Obama claims to be concerned about high gas prices

More than 4 million jobs, economic growth, more than two years of the stock market going up - all signs that a commie is at the wheel.

I posted about the stock market a while back and some dingy rw said the stock market of the United States didn't matter to him.

So all those 1 percenters on Wall Street are getting richer while Americans are suffering?

Funny how when a Democrat is in the White House the left loves to brag about how well the stock market is doing, but when a Republican is there a rising stock market just means evil rich people are getting richer.
Anyone who buys into this stuff is on a permanent intellectual vacation.
Economy Watch - Obama's oil market plan more politics than substance
Is Obama kidding? He must think the American people are mind numbed gnats. Or perhaps he thinks this of his voting base.
If Obama was genuinely concerned about gas prices he'd have addressed this months ago. Instead he waits until there is political mileage to be gained he swoops in and pretends HE is there to save us all.
What a bullshit artist.
Next thing we will hear is the Commodities traders deliberately drove up prices JUST to ruin Obama's chances at a second term.
It is not speculation or the marketplace. It is Obama's anti oil/gasoline agenda and his idiotic "green energy" crap that caused markets to react.

Concerned they are not high enough.

As long as it remains above 4 bucks, we should get free shots at democrats.
Just curious ...

Why has President Obama signed more drilling permits (more than 400) than any other prez?

Why did he play an end run around the pubs who wanted Big Oil to profit from the keystone fiasco so that it could start immediately and profit Americans?

Why did he go against the pubs filibustering and force laws so American companies could operate here instead of off shore as the pubs have had it for more than 8 years?

I posted links to this and you all shunned the thread. Are you too coward to face facts?
Now you'll want to go and provide proof of these claims.
Oh, just because there are permits, does not mean that a company can actually drill.
Additionally, Obama banned deep water drilling in the Gulf of Mexico which affected the livelihoods of well over 250,000 people. The ban was lifted only AFTER the rigs affected were moved, never to return. n effect Obama's ban IS permanent.
In his post spill emotional rant, Obama promised to "step on the throats of the oil industry"...He fleeced BP out of $20billion. A major over step of presidential authority.
Obama's anti fossil fuel agenda is well documented. His arrogant and outrageous comment that if Americans wanted lower gas prices they needed to go out and buy new cars and simply "use less gasoline". As though we all have money falling out of our pockets to buy whatever his royal highness says we should.
Please. Don't start this bullshit about oil permits.
And do you really think we're going to swallow your rhetoric about "pubs this and pubs that"?....Really? Hold on..Let me get my chest waders. Cuz the bullshit is getting real deep.
I dunno about you people........but I paid less this week for gas than I did last week. Good news! Celebrate the good news, nutters!

Sheryl Crow - Soak Up The Sun - YouTube

Gas costs TWICE what it did on Jan 20th 2009....Gas has risen 70 cents per gallon since Christmas 2011.
Gas is ONE DOLLAR more than it was 18 months ago.
What good news are you talking about?
Gas has not fallen here. It has merely stopped rising.
You nutters sure do hate the good news. LOOK! Gas prices are lower now than they were 4 years ago. isn't Obama the greatest?

Gas Price Historical Price Charts - GasBuddy.com

Would one of you nutters tell us what motivated the RAPID decline in gas prices between June and December 2008......and whether or not Obama should enact policies that make it happen again?

Just curious ...

Why has President Obama signed more drilling permits (more than 400) than any other prez?

Why did he play an end run around the pubs who wanted Big Oil to profit from the keystone fiasco so that it could start immediately and profit Americans?

Why did he go against the pubs filibustering and force laws so American companies could operate here instead of off shore as the pubs have had it for more than 8 years?

I posted links to this and you all shunned the thread. Are you too coward to face facts?

There are now over 400,000 FRacking operations happening in states that formerly were not thought of as sources of energy.

One thing this admin has NOT done is stand in the way of finding new sources of hydrocarbons on US soil.

Of course the partisans with ODS cannnot admit that obvious truth, but that's to be expected from people who think lies in the service of their party are a good thing
Obama could care less about high gas prices..

HE PLANS on putting his "VISIONS" on us and the hell if we have to SUFFER for it..

Yup. Anyone who thinks this guy gives a rats ass what we pay for gas is an idiot.

The ONE AND ONLY REASON he even mentions it now is because he wants that second term and $4 and $5 at the pump ain't gonna help that happen.

He jets all over at taxpayer expense so what does he care??

Answer: He doesn't.
kurdistan autonomous region has 200 trillion CBF of natural gas still undeveloped , i hope ExxonMobil who has signed a 25 year contract, develops our gas fields and after local demands are met we should supply the world with kurdish gas :).
kurdistan autonomous region has 200 trillion CBF of natural gas still undeveloped , i hope ExxonMobil who has signed a 25 year contract, develops our gas fields and after local demands are met we should supply the world with kurdish gas :).

We also have trillions of liters of NG in ANWAR. Too bad the clowns in Congress won't let us use it.
You nutters sure do hate the good news. LOOK! Gas prices are lower now than they were 4 years ago. isn't Obama the greatest?

The price of gas is up more than $2 a gallon from when he took office.
if Bambi showed any concern for the 4/5 dollar gas, you would think that our president would send every American a check for 3000.00 to help them absorb the cost of gas and food.

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