Obama Declared 13 National Emergencies — 11 Are Still Active

You are so full of shit!

Haha I love mindless insults too. Here's my fav.

First, 50 U.S.C. §1622 allows the Congress to over-turn a president’s declaration of an emergency. If both the Senate and the House each pass s resolution terminating the President’s declaration of an emergency

That was amended in 1985. It has to be a joint resolution sent to the President like any other piece of legislation.

Furthermore I never once said his declaration was illegal did I?

I oppose the frivolous use of them to fulfill partisan campaign promises.

You write without providing a link:

"That was amended in 1985. It has to be a joint resolution sent to the President like any other piece of legislation." :21:

Doesn't address my point at all since the point was that Trump can use the NEA on the wall, which you keep resisting, yes, you did say his declaration wasn't illegal, but still you RESIST it with your misleading partisan claims in the rest of your partisan weepiness.

It isn't frivolous, since CONGRESS isn't doing their job to give decent funding in support of the 2006 law.

You keep missing the main point I started with, that Partisanship is the problem, which is why Trump wants to go around it with a LEGAL Emergency maneuver, since Congress in full partisan mode aren't going to fulfill the long passed Border Wall with the required funding.

Again this is what I stated at the TOP of post one:

"The Border Wall law pass passed and signed into law in 2006, ever since then it has been party politics preventing the funding for the wall. First it was Democrats who tried to fund the wall, but stopped by Republicans, now it is the Republicans who wants to fund it, the Democrats resist it."

Did you see it this time?

Trump is trying to FULFILL the law with the money needed to get it done, yes it is a campaign promise, but the law for the wall was passed in 2006, long before Trump came along.

There is nothing frivolous about what he is doing. It is stupid party politics that has long prevented the 13 year old law from being properly supported. Trump has NOTHING to do with the partisanship problem, he is trying to get it funded, end of story.

Meanwhile you wrote this:

""Sorry Democrats, this “national emergency” business is not quite the work of “dictators.”"

"The American people stand with President Trump following his amazing Oval Office address explaining the human cost of illegal immigration."

"Of Obama’s 11 continuing national emergencies, nine of them were focused exclusively on foreign nations, while only one seemed focused on protecting America — a declaration aimed at punishing individuals “engaging in significant malicious cyber-enabled activities."

You whined this is "So partisan it made me want to puke."

This after I pointed out that BOTH political parties are playing politics on the wall, which I have highlighted for YOU twice, yet gets ignored.

One more time:

The Border Wall law pass passed and signed into law in 2006, ever since then it has been party politics preventing the funding for the wall. First it was Democrats who tried to fund the wall, but stopped by Republicans, now it is the Republicans who wants to fund it, the Democrats resist it.

You are indeed full of shit!

You can stop pissing all over the thread with your dishonest replies.
The Border Wall law pass passed and signed into law in 2006, ever since then it has been party politics preventing the funding for the wall. First it was Democrats who tried to fund the wall, but stopped by Republicans, now it is the Republicans who wants to fund it, the Democrats resist it.

Big League Politics

Obama Declared 13 National Emergencies — 11 Are Still Active

Jan 10,2019

Patrick Howley


"There are a lot of national emergencies going on. In fact, there are 31 active national emergencies declared under the National Emergencies Act.

Bill Clinton used this authority 17 times. President Trump has only used it three times so far.

Sorry Democrats, this “national emergency” business is not quite the work of “dictators.”


Did Obama ever go on TV and say "I don't really need to do this."....????
It isn't frivolous, since CONGRESS isn't doing their job

A partisan policy dispute is frivolous compared to the type of National Emergencies the Act was designed for. If it is real emergency why did he wait over two years to declare one? For two year he allowed how many of them murdering illegals in when all he had to do was declare an Emergency? Why did he turn down several offers? Why did he renege on the last agreement at the last minute? You know the one the Faux pundants scuttled. Nope, he's abusing his authority by re-purposing a well intended law to become a partisan tool to achieve part of a partisan campaign promise.

It would serve them all right if the Supreme Court declared the entire law unconstitutional.
Ha ha ha, all the relevant information and links are INSIDE the article I posted, it is why I posted it here, with a LOT of background information in it to read over.

Try reading it next time.
Why on earth would any sensible or serious person read something from a blog called "Big League Politics?"

Think McFly, THINK!!


That is why you are IGNORANT, even when I pointed out the existing internal links showing that it is allowed under limitations. You are too lazy to find out if what I said was true or not.

Meanwhile you missed post 10?

You are a joke?
Anybody can read, mold, interpret the law however they want to fit their agenda. The funny thing is typically it is that progressives that interpret law in a way to grant government more power and conservatives typically fight for less government power. In this case there is an ideological flip-flop going on. Funny to hear conservatives argue for government overreach and more executive power. But I guess that’s the game we are playing.

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