Obama can violate Acts of Congress, but don't YOU dare try it

Sewerboy? What YOU have posted is TYRANNY of the majority...you know, DEMOCRACY...mob rule. YOU still have yet to show where Healthcare is a RIGHT.

Make us proud and show it in writing.
Sewerboy? What YOU have posted is TYRANNY of the majority...you know, DEMOCRACY...mob rule. YOU still have yet to show where Healthcare is a RIGHT.

Make us proud and show it in writing.

Actually, it is the way our government has functioned for 200 years

Why don't you look up Executive Powers sometime
So what was the point of a deadline to begin with?

The point is in doing what makes sense. Moving the deadline makes sense

Who is harmed other than butthurt Republicans?

If moving it makes sens, why have a deadline at all? I realize the purpose of moving it was for political advantage but that really shouldnt enter into it.
Yep. What gives Obama the right to change a law on a whim without the consent of the people?
Sewerboy? What YOU have posted is TYRANNY of the majority...you know, DEMOCRACY...mob rule. YOU still have yet to show where Healthcare is a RIGHT.

Make us proud and show it in writing.

Actually, it is the way our government has functioned for 200 years

Why don't you look up Executive Powers sometime
I don't give a tinker's DAMN about HOW it has functioned. *I*...meaning ME...asked YOU to show me. I didn't ask for your thoughts or what history has borne out. I asked YOU for written PROOF as outlined IN the United States Constitution that Healthcare was a RIGHT...an ENUMERATED RIGHT.

That's right, YOU Can't, can you? It isn't there, is it?
Obamacare is allowed under Article 1, Section 1 of the Constitution and has been validated by the US Supreme Court
I see ZERO about healthcare...much less ObamaCare...Can YOU point it out?

Article 1, Section 1 empowers Congress to pass laws, which is what they did
The US Supreme Court agreed they have that power

And those laws are limited by the constitution in article 1 section 8.. and note, that article one section 8 does not stop at the word 'welfare'

And the SC does not have to power to legislate, change legislation, or interpret the constitution.... even if they took it upon themselves to say they do have that power
Sewerboy? What YOU have posted is TYRANNY of the majority...you know, DEMOCRACY...mob rule. YOU still have yet to show where Healthcare is a RIGHT.

Make us proud and show it in writing.

Actually, it is the way our government has functioned for 200 years

Why don't you look up Executive Powers sometime

No, why don't YOU look it up? Nothing in executive power gives the president the power to change black letter law.
And the POTUS can by Executive POWER override a LAW on a whim? Without the input of the Congress RW? Really?

YOU advocate tyranny. That's ALL I needed to know. YOU Rightwinger are dismissed. Now go. Merry Christmas. You have ZERO.
Sewerboy? What YOU have posted is TYRANNY of the majority...you know, DEMOCRACY...mob rule. YOU still have yet to show where Healthcare is a RIGHT.

Make us proud and show it in writing.

Actually, it is the way our government has functioned for 200 years

Why don't you look up Executive Powers sometime

No, why don't YOU look it up? Nothing in executive power gives the president the power to change black letter law.
The guy advocates tyranny. It's what he wants...until it affects him...then watch him scream bloody murder. And that goes for the rest that thinks Obama can do what he wants . Fact is? He can't. There isn't a swingin' dick in the Congress that will call Obama on it.
I see ZERO about healthcare...much less ObamaCare...Can YOU point it out?

Article 1, Section 1 empowers Congress to pass laws, which is what they did
The US Supreme Court agreed they have that power

And those laws are limited by the constitution in article 1 section 8.. and note, that article one section 8 does not stop at the word 'welfare'

And the SC does not have to power to legislate, change legislation, or interpret the constitution.... even if they took it upon themselves to say they do have that power
RW knows it. He thinks tyranny is great.
Maybe Obama will show some balls and EO those ACA rates down a bit.
Ho! Ho! Ho!
Nah. He's telling people NOT to fear the deadlines...and opened the door to Insurance Company bailouts because of the failure.
(1) No, the Constitution is not hurt; and,

(2) The words of an asswipe birther like you are merely toxic gas.

Yes it is. We have a LAW that the POTUS changes on a whim without Congress and their say so. Another FAIL.

Yes, you continue fail. The law in no way inhibits the President's power to act as executive manager of laws.

And Fakey doesn't hesitate to goose-step into another thread.
(1) No, the Constitution is not hurt; and,

(2) The words of an asswipe birther like you are merely toxic gas.

Yes it is. We have a LAW that the POTUS changes on a whim without Congress and their say so. Another FAIL.

Yes, you continue fail. The law in no way inhibits the President's power to act as executive manager of laws.
HE does NOT have the power to change a LAW for any PURPOSE without the consent of the CONGRESS you twit. He has to ENFORCE THEM TO THE LETTER as per his OATH.
Yes it is. We have a LAW that the POTUS changes on a whim without Congress and their say so. Another FAIL.

Yes, you continue fail. The law in no way inhibits the President's power to act as executive manager of laws.

And Fakey doesn't hesitate to goose-step into another thread.

You can prove me wrong with some clear evidence.

All we have at this point from the far right reactionary is toxic gas.

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