Obama Campaign Lies About Ryan Medicare Reform


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
I have lived through more then a few presidential campaigns and this has to be the worse I have seen. We are not talking about distorting what a canidate said we are talking about down right lying. Sad, very sad but I guess that is all this administration has left.

Obama Campaign Lies About Ryan Medicare Reform

Obama Campaign Lies About Ryan Medicare Reform | The Weekly Standard

Today, at 9:22 a.m., Obama campaign manager Jim Messina sent out an email blasting Mitt Romney's vice presidential running mate, Wisconsin congressman and House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan. "[Ryan's] plan also would end Medicare as we know it by turning it into a voucher system, shifting thousands of dollars in health care costs to seniors," Messina wrote.

There are many reasons why Messina's statement is tendentious, misleading, and false. The latest version of the Ryan Medicare reform plan allows future retirees use a premium support payment to buy private insurance or buy into traditional Medicare--a proposal endorsed by Democratic senator Ron Wyden of Oregon. Medicare will end "as we know it" under Obama's plan of rationing and/or bankruptcy. But the most dishonest part of Messina's statement is that it leaves the impression that the Ryan plan would affect current seniors. That is not true. Ryan's Medicare reform doesn't affect current seniors or those 10 years away from retirement.

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