Obama cites American Revolution as example of Americans being falsely paranoid about tyranny

You crakahs be like OCD about tyranny..
------------------------------- yeah , tyranny is nothing to worry about Moonglow . Tell that to the victims of 'polpot' . :afro:
Which you think exist here in the USA..??
--------------------------- not saying that , just speculating on the near or far future . Like I tell my wife , Germany was a civilized country right up until the point that they weren't civilized anymore . ask the JEWS Moonglow !!
You crakahs be like OCD about tyranny..
------------------------------- yeah , tyranny is nothing to worry about Moonglow . Tell that to the victims of 'polpot' . :afro:
Which you think exist here in the USA..??
--------------------------- not saying that , just speculating on the near or far future . Like I tell my wife , Germany was a civilized country right up until the point that they weren't civilized anymore . ask the JEWS Moonglow !!
Can you name one nation that did not treat the Jews like shit in Europe?
I don't know why that's important but Jews lived fine in Germany up until the moment that they couldn't live in Germany . Looks to me like you are trying to change the subject Moonglow !! My comment was about Jews in Germany .
Well the dear leader was right about one thing, it is in our DNA to be vigilant about guarding our liberty. He doesn't admire that at all, he thinks we should just lube up and bend over for what ever the hell he wants to do, ain't gonna happen.

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