obama close to the point of no return

Ha,ha, their rhetoric all sounds the same.

ha ha, nobody ever said that...so the joke's on you two and your rhetoric sounds the same now as back then... after five years and his disapproval by the people are now a Majority....excuses, blames others for his failures and all that

What do you mean nobody ever said that? Do you have memory lapses often?

Even Faux News was saying Romney was going to win, up to the point that Obama was declared the winner - oops, I take that back, they went on saying it after Obama was declared winner. :lol::lol:

There are like 400 threads proclaiming Romney the presumptive winner. She's aware and ashamed; just like all who are aware of her are ashamed of her.
The Point of No Return | The Weekly Standard

President Obama is facing the abyss. It’s that moment when a president’s plans are overwhelmed by his problems, and he’s relegated to playing defense for the rest of his White House term. Obama’s agenda already lingers near death. His poll numbers have slipped to new lows. His speeches are full of alibis and accusations.

In order to deal with the end of his effective term, obama has totally detached from reality and lives entirely within the castle in his mind where he still holds power.

Yes, huge nose dive into the abyss as he is even losing the support of his Hollyweird buds, one after the other. This must be making him depressed....when he can't even keep the great pretenders on his side. :eusa_boohoo:

Just in the last few weeks, James Woods, comedian Rob Schneider, and now this, completely out of the blue, nobody saw it coming.

From Twitter account:

Frankie Muniz ✔ [MENTION=20195]Frank[/MENTION]iemuniz This Obamacare launch is an embarrassment to the American people. How many more promises have to be broken?

Thanks Obama. Keep 'em coming! ObamaCare turning former Hollywood moonbats Republican red.

Libertarian Republican

James Woods has ALWAYS been a hard right conservative. Ultra hard right. He just lives like a liberal. Other ultra right conservatives are Tom Selleck, Goldie Hawn, Kurt Russell and the head tea partier of all Fifty Cent. There are more, others. They just keep it quiet, until James Woods reached the point where he would sacrifice his career than keep quiet any longer.

The entertainment industry has a political group that seldom gets publicity, intentionally. It's called Friends of Abraham Lincoln. All very conservative.
The Point of No Return | The Weekly Standard

President Obama is facing the abyss. It’s that moment when a president’s plans are overwhelmed by his problems, and he’s relegated to playing defense for the rest of his White House term. Obama’s agenda already lingers near death. His poll numbers have slipped to new lows. His speeches are full of alibis and accusations.

In order to deal with the end of his effective term, obama has totally detached from reality and lives entirely within the castle in his mind where he still holds power.

Playing defense? Thought you all said he was on vacation for five weeks, he and all the Democrats seem fine to me.

Another Poll Full of Bad News for the GOP

Now that the shutdown is over, at least for a few months, the polling data coming in is showing just how bad the whole fiasco was for the Republican party in the minds of voters. And the numbers are so one-sided in a new ABC/Washington Post poll that they are kind of astonishing.

President Obama’s favorability ratings have stayed about the same, pretty much a dead heat with 48% approving of the job he’s doing and 49% disapproving. The numbers for the Republican party’s handling of the budget showdown? A whopping 77% disapproval and only 21% approval. And among registered voters, it’s 81% disapproval, with 62% strongly disapproving. Asked if they have a favorable or unfavorable view of the Republican party, 63% said unfavorable and only half, 32%, said favorable. Favorable/unfavorable for the Tea Party is at 59% negative and 25% positive.

Another Poll Full of Bad News for the GOP » Dispatches from the Culture Wars

Link to the WP polls:

October 2013 Post-ABC poll - Obama, Republicans and shutdown fallout
A bigger bunch of whinners and cry-babies I have never seen. You people make Chicken Little look both brave and extremely intelligent. I absolutely love watching you whip each other into a frenzy about Obama. Oh, and by the way, a friend of mine who lives in DC says that the black helicopters and armoured personnel carriers are set to be deployed at a moments notice. The way I see it, you have only two possible ways to save yourselves: 1) Spend a lot of time hiding under your beds and 2) make tin foil hats and outfits to protect you from the death rays Obama will be using.
The Obamacare roll out has become a major drag on Obama's second term agenda he has six or seven months to get that worked out and try to work on anything else before Congress puts all it's attention on the midterms unless there is a major shift in Congress which I doubt we will have to sides who will not work with the other and he will be a lame duck in his last two years.

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