Obama declares war on women

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Gotta love it when the shoe is on the other foot.

The federal government on Thursday began making good on its promise to cut off all funding for the Texas Medicaid Women's Health Program amid an escalating fight over the state's ban on funding for clinics affiliated with abortion providers. In a letter to state officials, Cindy Mann, director of the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, said her agency regretted the move. "We had hoped not to be at this point. But, unfortunately, as we've made clear to the state at all points in this process, we don't have a choice," Mann said on a conference call with reporters after sending the letter...
The standoff stems from a law passed by the Legislature last summer and took effect Wednesday. It bars state funding for clinics affiliated with abortion providers. The Obama administration had pledged to stop funding the Women's Health Program because federal law requires women to be able to choose any qualified clinic. Gov. Rick Perry counters that states have the right, under federal law, to determine qualified providers in the program. The program provides care to about 130,000 women between the ages of 18 and 44 earning less than $20,000 a year or less than $41,000 for a family of four — with federal funds paying 90 percent of its cost and Texas covering the rest. Mann said that last year it cost about $41 million, and about $34 million of that came from Washington...Planned Parenthood issued a statement criticizing the actions taken by Perry and the Texas Legislature.

War On Women: Feds Cut Off Women's Health Funding to Texas - Guy Benson
Why does Obama hate women???

Is he a femmephobe????

On the contrary. He has two daughters and while you may not like him, he is still a father. And he doesn't want the fringe fuckups in this country to deprive them of their rights. Make sense? Hello...???? (Thumping on empty skull) Hmmm...sounds empty in there.

Actually, sounds like the state is to blame on this one. Why do they think they don't have to follow Federal law?

The federal law that allows states to determine who is, and is not, qualified for state funds?

As interpreted by Rick "I've Never Seen Brokeback Mountain" Perry.

Thanks, but I'll stick with the interpretation that came from the people who passed the law.
One wonders whether the right wing conservatives and republicans understand the meaning of bullshit today? Allow me to give them the definition so the next time they post nonsense and the choir of the brain dead puppets sing the same chorus lines, they think maybe just a bit. "It is just this lack of connection to a concern with truth - this indifference to how things really are - that I regard as of the essence of bullshit.*" Since Texas rates so low on HS graduates and other educational statistics, I guess maybe they don't even know what BS is? They may think it is something from a bull or something? :lol:

* Harry Frankfurt
Why does Obama hate women???

Is he a femmephobe????

On the contrary. He has two daughters and while you may not like him, he is still a father. And he doesn't want the fringe fuckups in this country to deprive them of their rights. Make sense? Hello...???? (Thumping on empty skull) Hmmm...sounds empty in there.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNbaig-D5pk]Obama: Babies are a "punishment" - YouTube[/ame]
Actually, sounds like the state is to blame on this one. Why do they think they don't have to follow Federal law?
Federal law is NOT be all to end all in this.

Really? Then what is?

Our nation was designed based on federalism.
That means a sharing of power between the central and the state governments; it does not mean that the states are merely agencies of the central government.

But, of course, that was when we believed in adherence to the Constitution.
Why does Obama hate women???

Is he a femmephobe????

On the contrary. He has two daughters and while you may not like him, he is still a father. And he doesn't want the fringe fuckups in this country to deprive them of their rights. Make sense? Hello...???? (Thumping on empty skull) Hmmm...sounds empty in there.

You seem a bit slow on the uptake...so let me explain the post.

It is designed to poke fun at the made-up words that Left uses to castigate opponents.

Get it now?
Federal law is NOT be all to end all in this.

Really? Then what is?

Our nation was designed based on federalism.
That means a sharing of power between the central and the state governments; it does not mean that the states are merely agencies of the central government.

But, of course, that was when we believed in adherence to the Constitution.

But states have to follow Federal Law. And if the Federal Law is written in a way that the decision of what is a qualified clinic rests at the Federal level, then Perry and Texas are not following the law as they are trying to make the decisions at the state level.

I'll have to find the text of the law to confirm, but Perry and Texas trying to push and get their own way seems far more likely to me than Obama and the Federal Government suddenly going after women's clinics.
Actually, sounds like the state is to blame on this one. Why do they think they don't have to follow Federal law?

The federal law that allows states to determine who is, and is not, qualified for state funds?

As interpreted by Rick "I've Never Seen Brokeback Mountain" Perry.

Thanks, but I'll stick with the interpretation that came from the people who passed the law.

Exactly the kind of individual that the Left loves.

And the attitude that got us into this mess.
Texas Medicaid Funds Cut Over Planned Parenthood - WSJ.com

"Medicaid law is clear—patients, not state government officials, are able to choose the health-care providers that are best for them and their families," said Cindy Mann, a top official at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, in a conference call with reporters after the letter was released.

Nope, this is just more of the right wing war on women. Who the hell is the state to tell women which licensed health care provider they can choose?
The federal law that allows states to determine who is, and is not, qualified for state funds?

As interpreted by Rick "I've Never Seen Brokeback Mountain" Perry.

Thanks, but I'll stick with the interpretation that came from the people who passed the law.

Exactly the kind of individual that the Left loves.

And the attitude that got us into this mess.
Completely ignorant...but not his fault...he is a victim of Gubmint schools run by Unions...
One wonders whether the right wing conservatives and republicans understand the meaning of bullshit today? Allow me to give them the definition so the next time they post nonsense and the choir of the brain dead puppets sing the same chorus lines, they think maybe just a bit. "It is just this lack of connection to a concern with truth - this indifference to how things really are - that I regard as of the essence of bullshit.*" Since Texas rates so low on HS graduates and other educational statistics, I guess maybe they don't even know what BS is? They may think it is something from a bull or something? :lol:

* Harry Frankfurt

"...brain dead puppets...."

Did you read post #10?

The Germans have a history of embracing authoritarian rule. As the German philosopher Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest” (Ralf Dahrendorf, Society and Democracy in Germany).

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