Obama declares June to be LGBT Pride Month !!!

Seriously? He receives daily briefings about our national security and anti-terrorism efforts and you think a simple proclamation celebrating LGBT progress outweighs all they do for our national security? You need a reality check.
You you need to get out of your mothers basement more often, and quit making shit up...
What am I making up?
Are you standing up for the statement that Obama spends more time on LGBT matters than our National Security? You think that is the truth? It's a bunch of partisan bluster and you know it, but heaven forbid you disagree with anything that is anti-Obama.
Truth hurts doesn't it? Anytime it hurts a libtard gets real defensive.
What truth?
He accuses me of making shit up... I ask what i'm making up... he goes radio silent... Wow, really got me there
The truth of the idiot obuthole spending more time on faggot issues than nation security, boy you are dense.
You like that dense remark huh? :) If it is a fact you are stating then prove it... I believe Fair&Balanced went radio silent on the issue as well because it was nothing but bluster. Use your common sense.
We have Miss America contests that let women of all colors compete but we have to have a special Miss Black America contest too. Or a special Congressional Black Caucus. No! You people feel entitled and are hypocrites.
And many people still remember a time when blacks could not even vote... there has been massive discrimination and racism in this country and you have the gull to bitch about a few "special" efforts to help with awareness, unity, expression, and inclusion? You completely lack perspective and empathy
Can't equate a sexual practice withe race, that is idiot libtards problem.
Why did the congressional black caucus refuse to let a white join their group. If the congressional white caucus pulled a stunt like that the libtards would be beating their chests with outrage over racism. See how hypocritical libtards are?
You you need to get out of your mothers basement more often, and quit making shit up...
What am I making up?
Are you standing up for the statement that Obama spends more time on LGBT matters than our National Security? You think that is the truth? It's a bunch of partisan bluster and you know it, but heaven forbid you disagree with anything that is anti-Obama.
Truth hurts doesn't it? Anytime it hurts a libtard gets real defensive.
What truth?
He accuses me of making shit up... I ask what i'm making up... he goes radio silent... Wow, really got me there
The truth of the idiot obuthole spending more time on faggot issues than nation security, boy you are dense.
You like that dense remark huh? :) If it is a fact you are stating then prove it... I believe Fair&Balanced went radio silent on the issue as well because it was nothing but bluster. Use your common sense.
You wouldn't know a fact loser.
We need a Congressional White Caucus that allows no people of color. Liberals separate themselves based on how special they feel.
Liberals fight for the oppressed minorities. You seem to want to revert back to Jim Crow... Is that right?
We need a Congressional White Caucus that allows no people of color. Liberals separate themselves based on how special they feel.
the black congressional caucus is the only way the blacks in congress can feel smart while speaking about tipping over Guam and other important issues.
Whites mess everything up by laughing at them.
They have ever right to celebrate the progress and liberation they have achieved over the years. Just as Blacks, women, vets, and cancer survivors have every right to celebrate their group and achievements.
Being gay is not a celebration for overcoming anything if you're already an equal. Being gay is not an achievement because sexual preference is no accomplishment it's a lifestyle. That's like hip hop having a holiday and rights for choosing that lifestyle to be different. You can't compare yourself to cancer survivors unless you're an Aids survivor. You are not in the same caliber as vets to be honored and celebrated because you don't fight for liberty and freedom for all, only for yourself. Selfish PRIDE!
Being gay is not a celebration for overcoming anything if you're already an equal. Being gay is not an achievement because sexual preference is no accomplishment it's a lifestyle. That's like hip hop having a holiday and rights for choosing that lifestyle to be different. You can't compare yourself to cancer survivors unless you're an Aids survivor. You are not in the same caliber as vets to be honored and celebrated because you don't fight for liberty and freedom for all, only for yourself. Selfish PRIDE
What are you talking about? This proclamation for LGBT Months is simply about being gay... There is a laundry list of things that have been achieved over the years that have progressed the freedom of gay people and warrant celebration. Did you read the proclamation or are you just bitching about the headline?
When were gay people not free?
We have Miss America contests that let women of all colors compete but we have to have a special Miss Black America contest too. Or a special Congressional Black Caucus. No! You people feel entitled and are hypocrites.
And many people still remember a time when blacks could not even vote... there has been massive discrimination and racism in this country and you have the gull to bitch about a few "special" efforts to help with awareness, unity, expression, and inclusion? You completely lack perspective and empathy
Can't equate a sexual practice withe race, that is idiot libtards problem.
I was responding to Willow who brought race up... Furthermore, you can equate human rights and fair treatment, no matter if it involves race, religion, sex, or orientation... basic stuff dude
What am I making up?
Are you standing up for the statement that Obama spends more time on LGBT matters than our National Security? You think that is the truth? It's a bunch of partisan bluster and you know it, but heaven forbid you disagree with anything that is anti-Obama.
Truth hurts doesn't it? Anytime it hurts a libtard gets real defensive.
What truth?
He accuses me of making shit up... I ask what i'm making up... he goes radio silent... Wow, really got me there
The truth of the idiot obuthole spending more time on faggot issues than nation security, boy you are dense.
You like that dense remark huh? :) If it is a fact you are stating then prove it... I believe Fair&Balanced went radio silent on the issue as well because it was nothing but bluster. Use your common sense.
You wouldn't know a fact loser.
Not in any of your posts... You don't seem to know how to use them
We need a Congressional White Caucus that allows no people of color. Liberals separate themselves based on how special they feel.
Liberals fight for the oppressed minorities. You seem to want to revert back to Jim Crow... Is that right?
I thought you wanted equality. What you cry for is special treatment.
When a group is oppressed and discriminated against then it requires special treatment... How else do you achieve equality?
We have Miss America contests that let women of all colors compete but we have to have a special Miss Black America contest too. Or a special Congressional Black Caucus. No! You people feel entitled and are hypocrites.
And many people still remember a time when blacks could not even vote... there has been massive discrimination and racism in this country and you have the gull to bitch about a few "special" efforts to help with awareness, unity, expression, and inclusion? You completely lack perspective and empathy

Special efforts that grant exclusive rights, extra considerations or entitlements to specific groups are unconstitutional. Such rights, considerations or entitlements must be available to all citizens equally.
We have Miss America contests that let women of all colors compete but we have to have a special Miss Black America contest too. Or a special Congressional Black Caucus. No! You people feel entitled and are hypocrites.
And they cry when little boys can't join Girl Scouts ... Or girls the Boy Scouts.

They search for things to whine about..
They have ever right to celebrate the progress and liberation they have achieved over the years. Just as Blacks, women, vets, and cancer survivors have every right to celebrate their group and achievements.
Being gay is not a celebration for overcoming anything if you're already an equal. Being gay is not an achievement because sexual preference is no accomplishment it's a lifestyle. That's like hip hop having a holiday and rights for choosing that lifestyle to be different. You can't compare yourself to cancer survivors unless you're an Aids survivor. You are not in the same caliber as vets to be honored and celebrated because you don't fight for liberty and freedom for all, only for yourself. Selfish PRIDE!
Being gay is not a celebration for overcoming anything if you're already an equal. Being gay is not an achievement because sexual preference is no accomplishment it's a lifestyle. That's like hip hop having a holiday and rights for choosing that lifestyle to be different. You can't compare yourself to cancer survivors unless you're an Aids survivor. You are not in the same caliber as vets to be honored and celebrated because you don't fight for liberty and freedom for all, only for yourself. Selfish PRIDE
What are you talking about? This proclamation for LGBT Months is simply about being gay... There is a laundry list of things that have been achieved over the years that have progressed the freedom of gay people and warrant celebration. Did you read the proclamation or are you just bitching about the headline?
When were gay people not free?
They have been grossly oppressed and discriminated against, so I guess it depends on your definition of freedom. I'm not going to list it for the third time... Read Obamas proclamation, or my earlier posts, or do a google search and learn about gay oppression if you really don't know the struggles and bias they have been fighting against.
We need a Congressional White Caucus that allows no people of color. Liberals separate themselves based on how special they feel.
Liberals fight for the oppressed minorities. You seem to want to revert back to Jim Crow... Is that right?
I thought you wanted equality. What you cry for is special treatment.
When a group is oppressed and discriminated against then it requires special treatment... How else do you achieve equality?

As a matter of law, not with additional entitlements or extra consideration.
They have ever right to celebrate the progress and liberation they have achieved over the years. Just as Blacks, women, vets, and cancer survivors have every right to celebrate their group and achievements.
Being gay is not a celebration for overcoming anything if you're already an equal. Being gay is not an achievement because sexual preference is no accomplishment it's a lifestyle. That's like hip hop having a holiday and rights for choosing that lifestyle to be different. You can't compare yourself to cancer survivors unless you're an Aids survivor. You are not in the same caliber as vets to be honored and celebrated because you don't fight for liberty and freedom for all, only for yourself. Selfish PRIDE!
Being gay is not a celebration for overcoming anything if you're already an equal. Being gay is not an achievement because sexual preference is no accomplishment it's a lifestyle. That's like hip hop having a holiday and rights for choosing that lifestyle to be different. You can't compare yourself to cancer survivors unless you're an Aids survivor. You are not in the same caliber as vets to be honored and celebrated because you don't fight for liberty and freedom for all, only for yourself. Selfish PRIDE
What are you talking about? This proclamation for LGBT Months is simply about being gay... There is a laundry list of things that have been achieved over the years that have progressed the freedom of gay people and warrant celebration. Did you read the proclamation or are you just bitching about the headline?
When were gay people not free?
We have Miss America contests that let women of all colors compete but we have to have a special Miss Black America contest too. Or a special Congressional Black Caucus. No! You people feel entitled and are hypocrites.
And they cry when little boys can't join Girl Scouts ... Or girls the Boy Scouts.

They search for things to whine about..
and God forbid you should not want to bake them a cake.

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