Obama/Dems Total Fail in N.Korea..

Who's footing Rocketman's bill?

Trump, Kim Begin Summit In Singapore
On the eve of the summit, Trump stayed in his hotel but Kim decided to take a sightseeing tour of Singapore's hot spots, visiting botanical gardens at Gardens by the Bay and posing for a selfie before making a stop at Singapore's iconic three-tower Marina Bay Sands hotel.

Melania's not their so no humpy humpies, let's see what fake news coughs up... :dunno:
Who's footing Rocketman's bill?

Trump, Kim Begin Summit In Singapore
On the eve of the summit, Trump stayed in his hotel but Kim decided to take a sightseeing tour of Singapore's hot spots, visiting botanical gardens at Gardens by the Bay and posing for a selfie before making a stop at Singapore's iconic three-tower Marina Bay Sands hotel.
He's looking at what NK could've looked at if his Grandfather and Father weren't both Despots.
Who's footing Rocketman's bill?

Trump, Kim Begin Summit In Singapore
On the eve of the summit, Trump stayed in his hotel but Kim decided to take a sightseeing tour of Singapore's hot spots, visiting botanical gardens at Gardens by the Bay and posing for a selfie before making a stop at Singapore's iconic three-tower Marina Bay Sands hotel.

Melania's not their so no humpy humpies, let's see what fake news coughs up... :dunno:
-------------------------- i think that Melania can't fly due to her recent operation Lumpy .
Can't win the argument on one thread so you Dems created another. WTF did you think they were going to accomplish with ONE FUCKING MEETING?

We weren't the ones running our mouths off about how Trump was going to denuclearize N Korea and end the Korean War in this meeting. You right wingers were doing that. And when we said that wasn't going to happen in one meting you rags started off with the same dumb crap you're doing now. "Oh you just can't stand Trump doing something positive". We spent 8 years of you pricks giving Obama no credit for saving this country from a depression and now you want us to do what you never will to a democrat. No, that can't be done.
Obama saved us from a Depression? First i've heard of that.

Interesting how Democrats repeatedly denied the potential devastation of the housing bubble and banking crisis they mainly created until it actually happened, now they refuse responsibility and cowardly blame Bush..

Actually dems didn't do that as republicans had been in the majority from 1994 until 2006. And they controlled all 3 branches from 2000 until 2006.

Barney Fag was warned.
He ignored those warnings.
Slow your roll Francis .Trump hasn’t done squat.

Oh, NK was under control during obama years. Trump walks in and Kim starts lobbing missiles all over . His punishment ? A meeting with the President !
Party > Country democrats

Good for America = Bad for democrats
Has something of substance occurred with respect to North Korea?

All I've seen so far is a photo op, the signing of a meaningless piece of paper, and our own promise to stop the military pressure.

It is true, that every President since Harry S. Truman has failed to do much of substance with respect to Korea.

The difference with Trump is that he's been seen getting nothing of substance done in return for a cessation of pressure.

If it turns out that Trump actually accomplishes something of value with North Korea, that will be a good thing.

Any such "good thing", however - if it EVER materializes - is a thing of the future, not the present.

Anybody can "open a door" if they try hard enough.

It's what happens after one steps THROUGH the door that signifies.

And that - as things stand now - remains to be seen.

Silly, silly TrumpBots are experiencing gushing multiple orgasms over very little of substance.

" Where's the beef ? "

They've had one fucking meeting!!
And he was able to do what none of his predecessors could do....bring the NORKS to the meeting table.
Will it bear fruit? Who knows but at least they appear to be cooperating.
Slow your roll Francis .Trump hasn’t done squat.

Oh, NK was under control during obama years. Trump walks in and Kim starts lobbing missiles all over . His punishment ? A meeting with the President !
Party > Country democrats

Good for America = Bad for democrats

Has something of substance occurred with respect to North Korea?

All I've seen so far is a photo op, the signing of a meaningless piece of paper, and our own promise to stop the military pressure.

It is true, that every President since Harry S. Truman has failed to do much of substance with respect to Korea.

The difference with Trump is that he's been seen getting nothing of substance done in return for a cessation of pressure.

If it turns out that Trump actually accomplishes something of value with North Korea, that will be a good thing.

Any such "good thing", however - if it EVER materializes - is a thing of the future, not the present.

Anybody can "open a door" if they try hard enough.

It's what happens after one steps THROUGH the door that signifies.

And that - as things stand now - remains to be seen.

Silly, silly TrumpBots are experiencing gushing multiple orgasms over very little of substance.

" Where's the beef ? "

They've had one fucking meeting!!
And he was able to do what none of his predecessors could do....bring the NORKS to the meeting table.
Will it bear fruit? Who knows but at least they appear to be cooperating.

Yet, this guy gets the Nobel Peace Prize.....

"The Disposition Matrix, informally known as a kill list, is a database of information for tracking, capturing, rendering, or killingsuspected enemies of the United States.[1] Developed by the Obama administration beginning in 2010, the "Disposition Matrix" goes beyond existing kill lists and is intended to become a permanent fixture of U.S. policy.[1] The process determining criteria for killing is not public and was heavily shaped by National Counterterrorism Director and former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director John O. Brennan.[2]

The creation of the Disposition Matrix database is part of an effort embraced by White House counterterrorism adviser John O. Brennan to codify the targeted killing policies developed by President Barack Obama.

The database's existence was revealed in a three-part series published by The Washington Post newspaper. It noted that as of their publication, the number of civilian and militant casualties resulting from U.S. drone strikes would soon exceed the number of people killed in the September 11 attacks.

Pakistani interior minister Rehman Malik has stated that 336 U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan claimed over 2,300 victims, 80% of whom were innocent civilians."
Disposition Matrix - Wikipedia
Trump didn't get dick from Kim. He walked away with nothing.

Then Trump called our troops' defense exercises "provocative", which is exactly what Kim calls them. Trump is now Kim's propaganda mouthpiece!

Trump couldn't have done more damage if he got down on his knees and licked Kim's balls.
Trump didn't get dick from Kim. He walked away with nothing.

Then Trump called our troops' defense exercises "provocative", which is exactly what Kim calls them. Trump is now Kim's propaganda mouthpiece!

Trump couldn't have done more damage if he got down on his knees and licked Kim's balls.
From NoKo's perspective, they were provocative. Negotiations require both parties to put themselves in the other's shoes. What would have satisfied you from Kim? Besides complete, verifiable, irreversible nuclear disarmament on day one of the talks?
Trump didn't get dick from Kim. He walked away with nothing.

Then Trump called our troops' defense exercises "provocative", which is exactly what Kim calls them. Trump is now Kim's propaganda mouthpiece!

Trump couldn't have done more damage if he got down on his knees and licked Kim's balls.
From NoKo's perspective, they were provocative. Negotiations require both parties to put themselves in the other's shoes. What would have satisfied you from Kim? Besides complete, verifiable, irreversible nuclear disarmament on day one of the talks?
Yes, Trump accepted North Korea's position. He is an appeaser.

Sheesh, 8 years of Obama/Democratic Party failure with fake media sucking their huevo's and suddenly they all know exactly what to do... could Democrats and there fake news liberals be any more ridiculous?

Well sure they can... :laughing0301:


Obama National Security Adviser Susan Rice Said You Could Call The Obama Administration's Attempts To Curb North Korea's Nuclear Ambitions As "A Failure." "Obama national security adviser Susan Rice said Thursday that the U.S. has consistently failed to curtail North Korea's nuclear ambitions, even during the Obama era. 'You can call it a failure,' Rice told CNN. 'I accept that characterization of the efforts of the United States over the last two decades.'" (Naomi Lim, "Susan Rice Concedes Obama-era Strategy To Curtail North Korea's Nuclear Program Was A 'Failure,'" The Washington Examiner , 03/14/18)

Read the link.. well worth it...

Trump’s Historic Summit Stands In Contrast To Obama’s North Korea Failures
God himself would fail also if the other half of the equation is not willing.
Slow your roll Francis .Trump hasn’t done squat.

Oh, NK was under control during obama years. Trump walks in and Kim starts lobbing missiles all over . His punishment ? A meeting with the President !
He was lobbing missiles long before Trump. The difference is, when he did it on Trumps watch, Trump made that little fuck shit his pants, so he stopped doing it.
How did he do that?
Slow your roll Francis .Trump hasn’t done squat.

Oh, NK was under control during obama years. Trump walks in and Kim starts lobbing missiles all over . His punishment ? A meeting with the President !
Party > Country democrats

Good for America = Bad for democrats

Put an elephant in there, instead, and you've got it right.

Why do you insist on appearing to be a fool???

It is more than clear that Democrats root against America.

"Bill Maher: ‘Bring on the Recession’ if It Will Remove Trump"
Bill Maher Wants a Recession Because It Will Hurt Trump | National Review

Haven't you noticed that I am always right?
Sheesh, 8 years of Obama/Democratic Party failure with fake media sucking their huevo's and suddenly they all know exactly what to do... could Democrats and there fake news liberals be any more ridiculous?

Well sure they can... :laughing0301:


Obama National Security Adviser Susan Rice Said You Could Call The Obama Administration's Attempts To Curb North Korea's Nuclear Ambitions As "A Failure." "Obama national security adviser Susan Rice said Thursday that the U.S. has consistently failed to curtail North Korea's nuclear ambitions, even during the Obama era. 'You can call it a failure,' Rice told CNN. 'I accept that characterization of the efforts of the United States over the last two decades.'" (Naomi Lim, "Susan Rice Concedes Obama-era Strategy To Curtail North Korea's Nuclear Program Was A 'Failure,'" The Washington Examiner , 03/14/18)

Read the link.. well worth it...

Trump’s Historic Summit Stands In Contrast To Obama’s North Korea Failures

And yet Bush II invaded Iraq because they had (alleged) Nuclear aspirations.

See the timeline, here:

Chronology of U.S.-North Korean Nuclear and Missile Diplomacy | Arms Control Association

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