Obama Dares Republicans To Show Their Obamacare Replacement Before Repeal

All my NaziCon friends are counting the days...

Get That Worthless ****** Out Of The White House
If it’s really better, the president says, he’ll endorse it.

President Barack Obama on Friday issued a stark, simple challenge to Republicans who want to repeal Obamacare: If you really have a better alternative, show it to the American people first.

“If they are so convinced they can do it better, then they shouldn’t be afraid to make that presentation,” Obama said, even promising to vouch for such a plan.

“I’m saying to every Republican right now, if you in fact can put a plan together that is demonstrably better than what Obamacare is doing, I will publicly support repealing Obamacare and replacing it with your plan.”

Obama made the comments during a live, wonky interview with Ezra Klein and Sarah Kliff of Vox. The interview took place at the Blair House, the residence across the street from the White House where, famously, Obama presided over an eight-hour bipartisan discussion of health policy in early 2010, shortly before Congress passed what would become the Affordable Care Act.

More: Obama Dares Republicans To Show Their Obamacare Replacement Before Repeal

I agree, Mr. President. What are Republicans afraid of?

Two things you overlook:

1. Obama is now irrelevant.

2. Elections have consequences - I really shouldn't have to remind you of those holy words from your (once) New Messiah.
In a couple more days no one will HAVE to listen to Barry anymore. He lost his right IMO to demand anything about this failed law / system when he rammed it down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it then dropped into the laps of others to clean up after he leaves.

The fact is the ACA is collapsing, whether he wants to admit it or not. If the Republicans decided to leave it completely alone, as it sounds like they may be until 2018, it will 'die' on its own.

The reason they are not willing to do that is because if that happens people will be left with nothing...because of the Democrats who passed it.

If Obama ever cared about more than his 'Legacy', if Democrats ever cared more about the American people than their own party, they would work with the GOP to help fix it / create something better, taking the best the ACA has to offer as a start.
Dems have never refused to work on something better.

They have proposed improvements.

A few of those improvements were voted in, because Republicans liked them, too.

Also, remember that the ACA was created by bi-partisan committees in the House and Senate. McCain points out that over 160 Republican amendments became part of the ACA at a time when Dems had a super majority in the Senate as well as a House majority.

This doesn't have to be so partisan as Republicans have consistently tried to make it.

The House and Senate could cause there to be bi-partisan committees to figure out what comes next.

Even Ryan points out that Republicans only have "ideas". If there is going to be a replacement, it would have to be designed - obviously. Are Republicans really going to totally cut Dems out of that process???

When was the last time THAT worked out to the benefit of America?
Liberals cut the GOP out of the process of creating the ACA and ramming it into law...

Schumer has already declared liberals will Obstruct EVERYTHING...

North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper (D) says he’ll quickly expand Medicaid in his state before President-elect Donald Trump takes office. His vow sets up a confrontation with Republicans in the state who have explicitly passed a law barring him from making such a move.


Would Allow 500k North Carolinians To Start Receiving Healthcare

Thank you Governor Cooper!
If it’s really better, the president says, he’ll endorse it.

President Barack Obama on Friday issued a stark, simple challenge to Republicans who want to repeal Obamacare: If you really have a better alternative, show it to the American people first.

“If they are so convinced they can do it better, then they shouldn’t be afraid to make that presentation,” Obama said, even promising to vouch for such a plan.

“I’m saying to every Republican right now, if you in fact can put a plan together that is demonstrably better than what Obamacare is doing, I will publicly support repealing Obamacare and replacing it with your plan.”

Obama made the comments during a live, wonky interview with Ezra Klein and Sarah Kliff of Vox. The interview took place at the Blair House, the residence across the street from the White House where, famously, Obama presided over an eight-hour bipartisan discussion of health policy in early 2010, shortly before Congress passed what would become the Affordable Care Act.

More: Obama Dares Republicans To Show Their Obamacare Replacement Before Repeal

I agree, Mr. President. What are Republicans afraid of?

Who gives a shit what he thinks. He's old news.
not only is he old news but, when the ACA is dismantled, he will not be the president, he wont even be a government worker, so basically, he has no more say in it than any other citizen out in the street. He just needs to learn how to STFU and stay out of the governments business. as far as him endorsing it? Who gives a crap? seriously, he can endorse it, argue against it, do whatever he wants, he will get the same consideration that he gave us citizens that wanted no part of his failed ACA scheme, he will just have to go along with it. or he can move to Canada. (my personal favorite choice for him)
Before killing every health care policy in America, please remember that killing the ACA does NOT bring back the system we had before the ACA.

THAT system was replaced by the ACA, so it doesn't exist anymore. It is 100% gone.

The idea of killing every health care policy in America with nothing more than "ideas" (which is what Ryan says they have right now) could NOT be more irresponsible.

Plus what do you plan to tell the vast majority of Americans (in fact, the majority of Republicans) who LIKE the features of the ACA?
In a couple more days no one will HAVE to listen to Barry anymore. He lost his right IMO to demand anything about this failed law / system when he rammed it down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it then dropped into the laps of others to clean up after he leaves.

The fact is the ACA is collapsing, whether he wants to admit it or not. If the Republicans decided to leave it completely alone, as it sounds like they may be until 2018, it will 'die' on its own.

The reason they are not willing to do that is because if that happens people will be left with nothing...because of the Democrats who passed it.

If Obama ever cared about more than his 'Legacy', if Democrats ever cared more about the American people than their own party, they would work with the GOP to help fix it / create something better, taking the best the ACA has to offer as a start.
Dems have never refused to work on something better.

They have proposed improvements.

A few of those improvements were voted in, because Republicans liked them, too.

Also, remember that the ACA was created by bi-partisan committees in the House and Senate. McCain points out that over 160 Republican amendments became part of the ACA at a time when Dems had a super majority in the Senate as well as a House majority.

This doesn't have to be so partisan as Republicans have consistently tried to make it.

The House and Senate could cause there to be bi-partisan committees to figure out what comes next.

Even Ryan points out that Republicans only have "ideas". If there is going to be a replacement, it would have to be designed - obviously. Are Republicans really going to totally cut Dems out of that process???

When was the last time THAT worked out to the benefit of America?
Liberals cut the GOP out of the process of creating the ACA and ramming it into law...

Schumer has already declared liberals will Obstruct EVERYTHING...
The ACA was created in bi-partisan committees in the House and Senate.

Suggesting republicans were cut out is total and absolute BS. Ask the Republican senators who
were in the committees.

How many Democrats will be part of the bi-partisan committees that will be designing the replacement for the ACA?

Seriously. I want to know.

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