Obama Cash To The Wealthy


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Buy a Chevy Volt and you get a $10,000 rebate. Sounds great. GM makes the Volt and the government took them over when they took a series of bailouts. So basically Obama is the guy telling you to buy his electric cars. Problem is, because of the price-tag, the average income of a buyer of these electric cars is $170,000. So this is just a handout to the rich.


If you sent jobs overseas Obama wants to give you a tax-cut. He hopes that this will induce you to bring those jobs back. He says he wants to nail anyone who sends jobs overseas, but he figures he can bribe them to come back. He never really goes into any detail how he's going to punish anyone for sending jobs overseas. Offsetting the cost savings companies get from outsourcing is going to be tough. Even his buddies at GE have been doing it. We're finding out his campaign bus was made overseas, the companies he's taken over are sending their jobs overseas faster than just about anyone.

None of this is saving us money or creating jobs. What it is doing is giving the sheeple something to talk about. It proves to them that Obama wants to help the poor and is willing to kick the rich in the ass. Instead Obama gave the rich a tax-cut last December and he's about to give them another one this month by extending the payroll tax-cuts another year. Somebody explain to me how extending these cuts yet again is helping the economy when all Obama talks about is raising taxes on the rich? That's his only solution to our massive debt. How is the debt going to be paid off if he keeps giving the rich breaks? Ever since last Summer all he's talked about is making them pay their fair share, yet he turns around and gives them one break after another.

Oh btw, does anyone know where Volt owners can charge their car once they bought the thing?


I just wanted to point out the facts as opposed to the rhetoric. Obama talks a good game but when it comes down to doing it he's not coming through. Sure, he's good at taking away your religious freedoms, and he wants to tell you what you can eat by inspecting your kid's lunch-box, but when it comes to his biggest issue, putting the screws to the 1%ers, he's not really doing it. If he was he'd wouldn't be constantly giving them free cash.
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Anybody who truly thinks OBAMA or the DEMOCRATIC PARTYU is really a threat to the superrich is clearly NOT paying attention to reality.
Barry gets donations from loads of the wealthy.

Doubt seriously he's gonna kick em in the balls and risk those donations.

Barry is like most politicians. He talks a good game but he knows who butters his bread for him.

Buy a Chevy Volt and you get a $10,000 rebate. Sounds great. GM makes the Volt and the government took them over when they took a series of bailouts. So basically Obama is the guy telling you to buy his electric cars. Problem is, because of the price-tag, the average income of a buyer of these electric cars is $170,000. So this is just a handout to the rich.


If you sent jobs overseas Obama wants to give you a tax-cut. He hopes that this will induce you to bring those jobs back. He says he wants to nail anyone who sends jobs overseas, but he figures he can bribe them to come back. He never really goes into any detail how he's going to punish anyone for sending jobs overseas. Offsetting the cost savings companies get from outsourcing is going to be tough. Even his buddies at GE have been doing it. We're finding out his campaign bus was made overseas, the companies he's taken over are sending their jobs overseas faster than just about anyone.

None of this is saving us money or creating jobs. What it is doing is giving the sheeple something to talk about. It proves to them that Obama wants to help the poor and is willing to kick the rich in the ass. Instead Obama gave the rich a tax-cut last December and he's about to give them another one this month by extending the payroll tax-cuts another year. Somebody explain to me how extending these cuts yet again is helping the economy when all Obama talks about is raising taxes on the rich? That's his only solution to our massive debt. How is the debt going to be paid off if he keeps giving the rich breaks? Ever since last Summer all he's talked about is making them pay their fair share, yet he turns around and gives them one break after another.

Oh btw, does anyone know where Volt owners can charge their car once they bought the thing?


I just wanted to point out the facts as opposed to the rhetoric. Obama talks a good game but when it comes down to doing it he's not coming through. Sure, he's good at taking away your religious freedoms, and he wants to tell you what you can eat by inspecting your kid's lunch-box, but when it comes to his biggest issue, putting the screws to the 1%ers, he's not really doing it. If he was he'd wouldn't be constantly giving them free cash.

Electric Vehicle Charging Station Overview

San Francisco will charge your electric car for free until 2013 | SmartPlanet

Ecotality Confirms Locations for Bay Area

We plan to purchase a hybrid this year as a replacement for our second car. I'm sure Mudwhistle, if born in 1860, would have been one of those who kept his horse and buggy at the beginning of the horseless carriages age, knowing those damn 'new fangled things' wouldn't last long and how would one ever find fuel for them. Myopia, a disease inherent in the contemporary conservative.

Buy a Chevy Volt and you get a $10,000 rebate. Sounds great. GM makes the Volt and the government took them over when they took a series of bailouts. So basically Obama is the guy telling you to buy his electric cars. Problem is, because of the price-tag, the average income of a buyer of these electric cars is $170,000. So this is just a handout to the rich.


If you sent jobs overseas Obama wants to give you a tax-cut. He hopes that this will induce you to bring those jobs back. He says he wants to nail anyone who sends jobs overseas, but he figures he can bribe them to come back. He never really goes into any detail how he's going to punish anyone for sending jobs overseas. Offsetting the cost savings companies get from outsourcing is going to be tough. Even his buddies at GE have been doing it. We're finding out his campaign bus was made overseas, the companies he's taken over are sending their jobs overseas faster than just about anyone.

None of this is saving us money or creating jobs. What it is doing is giving the sheeple something to talk about. It proves to them that Obama wants to help the poor and is willing to kick the rich in the ass. Instead Obama gave the rich a tax-cut last December and he's about to give them another one this month by extending the payroll tax-cuts another year. Somebody explain to me how extending these cuts yet again is helping the economy when all Obama talks about is raising taxes on the rich? That's his only solution to our massive debt. How is the debt going to be paid off if he keeps giving the rich breaks? Ever since last Summer all he's talked about is making them pay their fair share, yet he turns around and gives them one break after another.

Oh btw, does anyone know where Volt owners can charge their car once they bought the thing?


I just wanted to point out the facts as opposed to the rhetoric. Obama talks a good game but when it comes down to doing it he's not coming through. Sure, he's good at taking away your religious freedoms, and he wants to tell you what you can eat by inspecting your kid's lunch-box, but when it comes to his biggest issue, putting the screws to the 1%ers, he's not really doing it. If he was he'd wouldn't be constantly giving them free cash.

Electric Vehicle Charging Station Overview

San Francisco will charge your electric car for free until 2013 | SmartPlanet

Ecotality Confirms Locations for Bay Area

We plan to purchase a hybrid this year as a replacement for our second car. I'm sure Mudwhistle, if born in 1860, would have been one of those who kept his horse and buggy at the beginning of the horseless carriages age, knowing those damn 'new fangled things' wouldn't last long and how would one ever find fuel for them. Myopia, a disease inherent in the contemporary conservative.

Haven't you learned yet that government does not provide anything for "free"?

Buy a Chevy Volt and you get a $10,000 rebate. Sounds great. GM makes the Volt and the government took them over when they took a series of bailouts. So basically Obama is the guy telling you to buy his electric cars. Problem is, because of the price-tag, the average income of a buyer of these electric cars is $170,000. So this is just a handout to the rich.


If you sent jobs overseas Obama wants to give you a tax-cut. He hopes that this will induce you to bring those jobs back. He says he wants to nail anyone who sends jobs overseas, but he figures he can bribe them to come back. He never really goes into any detail how he's going to punish anyone for sending jobs overseas. Offsetting the cost savings companies get from outsourcing is going to be tough. Even his buddies at GE have been doing it. We're finding out his campaign bus was made overseas, the companies he's taken over are sending their jobs overseas faster than just about anyone.

None of this is saving us money or creating jobs. What it is doing is giving the sheeple something to talk about. It proves to them that Obama wants to help the poor and is willing to kick the rich in the ass. Instead Obama gave the rich a tax-cut last December and he's about to give them another one this month by extending the payroll tax-cuts another year. Somebody explain to me how extending these cuts yet again is helping the economy when all Obama talks about is raising taxes on the rich? That's his only solution to our massive debt. How is the debt going to be paid off if he keeps giving the rich breaks? Ever since last Summer all he's talked about is making them pay their fair share, yet he turns around and gives them one break after another.

Oh btw, does anyone know where Volt owners can charge their car once they bought the thing?


I just wanted to point out the facts as opposed to the rhetoric. Obama talks a good game but when it comes down to doing it he's not coming through. Sure, he's good at taking away your religious freedoms, and he wants to tell you what you can eat by inspecting your kid's lunch-box, but when it comes to his biggest issue, putting the screws to the 1%ers, he's not really doing it. If he was he'd wouldn't be constantly giving them free cash.

Electric Vehicle Charging Station Overview

San Francisco will charge your electric car for free until 2013 | SmartPlanet

Ecotality Confirms Locations for Bay Area

We plan to purchase a hybrid this year as a replacement for our second car. I'm sure Mudwhistle, if born in 1860, would have been one of those who kept his horse and buggy at the beginning of the horseless carriages age, knowing those damn 'new fangled things' wouldn't last long and how would one ever find fuel for them. Myopia, a disease inherent in the contemporary conservative.

Before you start patting yourself on the back and feeling you're smart or something........the Volt is not a hybrid. Hybrids use a gas engine to recharge. I've driven them. Kind of like them as a matter of fact.
You know, as much as Obama deserves the criticism for this sort of thing, you really don't want to go there. It will absolutely raise the issue of maldistribution of wealth and income, and government shamelessly favoring the rich.

I think you would prefer to keep that swept under the rug.

Buy a Chevy Volt and you get a $10,000 rebate. Sounds great. GM makes the Volt and the government took them over when they took a series of bailouts. So basically Obama is the guy telling you to buy his electric cars. Problem is, because of the price-tag, the average income of a buyer of these electric cars is $170,000. So this is just a handout to the rich.


If you sent jobs overseas Obama wants to give you a tax-cut. He hopes that this will induce you to bring those jobs back. He says he wants to nail anyone who sends jobs overseas, but he figures he can bribe them to come back. He never really goes into any detail how he's going to punish anyone for sending jobs overseas. Offsetting the cost savings companies get from outsourcing is going to be tough. Even his buddies at GE have been doing it. We're finding out his campaign bus was made overseas, the companies he's taken over are sending their jobs overseas faster than just about anyone.

None of this is saving us money or creating jobs. What it is doing is giving the sheeple something to talk about. It proves to them that Obama wants to help the poor and is willing to kick the rich in the ass. Instead Obama gave the rich a tax-cut last December and he's about to give them another one this month by extending the payroll tax-cuts another year. Somebody explain to me how extending these cuts yet again is helping the economy when all Obama talks about is raising taxes on the rich? That's his only solution to our massive debt. How is the debt going to be paid off if he keeps giving the rich breaks? Ever since last Summer all he's talked about is making them pay their fair share, yet he turns around and gives them one break after another.

Oh btw, does anyone know where Volt owners can charge their car once they bought the thing?


I just wanted to point out the facts as opposed to the rhetoric. Obama talks a good game but when it comes down to doing it he's not coming through. Sure, he's good at taking away your religious freedoms, and he wants to tell you what you can eat by inspecting your kid's lunch-box, but when it comes to his biggest issue, putting the screws to the 1%ers, he's not really doing it. If he was he'd wouldn't be constantly giving them free cash.

Electric Vehicle Charging Station Overview

San Francisco will charge your electric car for free until 2013 | SmartPlanet

Ecotality Confirms Locations for Bay Area

We plan to purchase a hybrid this year as a replacement for our second car. I'm sure Mudwhistle, if born in 1860, would have been one of those who kept his horse and buggy at the beginning of the horseless carriages age, knowing those damn 'new fangled things' wouldn't last long and how would one ever find fuel for them. Myopia, a disease inherent in the contemporary conservative.

Haven't you learned yet that government does not provide anything for "free"?

I suppose that's true. Have you considered that the private sector provides everything for a profit - and sometimes hides the real cost in fine print?
Electric Vehicle Charging Station Overview

San Francisco will charge your electric car for free until 2013 | SmartPlanet

Ecotality Confirms Locations for Bay Area

We plan to purchase a hybrid this year as a replacement for our second car. I'm sure Mudwhistle, if born in 1860, would have been one of those who kept his horse and buggy at the beginning of the horseless carriages age, knowing those damn 'new fangled things' wouldn't last long and how would one ever find fuel for them. Myopia, a disease inherent in the contemporary conservative.

Haven't you learned yet that government does not provide anything for "free"?

I suppose that's true. Have you considered that the private sector provides everything for a profit - and sometimes hides the real cost in fine print?

Vs government who flat out lies about costs.
Electric Vehicle Charging Station Overview

San Francisco will charge your electric car for free until 2013 | SmartPlanet

Ecotality Confirms Locations for Bay Area

We plan to purchase a hybrid this year as a replacement for our second car. I'm sure Mudwhistle, if born in 1860, would have been one of those who kept his horse and buggy at the beginning of the horseless carriages age, knowing those damn 'new fangled things' wouldn't last long and how would one ever find fuel for them. Myopia, a disease inherent in the contemporary conservative.

Haven't you learned yet that government does not provide anything for "free"?

I suppose that's true. Have you considered that the private sector provides everything for a profit - and sometimes hides the real cost in fine print?

But at least we have a choice whether or not to give our money to a private sector business.

The government gives us no choice and simply takes our money whether we want their "free" shit or not.

Buy a Chevy Volt and you get a $10,000 rebate. Sounds great. GM makes the Volt and the government took them over when they took a series of bailouts. So basically Obama is the guy telling you to buy his electric cars. Problem is, because of the price-tag, the average income of a buyer of these electric cars is $170,000. So this is just a handout to the rich.


If you sent jobs overseas Obama wants to give you a tax-cut. He hopes that this will induce you to bring those jobs back. He says he wants to nail anyone who sends jobs overseas, but he figures he can bribe them to come back. He never really goes into any detail how he's going to punish anyone for sending jobs overseas. Offsetting the cost savings companies get from outsourcing is going to be tough. Even his buddies at GE have been doing it. We're finding out his campaign bus was made overseas, the companies he's taken over are sending their jobs overseas faster than just about anyone.

None of this is saving us money or creating jobs. What it is doing is giving the sheeple something to talk about. It proves to them that Obama wants to help the poor and is willing to kick the rich in the ass. Instead Obama gave the rich a tax-cut last December and he's about to give them another one this month by extending the payroll tax-cuts another year. Somebody explain to me how extending these cuts yet again is helping the economy when all Obama talks about is raising taxes on the rich? That's his only solution to our massive debt. How is the debt going to be paid off if he keeps giving the rich breaks? Ever since last Summer all he's talked about is making them pay their fair share, yet he turns around and gives them one break after another.

Oh btw, does anyone know where Volt owners can charge their car once they bought the thing?


I just wanted to point out the facts as opposed to the rhetoric. Obama talks a good game but when it comes down to doing it he's not coming through. Sure, he's good at taking away your religious freedoms, and he wants to tell you what you can eat by inspecting your kid's lunch-box, but when it comes to his biggest issue, putting the screws to the 1%ers, he's not really doing it. If he was he'd wouldn't be constantly giving them free cash.

Electric Vehicle Charging Station Overview

San Francisco will charge your electric car for free until 2013 | SmartPlanet

Ecotality Confirms Locations for Bay Area

We plan to purchase a hybrid this year as a replacement for our second car. I'm sure Mudwhistle, if born in 1860, would have been one of those who kept his horse and buggy at the beginning of the horseless carriages age, knowing those damn 'new fangled things' wouldn't last long and how would one ever find fuel for them. Myopia, a disease inherent in the contemporary conservative.

Before you start patting yourself on the back and feeling you're smart or something........the Volt is not a hybrid. Hybrids use a gas engine to recharge. I've driven them. Kind of like them as a matter of fact.

If I were not retired and still commuted less than 20 miles to and from work, I would by an all electric car. As a second car, the hybrid is a more practical choice for us at this time.

I drove the Honda all electric car over ten years ago, it was quite, smoooth, powerful and had all the usual bells and whistles for its time - air, AM-FM, PW, PS.
You know, as much as Obama deserves the criticism for this sort of thing, you really don't want to go there. It will absolutely raise the issue of maldistribution of wealth and income, and government shamelessly favoring the rich.

I think you would prefer to keep that swept under the rug.

So now you want it swept under the rug. Yea, I'm not surprised. It's an embarrassing one for the left.
Haven't you learned yet that government does not provide anything for "free"?

I suppose that's true. Have you considered that the private sector provides everything for a profit - and sometimes hides the real cost in fine print?

But at least we have a choice whether or not to give our money to a private sector business.

The government gives us no choice and simply takes our money whether we want their "free" shit or not.

That's not true. You can vote out elected officials when they tax you too high; you have no say on who is the CFO/CEO of a company which rips you off.
The public charging stations are mostly owned by GE, a wholly owned subsidiary of the left.
Electric Vehicle Charging Station Overview

San Francisco will charge your electric car for free until 2013 | SmartPlanet

Ecotality Confirms Locations for Bay Area

We plan to purchase a hybrid this year as a replacement for our second car. I'm sure Mudwhistle, if born in 1860, would have been one of those who kept his horse and buggy at the beginning of the horseless carriages age, knowing those damn 'new fangled things' wouldn't last long and how would one ever find fuel for them. Myopia, a disease inherent in the contemporary conservative.

Before you start patting yourself on the back and feeling you're smart or something........the Volt is not a hybrid. Hybrids use a gas engine to recharge. I've driven them. Kind of like them as a matter of fact.

If I were not retired and still commuted less than 20 miles to and from work, I would by an all electric car. As a second car, the hybrid is a more practical choice for us at this time.

I drove the Honda all electric car over ten years ago, it was quite, smoooth, powerful and had all the usual bells and whistles for its time - air, AM-FM, PW, PS.

There is no comparison between a Honda and a Chevy.

The problem is a lack of charging stations. Where do you charge it if your battery runs low?

Fact is these cars are only affordable for the rich.
I suppose that's true. Have you considered that the private sector provides everything for a profit - and sometimes hides the real cost in fine print?

But at least we have a choice whether or not to give our money to a private sector business.

The government gives us no choice and simply takes our money whether we want their "free" shit or not.

That's not true. You can vote out elected officials when they tax you too high; you have no say on who is the CFO/CEO of a company which rips you off.

Yeah we've all seen how often incumbents get tossed out.

I have to allow the government to take (steal) my money or I end up in jail.

I don't have to patronize any private sector business.
Before you start patting yourself on the back and feeling you're smart or something........the Volt is not a hybrid. Hybrids use a gas engine to recharge. I've driven them. Kind of like them as a matter of fact.

If I were not retired and still commuted less than 20 miles to and from work, I would by an all electric car. As a second car, the hybrid is a more practical choice for us at this time.

I drove the Honda all electric car over ten years ago, it was quite, smoooth, powerful and had all the usual bells and whistles for its time - air, AM-FM, PW, PS.

There is no comparison between a Honda and a Chevy.

btw, I've owned a Chevy Van, a Dodge Van and now a Honda Odyssey - w/o a doubt the Honda has been the best vehicle I've ever owned.

The problem is a lack of charging stations. Where do you charge it if your battery runs low?

Fact is these cars are only affordable for the rich.

Years ago one of my friends purchased a MBZ 220 D. Initially he had trouble finding diesel and carried around a book listing stations in the Bay Area; in a few years it was no longer a problem. Supply will occur when demand grows and more car companies are producing and marketing hybrid's and EV's - demand will grow and sources for re 'fueling' will grow too.
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