Obama Claims He Built The U.S. Oil Boom

Mr. "You Can't Drill Your Way to Energy Independence".

But it's nothing compared to when Obama made the oceans recede I guess.

Obama, our fossil fuel hero.

Obama Claims He Built The U.S. Oil Boom [VIDEO] - Victory Girls Blog

The most disturbing thing about the ramblings of this pitiful little man is the millions of people that believe every word he utters. There may be no reaching them. Too bad, it will be a shock when the free stuff comes to a halt, and they have to scrape, with little marketable skills, to find a way to live. Too bad.

The most pitiful thing about you is you continue to start threads based on your deeply flawed ideas about the USA. For starters, there is nothing "pitiful" or "little" about Obama. In fact, he has cast such a UGE shadow over this Presidency, and by EVERY measure, Trump has come up short.

Obama did create the oil and energy boom. And while the oil and gas industry complains bitterly about his regulations, the bald fact is his policies SPURRED the increase in exploration that has seen the USA become the world leader in energy production. Kind of puts the lie to the notion that regulations kills jobs doesn't it, because the energy sector boomed under his regulations.

As for other ways that Donald comes up short, other than the length of his tiny fingers, is in job creation, and in the stock market. Both are anemic compared to Obama. Obama saved GM, and the American jobs that depended on them, and Trump drove them out of the US with his steel tariffs. Foxcom has also cancelled its multi-billion dollar US investment as well, because of the steel tariffs and the looming trade wars. Incidentally, Foxcom announced that investment BEFORE Trump was elected, so that's another loss for Trump.

The giant freight train that was the Obama economy is slowing down, and Trump is doing all of the wrong things to deal with anything but unrestrained growth. He didn't bring down the deficit, as Obama did, he didn't close tax loopholes while the economy was booming, as he promised he would. American workers aren't getting meaningful raises. Climate change denial continues unabated even as the American economy is starting to suffer as a result.

Most people aren't as wilfully stupid as you are. You keep claiming, against all reasonable evidence to the contrary, that Trump is doing a wonderful job. That he has the confidence and respect of the American people. That the business community is behind his policies.

Trump vowed, as President, that he would "undo" everything that Obama did. The greatest thing Obama did was to save the American economy and create the longest period of growth in US history. And true to his word, Trump is effectively dismantling the financial regulations that created that economy, and the underpinings of that growth. It takes a long time to slow down the gigantic freight train that is the US economy, but it's happening. True to his word, Trump has stalled the stock market. Job creation which has already slowed under Trump is starting to see the adverse effects of his tariffs. Despite Trump's determined efforts to reverse the trade deficit, it's actually gotten WORSE under this President.

As always, everything Trump touches turns to shit for everyone BUT Donald J. Trump.
Mr. "You Can't Drill Your Way to Energy Independence".

But it's nothing compared to when Obama made the oceans recede I guess.

Obama, our fossil fuel hero.

Obama Claims He Built The U.S. Oil Boom [VIDEO] - Victory Girls Blog

The most disturbing thing about the ramblings of this pitiful little man is the millions of people that believe every word he utters. There may be no reaching them. Too bad, it will be a shock when the free stuff comes to a halt, and they have to scrape, with little marketable skills, to find a way to live. Too bad.

The most pitiful thing about you is you continue to start threads based on your deeply flawed ideas about the USA. For starters, there is nothing "pitiful" or "little" about Obama. In fact, he has cast such a UGE shadow over this Presidency, and by EVERY measure, Trump has come up short.

Obama did create the oil and energy boom. And while the oil and gas industry complains bitterly about his regulations, the bald fact is his policies SPURRED the increase in exploration that has seen the USA become the world leader in energy production. Kind of puts the lie to the notion that regulations kills jobs doesn't it, because the energy sector boomed under his regulations.

As for other ways that Donald comes up short, other than the length of his tiny fingers, is in job creation, and in the stock market. Both are anemic compared to Obama. Obama saved GM, and the American jobs that depended on them, and Trump drove them out of the US with his steel tariffs. Foxcom has also cancelled its multi-billion dollar US investment as well, because of the steel tariffs and the looming trade wars. Incidentally, Foxcom announced that investment BEFORE Trump was elected, so that's another loss for Trump.

The giant freight train that was the Obama economy is slowing down, and Trump is doing all of the wrong things to deal with anything but unrestrained growth. He didn't bring down the deficit, as Obama did, he didn't close tax loopholes while the economy was booming, as he promised he would. American workers aren't getting meaningful raises. Climate change denial continues unabated even as the American economy is starting to suffer as a result.

Most people aren't as wilfully stupid as you are. You keep claiming, against all reasonable evidence to the contrary, that Trump is doing a wonderful job. That he has the confidence and respect of the American people. That the business community is behind his policies.

Trump vowed, as President, that he would "undo" everything that Obama did. The greatest thing Obama did was to save the American economy and create the longest period of growth in US history. And true to his word, Trump is effectively dismantling the financial regulations that created that economy, and the underpinings of that growth. It takes a long time to slow down the gigantic freight train that is the US economy, but it's happening. True to his word, Trump has stalled the stock market. Job creation which has already slowed under Trump is starting to see the adverse effects of his tariffs. Despite Trump's determined efforts to reverse the trade deficit, it's actually gotten WORSE under this President.

As always, everything Trump touches turns to shit for everyone BUT Donald J. Trump.
my life hasn't turned to "shit".
i like a lot of what trump has done.
i hate some of the things he's doing or done.

kinda goes that way for all presidents unless you're just a Pom Pom waver.

obama created the energy boom. that's funny. and gore created the internet.
Mr. "You Can't Drill Your Way to Energy Independence".

But it's nothing compared to when Obama made the oceans recede I guess.

Obama, our fossil fuel hero.

Obama Claims He Built The U.S. Oil Boom [VIDEO] - Victory Girls Blog

The most disturbing thing about the ramblings of this pitiful little man is the millions of people that believe every word he utters. There may be no reaching them. Too bad, it will be a shock when the free stuff comes to a halt, and they have to scrape, with little marketable skills, to find a way to live. Too bad.

The most pitiful thing about you is you continue to start threads based on your deeply flawed ideas about the USA. For starters, there is nothing "pitiful" or "little" about Obama. In fact, he has cast such a UGE shadow over this Presidency, and by EVERY measure, Trump has come up short.

Obama did create the oil and energy boom. And while the oil and gas industry complains bitterly about his regulations, the bald fact is his policies SPURRED the increase in exploration that has seen the USA become the world leader in energy production. Kind of puts the lie to the notion that regulations kills jobs doesn't it, because the energy sector boomed under his regulations.

As for other ways that Donald comes up short, other than the length of his tiny fingers, is in job creation, and in the stock market. Both are anemic compared to Obama. Obama saved GM, and the American jobs that depended on them, and Trump drove them out of the US with his steel tariffs. Foxcom has also cancelled its multi-billion dollar US investment as well, because of the steel tariffs and the looming trade wars. Incidentally, Foxcom announced that investment BEFORE Trump was elected, so that's another loss for Trump.

The giant freight train that was the Obama economy is slowing down, and Trump is doing all of the wrong things to deal with anything but unrestrained growth. He didn't bring down the deficit, as Obama did, he didn't close tax loopholes while the economy was booming, as he promised he would. American workers aren't getting meaningful raises. Climate change denial continues unabated even as the American economy is starting to suffer as a result.

Most people aren't as wilfully stupid as you are. You keep claiming, against all reasonable evidence to the contrary, that Trump is doing a wonderful job. That he has the confidence and respect of the American people. That the business community is behind his policies.

Trump vowed, as President, that he would "undo" everything that Obama did. The greatest thing Obama did was to save the American economy and create the longest period of growth in US history. And true to his word, Trump is effectively dismantling the financial regulations that created that economy, and the underpinings of that growth. It takes a long time to slow down the gigantic freight train that is the US economy, but it's happening. True to his word, Trump has stalled the stock market. Job creation which has already slowed under Trump is starting to see the adverse effects of his tariffs. Despite Trump's determined efforts to reverse the trade deficit, it's actually gotten WORSE under this President.

As always, everything Trump touches turns to shit for everyone BUT Donald J. Trump.
Obama did nothing other than tried to destroy the fossil fuels industry, In the end he failed because the vast majority of American oil is on private land...
Socialism always runs out of other peoples money.
An Inconvenient Truth: It Was George W. Bush Who Bailed Out the Automakers... And Bush was wrong to bail them out
So shut the fuck up
Mr. "You Can't Drill Your Way to Energy Independence".

But it's nothing compared to when Obama made the oceans recede I guess.

Obama, our fossil fuel hero.

Obama Claims He Built The U.S. Oil Boom [VIDEO] - Victory Girls Blog

The most disturbing thing about the ramblings of this pitiful little man is the millions of people that believe every word he utters. There may be no reaching them. Too bad, it will be a shock when the free stuff comes to a halt, and they have to scrape, with little marketable skills, to find a way to live. Too bad.

The most pitiful thing about you is you continue to start threads based on your deeply flawed ideas about the USA. For starters, there is nothing "pitiful" or "little" about Obama. In fact, he has cast such a UGE shadow over this Presidency, and by EVERY measure, Trump has come up short.

Obama did create the oil and energy boom. And while the oil and gas industry complains bitterly about his regulations, the bald fact is his policies SPURRED the increase in exploration that has seen the USA become the world leader in energy production. Kind of puts the lie to the notion that regulations kills jobs doesn't it, because the energy sector boomed under his regulations.

As for other ways that Donald comes up short, other than the length of his tiny fingers, is in job creation, and in the stock market. Both are anemic compared to Obama. Obama saved GM, and the American jobs that depended on them, and Trump drove them out of the US with his steel tariffs. Foxcom has also cancelled its multi-billion dollar US investment as well, because of the steel tariffs and the looming trade wars. Incidentally, Foxcom announced that investment BEFORE Trump was elected, so that's another loss for Trump.

The giant freight train that was the Obama economy is slowing down, and Trump is doing all of the wrong things to deal with anything but unrestrained growth. He didn't bring down the deficit, as Obama did, he didn't close tax loopholes while the economy was booming, as he promised he would. American workers aren't getting meaningful raises. Climate change denial continues unabated even as the American economy is starting to suffer as a result.

Most people aren't as wilfully stupid as you are. You keep claiming, against all reasonable evidence to the contrary, that Trump is doing a wonderful job. That he has the confidence and respect of the American people. That the business community is behind his policies.

Trump vowed, as President, that he would "undo" everything that Obama did. The greatest thing Obama did was to save the American economy and create the longest period of growth in US history. And true to his word, Trump is effectively dismantling the financial regulations that created that economy, and the underpinings of that growth. It takes a long time to slow down the gigantic freight train that is the US economy, but it's happening. True to his word, Trump has stalled the stock market. Job creation which has already slowed under Trump is starting to see the adverse effects of his tariffs. Despite Trump's determined efforts to reverse the trade deficit, it's actually gotten WORSE under this President.

As always, everything Trump touches turns to shit for everyone BUT Donald J. Trump.

No, he didn't create the oil and energy boom. That was created mainly due to huge technological innovations in extracting hydrocarbons out of shale. The boom occurred on private leases.
Congress approved both wars.

It is not the job of congress to "approve" wars, which they really did not do either.

The job of congress is to declare war, but they have not done that since WWII.

The Authorization to Use Military Force that was given to the Executive branch, and is still in effect, was basically Congress abdicating their role and giving the Executive branch a blank check to do whatever they want.

But who am I to argue against the Left claiming Obama to be our fossil fuel President?

Yes, it was a small dip, about 10% over a few months. It was a purposeful dip by our oil producers to counter the falling prices. When prices are too low getting oil out of shell is not profitable at all.

Anyone that thinks the POTUS has much do to with oil production is a trucking moron, no matter which side the are on.
This is why the Left should never be in power. 50% growth goes negative and it’s a “small dip”.

what the fuck are you talking about? is that graph too complicated for you? Do I need to draw some pictures with crayon to help you understand it?
Dude, I’m an expert at statistics. And anyone with 3 weeks experience in it would take a look at that graph and say something is very wrong when you go from a 50% growth to negative growth.

oil production is just like everything else, it has its ups and downs. The dip you are freaking out about was due to lower prices of crude oil.

Why the Price of Crude Oil Dropped in 2015

The oil industry is full of economic booms and busts. In October 2015, the industry was in a downturn, and the price of crude oil dropped significantly. Earnings were down for companies that made high profits in the previous five years, and those companies responded by decommissioning half their overall rigs and cutting investments in exploration and production.

It had nothing to do with who was sitting in the White House.

You stupid fuck, it was because of the Iran deal that was signed in July of 2015 , the Saudis was pissed

Yes, it was a small dip, about 10% over a few months. It was a purposeful dip by our oil producers to counter the falling prices. When prices are too low getting oil out of shell is not profitable at all.

Anyone that thinks the POTUS has much do to with oil production is a trucking moron, no matter which side the are on.
This is why the Left should never be in power. 50% growth goes negative and it’s a “small dip”.

what the fuck are you talking about? is that graph too complicated for you? Do I need to draw some pictures with crayon to help you understand it?
Dude, I’m an expert at statistics. And anyone with 3 weeks experience in it would take a look at that graph and say something is very wrong when you go from a 50% growth to negative growth.

oil production is just like everything else, it has its ups and downs. The dip you are freaking out about was due to lower prices of crude oil.

Why the Price of Crude Oil Dropped in 2015

The oil industry is full of economic booms and busts. In October 2015, the industry was in a downturn, and the price of crude oil dropped significantly. Earnings were down for companies that made high profits in the previous five years, and those companies responded by decommissioning half their overall rigs and cutting investments in exploration and production.

It had nothing to do with who was sitting in the White House.

You stupid fuck, it was because of the Iran deal that was signed in July of 2015 , the Saudis was pissed


That was a part of it, the strong dollar was a bigger part of it.

I know the link is probably written above your reading level, but I could summarize it for you if you would like.
Congress approved both wars.

It is not the job of congress to "approve" wars, which they really did not do either.

The job of congress is to declare war, but they have not done that since WWII.

The Authorization to Use Military Force that was given to the Executive branch, and is still in effect, was basically Congress abdicating their role and giving the Executive branch a blank check to do whatever they want.

Thanks I though congress had decided on both wars.
Mr. "You Can't Drill Your Way to Energy Independence".

But it's nothing compared to when Obama made the oceans recede I guess.

Obama, our fossil fuel hero.

Obama Claims He Built The U.S. Oil Boom [VIDEO] - Victory Girls Blog

The most disturbing thing about the ramblings of this pitiful little man is the millions of people that believe every word he utters. There may be no reaching them. Too bad, it will be a shock when the free stuff comes to a halt, and they have to scrape, with little marketable skills, to find a way to live. Too bad.

To Quote Obama, himself:


Congress approved both wars.

It is not the job of congress to "approve" wars, which they really did not do either.

The job of congress is to declare war, but they have not done that since WWII.

The Authorization to Use Military Force that was given to the Executive branch, and is still in effect, was basically Congress abdicating their role and giving the Executive branch a blank check to do whatever they want.

Thanks I though congress had decided on both wars.

On Sept 18, 2001 Congress gave the Executive Branch basically unlimited power to wage war.

This is why the Left should never be in power. 50% growth goes negative and it’s a “small dip”.

what the fuck are you talking about? is that graph too complicated for you? Do I need to draw some pictures with crayon to help you understand it?
Dude, I’m an expert at statistics. And anyone with 3 weeks experience in it would take a look at that graph and say something is very wrong when you go from a 50% growth to negative growth.

oil production is just like everything else, it has its ups and downs. The dip you are freaking out about was due to lower prices of crude oil.

Why the Price of Crude Oil Dropped in 2015

The oil industry is full of economic booms and busts. In October 2015, the industry was in a downturn, and the price of crude oil dropped significantly. Earnings were down for companies that made high profits in the previous five years, and those companies responded by decommissioning half their overall rigs and cutting investments in exploration and production.

It had nothing to do with who was sitting in the White House.

You stupid fuck, it was because of the Iran deal that was signed in July of 2015 , the Saudis was pissed


That was a part of it, the strong dollar was a bigger part of it.

I know the link is probably written above your reading level, but I could summarize it for you if you would like.

I am not reading your link it was all about the Iran deal, the Saudis went on over drive pumping out oil, there is like 20 threads here on that subject in 2015.

what the fuck are you talking about? is that graph too complicated for you? Do I need to draw some pictures with crayon to help you understand it?
Dude, I’m an expert at statistics. And anyone with 3 weeks experience in it would take a look at that graph and say something is very wrong when you go from a 50% growth to negative growth.

oil production is just like everything else, it has its ups and downs. The dip you are freaking out about was due to lower prices of crude oil.

Why the Price of Crude Oil Dropped in 2015

The oil industry is full of economic booms and busts. In October 2015, the industry was in a downturn, and the price of crude oil dropped significantly. Earnings were down for companies that made high profits in the previous five years, and those companies responded by decommissioning half their overall rigs and cutting investments in exploration and production.

It had nothing to do with who was sitting in the White House.

You stupid fuck, it was because of the Iran deal that was signed in July of 2015 , the Saudis was pissed


That was a part of it, the strong dollar was a bigger part of it.

I know the link is probably written above your reading level, but I could summarize it for you if you would like.

I am not reading your link it was all about the Iran deal, the Saudis went on over drive pumping out oil, there is like 20 threads here on that subject in 2015.


Of course you are not going ot read my link, that would entail educating yourself, and you are way too happy being an ignorant party sheep.

Funny as hell that you think that threads on this forum prove something is accurate!

What a fucking joke!
Congress approved both wars.

It is not the job of congress to "approve" wars, which they really did not do either.

The job of congress is to declare war, but they have not done that since WWII.

The Authorization to Use Military Force that was given to the Executive branch, and is still in effect, was basically Congress abdicating their role and giving the Executive branch a blank check to do whatever they want.

Thanks I though congress had decided on both wars.

On Sept 18, 2001 Congress gave the Executive Branch basically unlimited power to wage war.


Right after 9-11. They sure did abdicate their responsibilities.
Mr. "You Can't Drill Your Way to Energy Independence".

But it's nothing compared to when Obama made the oceans recede I guess.

Obama, our fossil fuel hero.

Obama Claims He Built The U.S. Oil Boom [VIDEO] - Victory Girls Blog

The most disturbing thing about the ramblings of this pitiful little man is the millions of people that believe every word he utters. There may be no reaching them. Too bad, it will be a shock when the free stuff comes to a halt, and they have to scrape, with little marketable skills, to find a way to live. Too bad.

The most pitiful thing about you is you continue to start threads based on your deeply flawed ideas about the USA. For starters, there is nothing "pitiful" or "little" about Obama. In fact, he has cast such a UGE shadow over this Presidency, and by EVERY measure, Trump has come up short.

Obama did create the oil and energy boom. And while the oil and gas industry complains bitterly about his regulations, the bald fact is his policies SPURRED the increase in exploration that has seen the USA become the world leader in energy production. Kind of puts the lie to the notion that regulations kills jobs doesn't it, because the energy sector boomed under his regulations.

As for other ways that Donald comes up short, other than the length of his tiny fingers, is in job creation, and in the stock market. Both are anemic compared to Obama. Obama saved GM, and the American jobs that depended on them, and Trump drove them out of the US with his steel tariffs. Foxcom has also cancelled its multi-billion dollar US investment as well, because of the steel tariffs and the looming trade wars. Incidentally, Foxcom announced that investment BEFORE Trump was elected, so that's another loss for Trump.

The giant freight train that was the Obama economy is slowing down, and Trump is doing all of the wrong things to deal with anything but unrestrained growth. He didn't bring down the deficit, as Obama did, he didn't close tax loopholes while the economy was booming, as he promised he would. American workers aren't getting meaningful raises. Climate change denial continues unabated even as the American economy is starting to suffer as a result.

Most people aren't as wilfully stupid as you are. You keep claiming, against all reasonable evidence to the contrary, that Trump is doing a wonderful job. That he has the confidence and respect of the American people. That the business community is behind his policies.

Trump vowed, as President, that he would "undo" everything that Obama did. The greatest thing Obama did was to save the American economy and create the longest period of growth in US history. And true to his word, Trump is effectively dismantling the financial regulations that created that economy, and the underpinings of that growth. It takes a long time to slow down the gigantic freight train that is the US economy, but it's happening. True to his word, Trump has stalled the stock market. Job creation which has already slowed under Trump is starting to see the adverse effects of his tariffs. Despite Trump's determined efforts to reverse the trade deficit, it's actually gotten WORSE under this President.

As always, everything Trump touches turns to shit for everyone BUT Donald J. Trump.

Only in libtard world do they think a anti bussiness president helps bussiness, Obama was furious about fracking.

Dude, I’m an expert at statistics. And anyone with 3 weeks experience in it would take a look at that graph and say something is very wrong when you go from a 50% growth to negative growth.

oil production is just like everything else, it has its ups and downs. The dip you are freaking out about was due to lower prices of crude oil.

Why the Price of Crude Oil Dropped in 2015

The oil industry is full of economic booms and busts. In October 2015, the industry was in a downturn, and the price of crude oil dropped significantly. Earnings were down for companies that made high profits in the previous five years, and those companies responded by decommissioning half their overall rigs and cutting investments in exploration and production.

It had nothing to do with who was sitting in the White House.

You stupid fuck, it was because of the Iran deal that was signed in July of 2015 , the Saudis was pissed


That was a part of it, the strong dollar was a bigger part of it.

I know the link is probably written above your reading level, but I could summarize it for you if you would like.

I am not reading your link it was all about the Iran deal, the Saudis went on over drive pumping out oil, there is like 20 threads here on that subject in 2015.


Of course you are not going ot read my link, that would entail educating yourself, and you are way too happy being an ignorant party sheep.

Funny as hell that you think that threads on this forum prove something is accurate!

What a fucking joke!

Because there is links in those threads too moron, it was all over the news why the Saudis was pumping out all that oil
Congress approved both wars.

It is not the job of congress to "approve" wars, which they really did not do either.

The job of congress is to declare war, but they have not done that since WWII.

The Authorization to Use Military Force that was given to the Executive branch, and is still in effect, was basically Congress abdicating their role and giving the Executive branch a blank check to do whatever they want.

Thanks I though congress had decided on both wars.

On Sept 18, 2001 Congress gave the Executive Branch basically unlimited power to wage war.


Right after 9-11. They sure did abdicate their responsibilities.

And they have had 17 years to undo it and still have not done so.

One can almost forgive the rash action right after 9-11, but to leave it in place for 17 years and counting is unforgivable.
oil production is just like everything else, it has its ups and downs. The dip you are freaking out about was due to lower prices of crude oil.

Why the Price of Crude Oil Dropped in 2015

The oil industry is full of economic booms and busts. In October 2015, the industry was in a downturn, and the price of crude oil dropped significantly. Earnings were down for companies that made high profits in the previous five years, and those companies responded by decommissioning half their overall rigs and cutting investments in exploration and production.

It had nothing to do with who was sitting in the White House.

You stupid fuck, it was because of the Iran deal that was signed in July of 2015 , the Saudis was pissed


That was a part of it, the strong dollar was a bigger part of it.

I know the link is probably written above your reading level, but I could summarize it for you if you would like.

I am not reading your link it was all about the Iran deal, the Saudis went on over drive pumping out oil, there is like 20 threads here on that subject in 2015.


Of course you are not going ot read my link, that would entail educating yourself, and you are way too happy being an ignorant party sheep.

Funny as hell that you think that threads on this forum prove something is accurate!

What a fucking joke!

Because there is links in those threads to moron, it was all over the news why the Saudis was pumping out all that oil

Yeah, that is talked about in my link dumbfuck, that and the Iran deal.

But you are too happy in your ignorance to even open it.
Congress approved both wars.

It is not the job of congress to "approve" wars, which they really did not do either.

The job of congress is to declare war, but they have not done that since WWII.

The Authorization to Use Military Force that was given to the Executive branch, and is still in effect, was basically Congress abdicating their role and giving the Executive branch a blank check to do whatever they want.

Thanks I though congress had decided on both wars.

On Sept 18, 2001 Congress gave the Executive Branch basically unlimited power to wage war.


Right after 9-11. They sure did abdicate their responsibilities.

And they have had 17 years to undo it and still have not done so.

One can almost forgive the rash action right after 9-11, but to leave it in place for 17 years and counting is unforgivable.

Yup. Talk about stupidity. Or maybe they just don't have the balls.
It is not the job of congress to "approve" wars, which they really did not do either.

The job of congress is to declare war, but they have not done that since WWII.

The Authorization to Use Military Force that was given to the Executive branch, and is still in effect, was basically Congress abdicating their role and giving the Executive branch a blank check to do whatever they want.

Thanks I though congress had decided on both wars.

On Sept 18, 2001 Congress gave the Executive Branch basically unlimited power to wage war.


Right after 9-11. They sure did abdicate their responsibilities.

And they have had 17 years to undo it and still have not done so.

One can almost forgive the rash action right after 9-11, but to leave it in place for 17 years and counting is unforgivable.

Yup. Talk about stupidity. Or maybe they just don't have the balls.

It is the "pontius pilate" effect, they wash their hands of it and then can pretend they are not responsible.

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