obama close to the point of no return

The Point of No Return | The Weekly Standard

President Obama is facing the abyss. It’s that moment when a president’s plans are overwhelmed by his problems, and he’s relegated to playing defense for the rest of his White House term. Obama’s agenda already lingers near death. His poll numbers have slipped to new lows. His speeches are full of alibis and accusations.

In order to deal with the end of his effective term, obama has totally detached from reality and lives entirely within the castle in his mind where he still holds power.

Yes, huge nose dive into the abyss as he is even losing the support of his Hollyweird buds, one after the other. This must be making him depressed....when he can't even keep the great pretenders on his side. :eusa_boohoo:

Just in the last few weeks, James Woods, comedian Rob Schneider, and now this, completely out of the blue, nobody saw it coming.

From Twitter account:

Frankie Muniz ✔ [MENTION=20195]Frank[/MENTION]iemuniz This Obamacare launch is an embarrassment to the American people. How many more promises have to be broken?

Thanks Obama. Keep 'em coming! ObamaCare turning former Hollywood moonbats Republican red.


The sad part is, he doesn't have the least bit of American Black in him.

Not a drop of blood in him has ever known the horror of slavery.

Not only that.... But people, you HAVE TO understand this....

This man did not come up hard in the streets of the ghetto or the inner City. He never knew prejudice or hardship or hunger.

This piece of shit was the product of WHITE PRIVILEGE.

And to make things even MORE GROTESQUE...

He took advantage of programs that were meant to help Blacks who REALLY WERE VICTIMS of racism and bigotry.

He never was. Never, ever, ever.

He was raised by his WHITE MOMMY in WHITE Hawaii then taken to Indonesia and back again to Hawaii where he went to PRIVATE SCHOOLS and lived with his WHITE GRANDPARENTS.

Then, he takes advantage of programs meant to help American Black Kids get ahead.

Kids who came up hard. Kids who knew what poverty really was. Kids who knew what racism and bigotry were.

The only experience this asshat ever had with racism was when he pointed out how, while he was at Columbia (f'ing COLUMBIA????) 'white' people would take their dogs into poor 'black' neighborhoods so the dogs could take a dump there.

This guy is a fraud. Through and through.

And you people that voted for him?

Dupes. All of you.

Especially the Black Voters. Man, did the dimocrap party every sell you folks a lemon

the entire dimocrap party is a fraud. And the LSM is right there to back up every lie they tell every time
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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would weep seeing this incompetent excuse for a Commander-In Chief.

And as just as incompetent excuse for a President.

And as just as incompetent imitation of a leader.

As a non-relenting excuse-maker and blamer of all his problems of what he inherited from the guy whose shoes he would not be worthy to shine, he should be given a free pass for the biggest mistake a President ever made: Obamacare.

But since he is so clearly spoken, without dialect, he should be considered worth and capable bringing Bill Clinton, Harry Reid and Joe Biden their coffee.

The fact that the President is still able, ready and willing and anxious to work with these racist pigs is a good indication to his lack of pride, self-respect and character.

The sad part is, he doesn't have the least bit of American Black in him.

Not a drop of blood in him has ever known the horror of slavery.

Not only that.... But people, you HAVE TO understand this....

This man did not come up hard in the streets of the ghetto or the inner City. He never knew prejudice or hardship or hunger.

This piece of shit was the product of WHITE PRIVILEGE.

And to make things even MORE GROTESQUE...

He took advantage of programs that were meant to help Blacks who REALLY WERE VICTIMS of racism and bigotry.

He never was. Never, ever, ever.

He was raised by his WHITE MOMMY in WHITE Hawaii then taken to Indonesia and back again to Hawaii where he went to PRIVATE SCHOOLS and lived with his WHITE GRANDPARENTS.

Then, he takes advantage of programs meant to help American Black Kids get ahead.

Kids who came up hard. Kids who knew what poverty really was. Kids who knew what racism and bigotry were.

The only experience this asshat ever had with racism was when he pointed out how, while he was at Columbia (f'ing COLUMBIA????) 'white' people would take their dogs into poor 'black' neighborhoods so the dogs could take a dump there.

This guy is a fraud. Through and through.

And you people that voted for him?

Dupes. All of you.

Especially the Black Voters. Man, did the dimocrap party every sell you folks a lemon

the entire dimocrap party is a fraud. And the LSM is right there to back up every lie they tell every time
His mother was the daughter of a bank president and his father was a cousin to the President of Kenya.

He's also the descendant of British monarchy.

If he were a Republican, his own party would fry him for it.

The sad part is, he doesn't have the least bit of American Black in him.

Not a drop of blood in him has ever known the horror of slavery.

Not only that.... But people, you HAVE TO understand this....

This man did not come up hard in the streets of the ghetto or the inner City. He never knew prejudice or hardship or hunger.

This piece of shit was the product of WHITE PRIVILEGE.

And to make things even MORE GROTESQUE...

He took advantage of programs that were meant to help Blacks who REALLY WERE VICTIMS of racism and bigotry.

He never was. Never, ever, ever.

He was raised by his WHITE MOMMY in WHITE Hawaii then taken to Indonesia and back again to Hawaii where he went to PRIVATE SCHOOLS and lived with his WHITE GRANDPARENTS.

Then, he takes advantage of programs meant to help American Black Kids get ahead.

Kids who came up hard. Kids who knew what poverty really was. Kids who knew what racism and bigotry were.

The only experience this asshat ever had with racism was when he pointed out how, while he was at Columbia (f'ing COLUMBIA????) 'white' people would take their dogs into poor 'black' neighborhoods so the dogs could take a dump there.

This guy is a fraud. Through and through.

And you people that voted for him?

Dupes. All of you.

Especially the Black Voters. Man, did the dimocrap party every sell you folks a lemon

the entire dimocrap party is a fraud. And the LSM is right there to back up every lie they tell every time

all true...And he played on the people's guilt over slavery and used his color skin to dupe a lot of the people in this country...that right there should tell what kind of person he REALLY IS..
People really need to wake up to what the Democrat/progressive party has become...they are evil snakes who will say wonderful things you want to hear, all the while plotting to bite you with their sick hateful dirty politics/policies, like their avid support for abortion...that isn't because they care about you folks...wake up
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The sad part is, he doesn't have the least bit of American Black in him.

Not a drop of blood in him has ever known the horror of slavery.

Not only that.... But people, you HAVE TO understand this....

This man did not come up hard in the streets of the ghetto or the inner City. He never knew prejudice or hardship or hunger.

This piece of shit was the product of WHITE PRIVILEGE.

And to make things even MORE GROTESQUE...

He took advantage of programs that were meant to help Blacks who REALLY WERE VICTIMS of racism and bigotry.

He never was. Never, ever, ever.

He was raised by his WHITE MOMMY in WHITE Hawaii then taken to Indonesia and back again to Hawaii where he went to PRIVATE SCHOOLS and lived with his WHITE GRANDPARENTS.

Then, he takes advantage of programs meant to help American Black Kids get ahead.

Kids who came up hard. Kids who knew what poverty really was. Kids who knew what racism and bigotry were.

The only experience this asshat ever had with racism was when he pointed out how, while he was at Columbia (f'ing COLUMBIA????) 'white' people would take their dogs into poor 'black' neighborhoods so the dogs could take a dump there.

This guy is a fraud. Through and through.

And you people that voted for him?

Dupes. All of you.

Especially the Black Voters. Man, did the dimocrap party every sell you folks a lemon

the entire dimocrap party is a fraud. And the LSM is right there to back up every lie they tell every time

all true...And he played on the people's guilt over slavery and used his color skin to dupe a lot of the people in this country...that right there should tell what kind of person he REALLY IS..
People really need to wake up to what the Democrat/progressive party has become...they are evil snakes who will say wonderful things you want to hear, all the while plotting to bite you with their sick hateful dirty politics/policies, like their avid support for abortion...that isn't because they care about you folks...wake up

The worst part, is, the voters who reelected him, are numerous in stupidity and greed and will never vote out the "tax and spend" Democrats....Never in a million years. They need their free lifestyle and will have more babies, to receive it. And the more serious question, is "do they outnumber the rest of us?"

The sad part is, he doesn't have the least bit of American Black in him.

Not a drop of blood in him has ever known the horror of slavery.

Not only that.... But people, you HAVE TO understand this....

This man did not come up hard in the streets of the ghetto or the inner City. He never knew prejudice or hardship or hunger.

This piece of shit was the product of WHITE PRIVILEGE.

And to make things even MORE GROTESQUE...

He took advantage of programs that were meant to help Blacks who REALLY WERE VICTIMS of racism and bigotry.

He never was. Never, ever, ever.

He was raised by his WHITE MOMMY in WHITE Hawaii then taken to Indonesia and back again to Hawaii where he went to PRIVATE SCHOOLS and lived with his WHITE GRANDPARENTS.

Then, he takes advantage of programs meant to help American Black Kids get ahead.

Kids who came up hard. Kids who knew what poverty really was. Kids who knew what racism and bigotry were.

The only experience this asshat ever had with racism was when he pointed out how, while he was at Columbia (f'ing COLUMBIA????) 'white' people would take their dogs into poor 'black' neighborhoods so the dogs could take a dump there.

This guy is a fraud. Through and through.

And you people that voted for him?

Dupes. All of you.

Especially the Black Voters. Man, did the dimocrap party every sell you folks a lemon

the entire dimocrap party is a fraud. And the LSM is right there to back up every lie they tell every time

all true...And he played on the people's guilt over slavery and used his color skin to dupe a lot of the people in this country...that right there should tell what kind of person he REALLY IS..
People really need to wake up to what the Democrat/progressive party has become...they are evil snakes who will say wonderful things you want to hear, all the while plotting to bite you with their sick hateful dirty politics/policies, like their avid support for abortion...that isn't because they care about you folks...wake up

That is completely true but with one important, crucial bonus....

You can't attack a Black Man in this Country.

Can't do it. Unless he's Republican, of course.

You attack a black dimocrap politician in this Country and the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM will immediately start screaming "RACISM!!!" and silence you.

Then the FILTH of the LSM will turn it around and start attacking you for being a RACIST.

But let someone call Herman Cain a name? Let them call Allen West a 'McCarthyite' or call Clarence Thomas a 'House ******' and the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM is silent.

Like somebody dropped a cloak of silence on them.

But insult obama?


Not a day.

I could list dozens of said attacks. And I do. All the time.

Easy. Everybody from Chris 'tingles' Matthews to Nazi Pelousy to Debbie Wasserman Schultz to Harry Reid to Jon Stewart to Bill Maher to a dozen alphabet media types.
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Barry Hussein would have been laughed out of Washington if it wasn't for the fawning support by the mainstream media. Everything is falling apart. More people are on food stamps and Black unemployment is in the double digits. The rest of the world hates us and John Kerry is nowhere to be found. Benghazi still haunts the administration as well as Fast/Furious and the signature issue of Hussein/Care is completely falling apart.
President Obama is facing the abyss.

Not anywhere near it while the far right fringe teeter on its edge.

the one trick pony awakens with his usual

Yes, you are, Stephanie, and once again your pony threw you.

Either you guys clean up your act, or the TeaPs won't have enough for a bridge tournament team in the next Congressional term.
We rebelled in 1956. Czechoslovakia rebelled in 1968. East Germany in 1989.
Stalin died in 1953.......... :cool:

I know that, but between 1948 and 1953 there were - believe me - innumerably occasions when I had to sing the praises of Comrade Stalin along with his best Hungarian friend, the father of all Magyars, Comrade Rakosi.

After Stalin died in 1953, some of the pressure were eased. Actual criticism of the establishment was tolerated. But - in case you forgot - Stalin was followed by some similar communist thugs who were only marginally better.

Your previous post implied that everybody is subject to the Stockholm Syndrome.

Well, maybe Swedes are.


When you've clearly been proven wrong, you should continue arguing.


It's more entertaining.
Stalin died in 1953.......... :cool:

I know that, but between 1948 and 1953 there were - believe me - innumerably occasions when I had to sing the praises of Comrade Stalin along with his best Hungarian friend, the father of all Magyars, Comrade Rakosi.

After Stalin died in 1953, some of the pressure were eased. Actual criticism of the establishment was tolerated. But - in case you forgot - Stalin was followed by some similar communist thugs who were only marginally better.

Your previous post implied that everybody is subject to the Stockholm Syndrome.

Well, maybe Swedes are.


When you've clearly been proven wrong, you should continue arguing.


It's more entertaining.

You should heed your own advise, Baldy.

Obviously, when Delilah shaved your had, she took your meager brains, as well,
Stalin died in 1953.......... :cool:

I know that, but between 1948 and 1953 there were - believe me - innumerably occasions when I had to sing the praises of Comrade Stalin along with his best Hungarian friend, the father of all Magyars, Comrade Rakosi.

After Stalin died in 1953, some of the pressure were eased. Actual criticism of the establishment was tolerated. But - in case you forgot - Stalin was followed by some similar communist thugs who were only marginally better.

Your previous post implied that everybody is subject to the Stockholm Syndrome.

Well, maybe Swedes are.


When you've clearly been proven wrong, you should continue arguing.


It's more entertaining.

dewd, change your avatar. It's disgusting.

Where's that eye bleach at?
Can't attack the argument, attack the arguer.

Edgetho is styling along.
In order to deal with the end of his effective term, obama has totally detached from reality and lives entirely within the castle in his mind where he still holds power.
He has been that way since first elected in 2008.

So I doubt any of these current issues will affect his demeanor or change him. . :cool:

The whole point of the article is that obama won't change anything. This is the indication of a malignant narcissist. He will lash out at his enemies, he will become more petulant, more sarcastic, mocking and derisive. He knows no other way. Americans are his enemies. He must use his power to punish them.

The point of no return is the death spiral of his office, the worse things get, the more hostile he will become.


he has done enough damage already.

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