Obama dances while Brussels burns

Obama should at least PRETEND to care, but he can't even do that. He did not attend Justice Scalia's funeral or Nancy Reagan's funeral. He just wants everyone to know that he hates Republicans so much he will not even go to their funerals.
And again you failed to justify your idiotic thread premise.

How would the president’s returning to Washington in any manner mitigate what happened in Brussels – indeed, if the president did so you’d whine about that as well.

You and other partisan rightists clearly have no idea how ridiculous you are.
It sounds like Obama AND Trump are narcissists.

Rump obviously is, always has been.

With O'bama I think the term you're looking for is "uppity".
And yet again with the race card. You liberals are boring and predictable and full of hate.

Which one of us is melting down whining that the POTUS won't come home to do --- whatever he's supposed to do that you can't define --- that a white POTUS wouldn't be expected to do?

Alright then. Own that.
Obama should at least PRETEND to care, but he can't even do that. He did not attend Justice Scalia's funeral or Nancy Reagan's funeral. He just wants everyone to know that he hates Republicans so much he will not even go to their funerals.
And again you failed to justify your idiotic thread premise.

How would the president’s returning to Washington in any manner mitigate what happened in Brussels – indeed, if the president did so you’d whine about that as well.

You and other partisan rightists clearly have no idea how ridiculous you are.

I left that question hanging in three threads now, including this one.

No one has yet come up with an answer.
It's like the Alabama Literacy Test applied to POTUS.
You have to forgive RWNJ's, since they still live in the age of land lines and AM radio. They're still not aware that an American president today can be reached and may reach his national security team wherever he his in the world via technologies called "cell phones" and the "internet".

Nothing that conservatives say he should have done would have made any difference whatsoever since there is no causal relation between where an American president is when something happens overseas.

Now, on the other hand, if Obama had lit his hair on fire and jumped out of his seat the way Republicans say he should have, of course they'd have stuck it to him for "acting out of fear".
It sounds like Obama AND Trump are narcissists.

Rump obviously is, always has been.

With O'bama I think the term you're looking for is "uppity".
And yet again with the race card. You liberals are boring and predictable and full of hate.

You can’t be serious.

The idiot Trump wants to ‘register’ Muslim Americans with the government and ‘investigate’ mosques, while his partner in bigotry Cruz wants to single out ‘Muslim neighborhoods’ for religious profiling by the police.

In addition to being liars and demagogues, you and most others on the right are hypocrites, in no positon to accuse others of ‘hate.’

Well of course yes, but GWB did at least return from Florida to the WH....and he was in Florida, so he was within America, not in some other nation.

One truth the anti Bush pro Michael Moore fans never talk about is that in those seven minutes the Secret Service was securing the airport around Air Force One. All they knew was America was under attack and did not know if the President was a target. President Bush had to remain cool calm and collected and not running out the door pretending to be Superman.

A great witness to history is Captain Tillman who as the pilot of Air Force One was responsible for the President's safety. There was a genuine fear that they would be rammed in the air. They got a message saying "Angel is next".

So Bush had to remain seated until his team had everything secured and ready to go. He doesn't get to direct the players. There are protocols in place that must be followed. Basically the Secret Service are in charge.But this was wild because no one had faced planes being used as weapons.

Here's a great link to the Captain telling how it all went down.Pretty intense. Here's part of it. Worth the read.

On 9/11, Air Force One pilot's only concern was President Bush's safety

"Radios and phones on Air Force One came alive. The Secret Service created a huge security perimeter on the tarmac. My boss, Mark Rosenker, called and told me to depart as soon as the president got on board.

There are written protocols to follow in a nuclear attack, a chemical attack or anything like that. I knew someone was hijacking airliners and hitting targets. But there was no manual for terrorists in suicide planes. The sky was filled with other aircraft, and I really didn't know who had hijacked what. Was Air Force One among the targets? I needed a plan to make sure the president was safe.

I was still married then, and had three kids. But there was so much going on I didn't have time to get emotional or think about anything but my job. Communications systems were overwhelmed with traffic.

Key officials were being evacuated in Washington, D.C., and cell calls that got through were breaking up. Information was mixed with rumor. We had to switch to the military radio network.

The president couldn't reach key people on regular phones because people like the secretary of Defense had abandoned buildings in D.C. Cellphones were useless because the networks were saturated.

At one point, Mr. Bush advised me through a staffer that we were a target. The message, using a code name for Air Force One: "Angel is next."

Some flight attendants were crying, asking what they should tell the media in the back of the plane. I made all the crew members shut off their cellphones.

We were at war, and I didn't want to take a chance that someone would slip up and leak our location or destination.

I asked for an armed guard at the cockpit door while Secret Service agents double-checked the identity of everyone on board. My military training told me to avoid the predictable - to stay out of Washington, D.C. I thought we should fly to a secure air base along the East Coast, or to Camp David.

Nobody took into account that a proud Texan would be in office. He wanted to fly straight to the nation's capital - to go back and fight. So we took off - it was a full-thrust departure, up like a rocket - on a course to Andrews Air Force Base.

Read more: On 9/11, Air Force One pilot's only concern was President Bush's safety
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ObamI'mdances the tango in Argentina while ignoring calls to come home

There's one thing consistent about Barack Hussein Obama, he lacks the gut feeling most people have about what is appropriate behavior in the face of a crisis.

So, while a typical President would be rushing back to Washington to deal with this crisis, and co-ordinate strategy with our allies, and offer condolences to the victims, Obama tangos on the dance floor in Argentina.

Obama is a complete sociopath. What that means is that he does not recognize that human beings are human beings. He sees other human beings as objects, and sheds no tears for them when they are killed. He does not know the difference between right and wrong, which is why he refuses to name Islamic terrorism for what it is. In his book, he revealed his bias towards Islam, which, by far the best religion there is for him and his fellow sociopaths.
Yes, but hes not a psychopath. Hey wait, he could be. I'm not a doctor.
IF we are boming them, then don't import them. Geez.

I don't care if people want to make war, but at least do it properly.

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