*Obama: Come And Get Me, Mother Fuckers!*

Sorry bout that,

1. America will get to the bottom of this, if the congress and senate do their jobs.
2. We are watching you.

I'm certain everyone is trembling in fear.. After all, it's not every day that the Leader of the free world puts on a dorkster helmet and rides his sissy bicycle.. That image evokes fear!!!!!!!!



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We were a more honorable people in 1973. No one was out there protecting the president when he was clearly wrong.
I'm just happy Chesswarsnow has started apologizing in advance for making people read his terrible posts.
Obama is a first class forksucker in my book too.The GOP needs to remember one thing with this guy, he's uncannily slippery, exquistely cunning, and extremely lucky at frequencies far greater than chance would allow.
Look at his electoral record, how he obtained his offices: Once by running unopposed when the opposing candidate was removed from the ballot after all signatures on his opponents ballot petition were disallowed. Twice by running nearly unopposed when his primary oppositon candidates supposedly sealed divorce records were somehow amazingly unsealed and leaked to the press. Once when running against John McCain a mysterious consortium leads a run on the US banking system that nearly collapses the American banking system and precipitates a five year near worldwide depression and sixth a freak mid summer hurricane develops in the late autumn season and bizaarely heads westward, instead of the normal eastward movement, slamming into the US east coast just days before the election providing just enough impetus for the slobbering media to make him look presidential for the first time in four years. And who can forget the marvelous block Candy Crowley threw protecting Obama when Mitt was on the verge of scoring a touchdown during the second debate.

Egyptian Cleric: Hurricane Sandy Is A Soldier of Allah, Inflicted Upon America… | Weasel Zippers

He goes to Loyola University ten years prior to his first election as president and lays out his plans to gain the presidency then. "Those people receiving welfare and the people receiving other forms of government largesse along with the working poor constitute a critical mass that if manipulated properly could lead to the installation of a (Communist) into the highest office and maintain him there for a considerable time" The founders worried about such a man as Barack Obama appearing when they drew up the Constitution 230 years ago, the media had the tapes of those remarks and yet the media chose not to report on it. When the opposition obtained the tapes four years later the media scoffs and says "That's old news. Let it rest!" But no one ever reported on it when it could have made a difference. In the meantime four years of Obama have transformed America from a nation deserving of the bald eagle as its national symbol into a nation more deserving of the tapeworm as its symbol.

Romney: Obama Won Election By Buying Off Minorities And Young Voters With “Gifts”… | Weasel Zippers

Obama consigliere Kommisar Valerie Jarret reportedly set off on a verbal rampage a few days before the election where she indicated Obama's second term would be about settling old scores with Obama's enemies and detractors. What a Hitlerian thing to do, but not enetirely unexpected from someone like Obama. Hitler was fond of settling old scores too. During the Night Of The Long Knives when Hitler had the Head of the SA, Ernst Rolm, along with forty or fifty of his subordinates murdered in order to accomodate the wishes of the German Army with which he had made a nefarious pact, he also settled old scores with the Hindenburg cabinet minister who had suggested Hitler be appointed Chancellor because "He could handle him (if Hitler got out of line)" and the German newspaper editor and publisher, Fritz Gerlach, who had been an antagonistic thorn in Hitler's side since before the Munich beerhall Putsch, murdering both as well.
Obama's settling old scores by deliberately provoking fights with his old enemies. John Kerry for SecD will draw out Kerry's old enemies from 2004, the Swiftboat Veterans For Truth where Obama can publicly destroy them personally and provoke other enemies to come out of the woodworks where they can be identified and destroyed as well. Visibly doing so will set an example for what will happen to others and solidfy Obama's grip on power. The same is true for the nomination of Susan Rice as secretary of State which will at the minimum enable Obama to castrate John McCain and Lindsey Graham or even turn them into dust setting another example for Republicans in the Senate.
Look at the characters he has amassed around him. DNI Clapper went before Congress and the American people and testified with a straight face the bald faced lie that the Muslim Brotherhood was largely a secular progressive organization. Amazingly the press upon hearing Clapper's lie sat there in a stony silence.

Israel Matzav: Shocking photo of Ambassador Chris Stevens being tortured

People during the Nixon era used to marvel at the stoicism of someone like G Gordon Lyddy who was reportedly able to crush out a lit cigarrette in the palm of his hand without so much as a visible quiver in any muscle of his face or body. Clapper is every bit as stoic, though far more evil.
You have to deal with Obama as if you're dealing with Satan himself.
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