Obama Campaign Strategy


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "Brian Williams of NBC News held a rare interview with President Barack Obama about the killing of Osama bin Laden in the White House Situation Room yesterday.The interview, which will air on Rock Center with Brian Williams on May 2, comes at the one-year anniversary of bin Laden’s killing, an event the Obama campaign is touting in a new ad that goes after Mitt Romney."
Obama talks bin Laden in rare sit room interview - POLITICO.com

Absolutely legitimate.

But, more to the point....one of the few foreign policy triumphs that this anemic President can trumpet.

The Right has this answer:

2. "Obama Campaign Trots Out Bin Laden, Spikes the Football...This latest ad contradicts President Obama's own pledge after he took out bin Laden. "You know, we don't trot out this stuff as trophies," Obama told CBS soon after the terrorist mastermind had been taken out. He added: "Americans and people around the world are glad that he's gone. But we don't need to spike the football."
Obama Campaign Trots Out Bin Laden, Spikes the Football (Updated: Romney Responds) | The Weekly Standard

The courageous Commander in Chief who carries 'a big stick,' as Biden put it.....

But that is not the answer that I would provide. Instead, I was compare/contrast it another of President Obama's maneuvers, one that tells much more about him.

3. In June of 2009, a situation occurred in Honduras that revealed much of our Presidents' beliefs. "President Manuel Zelaya of Honduras was ousted by the army on Sunday, capping months of tensions over his efforts to lift presidential term limits....Mr. Zelaya, a leftist aligned with President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela, angrily denounced the coup as illegal....the Honduran Congress voted him out of office,... the Supreme Court issued a statement saying that the military had acted to defend the law against “those who had publicly spoken out and acted against the Constitution’s provisions.”http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/29/world/americas/29honduras.html?pagewanted=all

"President Obama said he was deeply concerned and in a statement called on Honduran officials “to respect democratic norms, the rule of law and the tenets of the Inter-American Democratic charter." Ibid.

a. So, our nascent President, reputed constitutional lecturer, voiced disapproval of Supreme Court of Honduras, taking the side of the Leftist who,it is alleged, tried to 'increase' his term of office.

b. He voiced same based on his disdain for sovereignty, as seen in his call for 'the tenets of the Inter-American Democratic charter.'

I'm saying that his globalist views and support for Leftists is far more important than his giving the 'go' to shoot OBL.

4. Consistent with the above charges, President Obama's foreign policy actions during the Green Revolution protests against the disputed victory of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, also in June of 2009, were revealing;

a. "Obama refuses to "meddle" in Iran, where individuals are courageously risking life and limb for the idea of free elections. Brutal Islamic nazis are crushing dissent, and Obama talks about "lively debate". But in Honduras, Obama and the whores at the UN have no qualms about interfering to back a Chavez proxy (of course)."
Honduras Fights for Constitution, Obama Takes Sides with Chavez against the Honduran People - Atlas Shrugs

So....speak out to support Leftists against the rule of law in Honduras....but this "courageous Commander in Chief who carries 'a big stick,'" tip-toes quietly while peaceful protesters are killed by the regime's thugs in Iran.

You know who he is now...

The choice in November is clear.
Mark my words. Obama's dismantling of the Department of Defense will cost AMERICAN lives and will result in someone else trying to do the impossible with little or nothing. I mention this because our foreign policy is directly affected by the PERCEIVED POWER that backs up our authority. Wasn't it Barry and the boys who told us all we had to do was just "talk" to people like Achmidinijad (SP?)? That's working about as well as "hope and change."

Good thread Political Chic... I always like reading your well thought out and logical OP's.
Bush was right about not caring where OBL was.

What difference did it make that Obama busted a cap in his ass?

Did it end the war? Nope

Did we get any intel out of him? Nope

Bush successfully marginalized OBL by taking away his state sponsorship

Well, done Dubya. Well done!

The choice is clear.


1. Under your USMB yearbook photo they're putting this
caption: "Too much breedin,’ not enough readin.' "

To be clear, you read an OP that documented that this
fraud has no better foreign policy achievement than that
he told someone else to go shoot OBL....
But he doesn't support the rule of law, nor the rights
of democracy-seeking protesters...and your response is:
"duh...yep...dat's da guy for me!"

2. This exposition of your IQ is no more necessary than having a dunking stool
on the Titanic.

3. America is blessed with far greater numbers of former-Obama voters who are
far more perceptive than you.

You and your ilk are in for a nuclear winter.

I can't wait for Election eve: watching the results and feeling like Michael Corleone during the baptism scene, as his enemies got wacked.


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Mark my words. Obama's dismantling of the Department of Defense will cost AMERICAN lives and will result in someone else trying to do the impossible with little or nothing. I mention this because our foreign policy is directly affected by the PERCEIVED POWER that backs up our authority. Wasn't it Barry and the boys who told us all we had to do was just "talk" to people like Achmidinijad (SP?)? That's working about as well as "hope and change."

Good thread Political Chic... I always like reading your well thought out and logical OP's.

After LBJ and Viet Nam? Every Democrat POTUS has cut defense to the bone that resulted in us getting caught with our drawers down and had to rebuild it when the offenders were out of office.
Shoot down drug planes, get yer radar revoked...
US suspends anti-drug radar support in Honduras
Sep 7,`12 -- The U.S. State Department has suspended sharing of radar intelligence with Honduras after the Central American nation's Air Force shot down two suspected drug planes in violation of U.S. agreements, the department confirmed Friday.
The decision came after two separate incidents in July, when civilian aircraft were shot down off the coast of northern Honduras, said William Ostick, Western Hemispheric Affairs Office spokesman. The U.S. bilateral agreement with Honduras for information sharing exclusively prohibits shooting down civilian aircraft. "We don't have information about the occupants or the cargo," Ostick said.

The State Department and Drug Enforcement Administration agents ran a joint operation with Honduran forces until mid-July going after planes carrying cocaine into the country. It wasn't clear Friday if the planes were shot down during the joint operation. President Porfirio Lobo said Thursday he replaced the head of the Honduran Air Force in August because of one shoot-down that did occur under the joint offensive known as Operation Anvil. He denied it was because of U.S. pressure.

Ostick also said there was no pressure to replace the Air Force chief but that the U.S. is reviewing Honduran drug-interdiction procedures and protocols to prevent future incidents. U.S. Ambassador to Honduras Lisa Kubiske "expressed our grave concern to senior Honduran officials and asked for a full account from the Honduran government on these two incidents," Ostick said. "She has insisted and we have insisted on the implementation of a series of remedial measure to assure this does not happen again."


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