-Muslims. Is there no end of this man's arrogance?

"Societies that are divided ethnically and racially are almost never successful over the long term," Obama says.

Thus says the Divider-in-Chief. Read more of this piece @ Obama Calls US Racist in Muslim Country that Persecutes Christians before you start spouting your ignorance in defending him.
The US is racist, he could be standing on the moon when he says it and that would still be true.

And religious freedom comes from liberalism, nothing else.

And next time, find a source that isn't propaganda...
So your saying it didn't happen ?
Nope, I'm saying the source is Propaganda.
"Obama Calls US Racist in Muslim Country that Persecutes Christians"


Another ridiculous lie from the reprehensible right.

At no time during his speech did the president call the United States 'racist.'

The president's actual remarks in context:

"Now, these are all problems that can be solved, and I’m confident we will eventually solve them. But right now, our political system does not work as well as it should. And what I would say to young leaders, what sort of pitfalls should you avoid, I would say, number one, it is very important to avoid any political system where money overwhelms ideas. And the United States politics process has become so expensive and it lasts so long, and even though I was successful at it, we spend hundreds of millions of dollars in television advertising and in all the things that go into a U.S. presidential campaign. But it’s also true for members of Congress. And when politicians have to raise so much money all the time, then they start listening a little bit more to the people who have money, as opposed to ordinary people."

Remarks by the President in YSEALI Town Hall
So, I am a shameful, un-American racist for being a little apprehensive about importing thousands of "refugees" under the following circumstances:

1. The demographic of the majority of these people is young male, which also happens to be the primary demographic of Islamic terrorists.

2. These people are coming from a state - Syria - who has historically expressed hate toward the U.S. and who has sponsored terrorism. Even if these circumstances came from the Assad father/son team, it is pretty safe to assume that more than a couple of people in Syria share those views.

3. Many Syrians are already extra pissed off that Obama promised that chemical weapons use by Assad would be a "red line", implying a commitment to intervene against Assad, then committed the ultimate shit move by backing out of his promise. They are not as accustomed at being lied to by Obama like we are.

4. ISIS has expressly stated that they are going to imbed their agents in the refugee flood for the purpose of gaining access to target states for the purpose of conducting terrorist attacks. Lo and behold, it looks like ISIS is true to their word, unlike Obama.

5. Logistically, it is just plain stupid to put these "refugees" on a plane and fly them half-way around the world to settle them in America. There are plenty of other places closer to their home to send them.

If Obama wants to malign me and the rest of America for having grave reservations about importing these people, then so be it. He is just making himself look silly and further isolating himself from the American people. Besides, I am in far better position to judge what is, or is not, to be considered "American" than some bi-racial, radicalized clown with Obama's background. Fuck Obama!
Just want to point out your #1 is completely wrong:

Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees
Ok, I will reconsider this point. But I will note that those figures are over 60 days old and the methodology of their survey was not revealed. However, I will look into it before I make such a representation again.
UN says 75% are men
Yeah, I thought that was the case. The fact checker site cited by numb nuts is probably an ideologically driven hack site.
Lol this is why it's so hard for me to be civil on this site.

Hey you fucking retards, the numbers you're hearing from your partisan talking heads are total bullshit. Read my link. The refugees coming here are not your dumb catchphrase of 72% "military aged males." You may believe that, but to deny reality is embarrassing.
So, your beloved UN is lying and your partisan hack site is reliable and correct?
Just want to point out your #1 is completely wrong:

Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees
Ok, I will reconsider this point. But I will note that those figures are over 60 days old and the methodology of their survey was not revealed. However, I will look into it before I make such a representation again.
UN says 75% are men
Yeah, I thought that was the case. The fact checker site cited by numb nuts is probably an ideologically driven hack site.
Lol this is why it's so hard for me to be civil on this site.

Hey you fucking retards, the numbers you're hearing from your partisan talking heads are total bullshit. Read my link. The refugees coming here are not your dumb catchphrase of 72% "military aged males." You may believe that, but to deny reality is embarrassing.
So, your beloved UN is lying and your partisan hack site is reliable and correct?
Omg click the link idiot.
Ok, I will reconsider this point. But I will note that those figures are over 60 days old and the methodology of their survey was not revealed. However, I will look into it before I make such a representation again.
UN says 75% are men
Yeah, I thought that was the case. The fact checker site cited by numb nuts is probably an ideologically driven hack site.
Lol this is why it's so hard for me to be civil on this site.

Hey you fucking retards, the numbers you're hearing from your partisan talking heads are total bullshit. Read my link. The refugees coming here are not your dumb catchphrase of 72% "military aged males." You may believe that, but to deny reality is embarrassing.
So, your beloved UN is lying and your partisan hack site is reliable and correct?
Omg click the link idiot.
I did. Just because you come across a nugget you agree with on the internet does not necessarily make it the gospel truth. There can be questions about methodology and bias. Clearly someone like you cannot be trusted to provide unbiased corroboration.
And where was he? Malaysia, a Muslim country that persecutes Christians and other non-Muslims. Is there no end of this man's arrogance?

"Societies that are divided ethnically and racially are almost never successful over the long term," Obama says.

Thus says the Divider-in-Chief. Read more of this piece @ Obama Calls US Racist in Muslim Country that Persecutes Christians before you start spouting your ignorance in defending him.

The Malaysian government does not persecute Christians. Malaysia has freedom of religion enshrined in it's Constitution.
So, I am a shameful, un-American racist for being a little apprehensive about importing thousands of "refugees" under the following circumstances:

1. The demographic of the majority of these people is young male, which also happens to be the primary demographic of Islamic terrorists.

2. These people are coming from a state - Syria - who has historically expressed hate toward the U.S. and who has sponsored terrorism. Even if these circumstances came from the Assad father/son team, it is pretty safe to assume that more than a couple of people in Syria share those views.

3. Many Syrians are already extra pissed off that Obama promised that chemical weapons use by Assad would be a "red line", implying a commitment to intervene against Assad, then committed the ultimate shit move by backing out of his promise. They are not as accustomed at being lied to by Obama like we are.

4. ISIS has expressly stated that they are going to imbed their agents in the refugee flood for the purpose of gaining access to target states for the purpose of conducting terrorist attacks. Lo and behold, it looks like ISIS is true to their word, unlike Obama.

5. Logistically, it is just plain stupid to put these "refugees" on a plane and fly them half-way around the world to settle them in America. There are plenty of other places closer to their home to send them.

If Obama wants to malign me and the rest of America for having grave reservations about importing these people, then so be it. He is just making himself look silly and further isolating himself from the American people. Besides, I am in far better position to judge what is, or is not, to be considered "American" than some bi-racial, radicalized clown with Obama's background. Fuck Obama!
My next door neighbor who is an Obama supporter and is black; well he started the conversation in my yard today by saying he wasn't for what Obama was trying to do with the refugee situation... He said that we ain't about all that in this nation in which they are as a people by what they have been doing over there... He said they have children in their army, and women blowing themselves up.. So what is Obama saying when he say's what are we afraid of ? Personally I think that Obama should be ousted like the president of Egypt was myself... He has got to be a sympathizer of some of this stuff, I mean there the evidence is in his words all the time.
And where was he? Malaysia, a Muslim country that persecutes Christians and other non-Muslims. Is there no end of this man's arrogance?

"Societies that are divided ethnically and racially are almost never successful over the long term," Obama says.

Thus says the Divider-in-Chief. Read more of this piece @ Obama Calls US Racist in Muslim Country that Persecutes Christians before you start spouting your ignorance in defending him.

The Malaysian government does not persecute Christians. Malaysia has freedom of religion enshrined in it's Constitution.
Freedom of what religion?
And where was he? Malaysia, a Muslim country that persecutes Christians and other non-Muslims. Is there no end of this man's arrogance?

"Societies that are divided ethnically and racially are almost never successful over the long term," Obama says.

Thus says the Divider-in-Chief. Read more of this piece @ Obama Calls US Racist in Muslim Country that Persecutes Christians before you start spouting your ignorance in defending him.

The Malaysian government does not persecute Christians. Malaysia has freedom of religion enshrined in it's Constitution.
Freedom of what religion?

Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, Taoism, and a variety of folk religions. I don't think there are any Malaysian Jews.
Obama actually calling someone racist is funny. definitely a case of the pot calling the kettle black.
Seems that diversity is a curse and not a blessing when it comes to a country's population.
And where was he? Malaysia, a Muslim country that persecutes Christians and other non-Muslims. Is there no end of this man's arrogance?

"Societies that are divided ethnically and racially are almost never successful over the long term," Obama says.

Thus says the Divider-in-Chief. Read more of this piece @ Obama Calls US Racist in Muslim Country that Persecutes Christians before you start spouting your ignorance in defending him.
The US is racist, he could be standing on the moon when he says it and that would still be true.

And religious freedom comes from liberalism, nothing else.

And next time, find a source that isn't propaganda...
And where was he? Malaysia, a Muslim country that persecutes Christians and other non-Muslims. Is there no end of this man's arrogance?

"Societies that are divided ethnically and racially are almost never successful over the long term," Obama says.

Thus says the Divider-in-Chief. Read more of this piece @ Obama Calls US Racno st in Muslim Country that Persecutes Christians before you start spouting your ignorance in defending him.
The US is racist, he could be standing on the moon when he says it and that would still be true.

And religious freedom comes from liberalism, nothing else.

And next time, find a source that isn't propaganda...
Nope, and there's no reason to report your trolling so I won't bother.
And where was he? Malaysia, a Muslim country that persecutes Christians and other non-Muslims. Is there no end of this man's arrogance?

"Societies that are divided ethnically and racially are almost never successful over the long term," Obama says.

Thus says the Divider-in-Chief. Read more of this piece @ Obama Calls US Racist in Muslim Country that Persecutes Christians before you start spouting your ignorance in defending him.
Japan seems quite successful over the long term.
And where was he? Malaysia, a Muslim country that persecutes Christians and other non-Muslims. Is there no end of this man's arrogance?

"Societies that are divided ethnically and racially are almost never successful over the long term," Obama says.

Thus says the Divider-in-Chief. Read more of this piece @ Obama Calls US Racist in Muslim Country that Persecutes Christians before you start spouting your ignorance in defending him.
And where was he? Malaysia, a Muslim country that persecutes Christians and other non-Muslims. Is there no end of this man's arrogance?

"Societies that are divided ethnically and racially are almost never successful over the long term," Obama says.

Thus says the Divider-in-Chief. Read more of this piece @ Obama Calls US Racist in Muslim Country that Persecutes Christians before you start spouting your ignorance in defending him.
He seems to be constantly stirring up dangerous hatred for the US.
And where was he? Malaysia, a Muslim country that persecutes Christians and other non-Muslims. Is there no end of this man's arrogance?

"Societies that are divided ethnically and racially are almost never successful over the long term," Obama says.

Thus says the Divider-in-Chief. Read more of this piece @ Obama Calls US Racist in Muslim Country that Persecutes Christians before you start spouting your ignorance in defending him.
Japan seems quite successful over the long term.
As islands, after we defeated them, without their own defense or most necessary resources, they're doing great. And yes, they very, very racist.
And where was he? Malaysia, a Muslim country that persecutes Christians and other non-Muslims. Is there no end of this man's arrogance?

"Societies that are divided ethnically and racially are almost never successful over the long term," Obama says.

Thus says the Divider-in-Chief. Read more of this piece @ Obama Calls US Racist in Muslim Country that Persecutes Christians before you start spouting your ignorance in defending him.
And where was he? Malaysia, a Muslim country that persecutes Christians and other non-Muslims. Is there no end of this man's arrogance?

"Societies that are divided ethnically and racially are almost never successful over the long term," Obama says.

Thus says the Divider-in-Chief. Read more of this piece @ Obama Calls US Racist in Muslim Country that Persecutes Christians before you start spouting your ignorance in defending him.
He seems to be constantly stirring up dangerous hatred for the US.
That was Bush and Cheney, the fathers of ISIS.
And where was he? Malaysia, a Muslim country that persecutes Christians and other non-Muslims. Is there no end of this man's arrogance?

"Societies that are divided ethnically and racially are almost never successful over the long term," Obama says.

Thus says the Divider-in-Chief. Read more of this piece @ Obama Calls US Racist in Muslim Country that Persecutes Christians before you start spouting your ignorance in defending him.

The Malaysian government does not persecute Christians. Malaysia has freedom of religion enshrined in it's Constitution.

Really? Does this sound like religious freedom to you? You see, shariah law runs side by side and is is enforced so this is what you actually get:

KUALA LUMPUR - Lina Joy, the Malay lady who converted from Islam to Christianity, has lost her long battle to have her new religion legally recognized. On May 30 the Federal Court, which is the highest civil court in Malaysia, decided that only the Islamic Court may remove the word "Islam" from her identity card.

Without this change, Ms Joy cannot marry the man she loves, an Indian Christian. Of the three judges called to hear her appeal, one (Richard Malanjum) was in favour, two (Chief Justice Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim and Federal Judge Alauddin Mohd Sheriff) against.

The verdict came after a long wait and much heated public debate, pressure from Islamic fundamentalists and death threats against the woman and her lawyers.

Azlina Jailani, 42, born Malay and therefore regarded as Muslim, began attending church in 1990. In 1998 she was baptized and took on the name Lina Joy. In 2000 she applied first to the National Registration Department (NRD) and then the Court of Appeal to remove the designation "Islam" (as her religion) from her identity papers.

It is only by having this change made that she be would be able to marry her Christian boyfriend of Indian origin because a Muslim woman cannot marry a non-Muslim man. Both the requests to the National Registration Department and to the Court of Appeal were refused. This led Ms Joy to appeal to the Federal Court.

She was refused in both earlier requests on the grounds that she was ethnic Malay. In Malaysia that made her legally a Muslim and being a Muslim she "could not change religion" and therefore the identification "Islam" could not be removed by the civil authorities. Religious issues involving Muslims fall under the jurisdiction of Islamic courts. Thus, two legal systems in the country: one based on Sharia (Islamic law); the other on the Constitution.
Lina Joy's conversion to Christianity not accepted by Malaysian court
And where was he? Malaysia, a Muslim country that persecutes Christians and other non-Muslims. Is there no end of this man's arrogance?

"Societies that are divided ethnically and racially are almost never successful over the long term," Obama says.

Thus says the Divider-in-Chief. Read more of this piece @ Obama Calls US Racist in Muslim Country that Persecutes Christians before you start spouting your ignorance in defending him.

The Malaysian government does not persecute Christians. Malaysia has freedom of religion enshrined in it's Constitution.

Really? Does this sound like religious freedom to you? You see, shariah law runs side by side and is is enforced so this is what you actually get:

KUALA LUMPUR - Lina Joy, the Malay lady who converted from Islam to Christianity, has lost her long battle to have her new religion legally recognized. On May 30 the Federal Court, which is the highest civil court in Malaysia, decided that only the Islamic Court may remove the word "Islam" from her identity card.

Without this change, Ms Joy cannot marry the man she loves, an Indian Christian. Of the three judges called to hear her appeal, one (Richard Malanjum) was in favour, two (Chief Justice Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim and Federal Judge Alauddin Mohd Sheriff) against.

The verdict came after a long wait and much heated public debate, pressure from Islamic fundamentalists and death threats against the woman and her lawyers.

Azlina Jailani, 42, born Malay and therefore regarded as Muslim, began attending church in 1990. In 1998 she was baptized and took on the name Lina Joy. In 2000 she applied first to the National Registration Department (NRD) and then the Court of Appeal to remove the designation "Islam" (as her religion) from her identity papers.

It is only by having this change made that she be would be able to marry her Christian boyfriend of Indian origin because a Muslim woman cannot marry a non-Muslim man. Both the requests to the National Registration Department and to the Court of Appeal were refused. This led Ms Joy to appeal to the Federal Court.

She was refused in both earlier requests on the grounds that she was ethnic Malay. In Malaysia that made her legally a Muslim and being a Muslim she "could not change religion" and therefore the identification "Islam" could not be removed by the civil authorities. Religious issues involving Muslims fall under the jurisdiction of Islamic courts. Thus, two legal systems in the country: one based on Sharia (Islamic law); the other on the Constitution.
Lina Joy's conversion to Christianity not accepted by Malaysian court
Religion at work. The fix, liberalism.
And where was he? Malaysia, a Muslim country that persecutes Christians and other non-Muslims. Is there no end of this man's arrogance?

"Societies that are divided ethnically and racially are almost never successful over the long term," Obama says.

Thus says the Divider-in-Chief. Read more of this piece @ Obama Calls US Racist in Muslim Country that Persecutes Christians before you start spouting your ignorance in defending him.

The Malaysian government does not persecute Christians. Malaysia has freedom of religion enshrined in it's Constitution.

Really? Does this sound like religious freedom to you? You see, shariah law runs side by side and is is enforced so this is what you actually get:

KUALA LUMPUR - Lina Joy, the Malay lady who converted from Islam to Christianity, has lost her long battle to have her new religion legally recognized. On May 30 the Federal Court, which is the highest civil court in Malaysia, decided that only the Islamic Court may remove the word "Islam" from her identity card.

Without this change, Ms Joy cannot marry the man she loves, an Indian Christian. Of the three judges called to hear her appeal, one (Richard Malanjum) was in favour, two (Chief Justice Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim and Federal Judge Alauddin Mohd Sheriff) against.

The verdict came after a long wait and much heated public debate, pressure from Islamic fundamentalists and death threats against the woman and her lawyers.

Azlina Jailani, 42, born Malay and therefore regarded as Muslim, began attending church in 1990. In 1998 she was baptized and took on the name Lina Joy. In 2000 she applied first to the National Registration Department (NRD) and then the Court of Appeal to remove the designation "Islam" (as her religion) from her identity papers.

It is only by having this change made that she be would be able to marry her Christian boyfriend of Indian origin because a Muslim woman cannot marry a non-Muslim man. Both the requests to the National Registration Department and to the Court of Appeal were refused. This led Ms Joy to appeal to the Federal Court.

She was refused in both earlier requests on the grounds that she was ethnic Malay. In Malaysia that made her legally a Muslim and being a Muslim she "could not change religion" and therefore the identification "Islam" could not be removed by the civil authorities. Religious issues involving Muslims fall under the jurisdiction of Islamic courts. Thus, two legal systems in the country: one based on Sharia (Islamic law); the other on the Constitution.
Lina Joy's conversion to Christianity not accepted by Malaysian court
Religion at work. The fix, liberalism.

OK. How would you implement the fix?
And where was he? Malaysia, a Muslim country that persecutes Christians and other non-Muslims. Is there no end of this man's arrogance?

"Societies that are divided ethnically and racially are almost never successful over the long term," Obama says.

Thus says the Divider-in-Chief. Read more of this piece @ Obama Calls US Racist in Muslim Country that Persecutes Christians before you start spouting your ignorance in defending him.

The Malaysian government does not persecute Christians. Malaysia has freedom of religion enshrined in it's Constitution.

Really? Does this sound like religious freedom to you? You see, shariah law runs side by side and is is enforced so this is what you actually get:

KUALA LUMPUR - Lina Joy, the Malay lady who converted from Islam to Christianity, has lost her long battle to have her new religion legally recognized. On May 30 the Federal Court, which is the highest civil court in Malaysia, decided that only the Islamic Court may remove the word "Islam" from her identity card.

Without this change, Ms Joy cannot marry the man she loves, an Indian Christian. Of the three judges called to hear her appeal, one (Richard Malanjum) was in favour, two (Chief Justice Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim and Federal Judge Alauddin Mohd Sheriff) against.

The verdict came after a long wait and much heated public debate, pressure from Islamic fundamentalists and death threats against the woman and her lawyers.

Azlina Jailani, 42, born Malay and therefore regarded as Muslim, began attending church in 1990. In 1998 she was baptized and took on the name Lina Joy. In 2000 she applied first to the National Registration Department (NRD) and then the Court of Appeal to remove the designation "Islam" (as her religion) from her identity papers.

It is only by having this change made that she be would be able to marry her Christian boyfriend of Indian origin because a Muslim woman cannot marry a non-Muslim man. Both the requests to the National Registration Department and to the Court of Appeal were refused. This led Ms Joy to appeal to the Federal Court.

She was refused in both earlier requests on the grounds that she was ethnic Malay. In Malaysia that made her legally a Muslim and being a Muslim she "could not change religion" and therefore the identification "Islam" could not be removed by the civil authorities. Religious issues involving Muslims fall under the jurisdiction of Islamic courts. Thus, two legal systems in the country: one based on Sharia (Islamic law); the other on the Constitution.
Lina Joy's conversion to Christianity not accepted by Malaysian court
Religion at work. The fix, liberalism.

OK. How would you implement the fix?
Slowly and painfully, just as we did with the Christians and the Jews.

And the first step, everyone standing up for the bloody thing not working for ISIS fighting a Holy War.

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