Obama Claims He Built The U.S. Oil Boom

Mr. "You Can't Drill Your Way to Energy Independence".

But it's nothing compared to when Obama made the oceans recede I guess.

Obama, our fossil fuel hero.

Obama Claims He Built The U.S. Oil Boom [VIDEO] - Victory Girls Blog

The most disturbing thing about the ramblings of this pitiful little man is the millions of people that believe every word he utters. There may be no reaching them. Too bad, it will be a shock when the free stuff comes to a halt, and they have to scrape, with little marketable skills, to find a way to live. Too bad.

a. Trump is the President, he is a liar, a damn liar and an idiot (an idiot because he cannot remember his lies and contradicts them too often [see the Trump Tower Moscow issue which is topical] and the entire White House is in Chaos and knows not what Trump will say or tweet next [including his own lawyers].

b. No one believes every word every Pol utters, and suggesting Obama lied, without evidence is nothing more than a logical fallacy. Evidence was provided to your first post on this issue, is that leases held which were not productive were terminated, and other leases were granted for very productive wells, which explains the increase in production.

c. You are a master of The BIG LIES. You will repeat lies over and over and hope the reader will ignore "Reagan's advice, Trust but verify". In you case, never, ever trust and always verify.
Thread is about what Obama said and snowflake goes into a spittle flying tirade about Trump. TDS in full glory

You are a master of The BIG LIES. You will repeat lies over and over and hope the reader will ignore Reagan's advice, "Trust but verify". In re your posts the wise person will never, ever trust and always verify.

How's the weather in Moscow this day? Are your comrades in the Kremlin keeping warm?

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