Obama deported about 3 million illegals. Why are Libs mad at Trump for same thing?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Trump deported a few hundred felons so far, including illegal aliens convicted of homocide.

Maybe some illegals that were not hardened criminals were also deported.

If you are in the USA illegally, it's probably a good idea not to commit felonies.

Why do snowflakes want illegal alien felons to stay in the USA? It violates federal law.
Why do snowflakes want illegal alien felons to stay in the USA? It violates federal law.

Because without illegals votes libs may never be elected again.

Obama has been encouraging illegals all over the country to vote (and they did!), but libs still lost everything: Presidency, House and Senate. Without millions of illegals they will do a lot worse in future.
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Funny how the MSM didn't report much on those deportations for the past 8 years.

How did they miss those 3 million deportations, but they are losing their minds over a couple hundred over the weekend.

How does he compare to other presidents?
According to governmental data, the Obama administration has deported more people than any other president's administration in history.
In fact, they have deported more than the sum of all the presidents of the 20th century.

President George W. Bush's administration deported just over two million during his time in office; and Obama’s numbers don’t reflect his last year in office, for which data is not yet available.

If the media would have actually reported Obama's deportations, maybe I would have liked Obama.

Once again, snowflakes hate truth.

If it was ok for Obama to deport 3 million illegal aliens, why is it bad for Trump to deport 200 or so?
Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President

It's ABC news. I am not sure if snowflakes consider ABC news a trustworthy source, but this article from ABC news from August 2016 lays out very specific stats.

Obama deports about 3 million illegal aliens (1000 deportations a day for 8 years) = Good

Trump deports about 200 criminal illegal aliens over the weekend = Bad

Snowflake logic.
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Very simple Obama had a D next to his name Trump has an R next to his.

Yup. Obama did the same for his entire eight years in office and you never saw one thread about him breaking up families or the other bullshit they spew on this board.

Trump does it and it a national disgrace.

You can't cure stupid and the left on this board has plenty of that to go around. Dumbasses.
Has to do with presentation. If Trump had come out and said "I'm going to deport them because they're stressing out the economy, and taking money and jobs. It's nothing personal, just practical business decisions". However, Trump has instead went with "I'm going to deport them because Mexicans are drug dealers and rapists and killing Americans and bringing the plague and stealing our women. BAD HOMBRES! SAD!"

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for deporting these guys, because they're illegal and hurting the economy. The left is giving trump so much flak because he's making them out to be demons from hell, even though most of them are just trying to get away from the cartels that are running Mexico.
Snowflakes consider Obama a XENOPHOBE for deporting more people than any admin in history, right?

He tore apart families. WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN?!!!

Obama is Hitler.
Trump deported a few hundred felons so far, including illegal aliens convicted of homocide.

Maybe some illegals that were not hardened criminals were also deported.

If you are in the USA illegally, it's probably a good idea not to commit felonies.

Why do snowflakes want illegal alien felons to stay in the USA? It violates federal law.
Well, yes, but why are the Trumpbots crowing that "finally something is being done ....."? LOL
Think about that, Obama DEPORTED 1000 PEOPLE PER DAY FOR 8 YEARS.

Damn....he is Hitler, isn't he, snowflakes?
To put this in perspective, Obama deported roughly 1% of the total population of the USA during his 8 year term.

Obama deported about 1 out of every 100 people in the entire UNITED STATES OF AMERICA during his 8 years.

According to snowflakes' own definition, Obama is racist, xenophobic, misogynist, homophobic, and Hitler.

How many families did OBAMA break apart by deportations during his 8 years.

THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN A HELL OF A STORY FOR THE MSM to follow on a daily basis, huh?

Now do you see why the left cannot be bargained with and must be defeated? They are filth.
Now do you see why the left cannot be bargained with and must be defeated? They are filth.
exactly and why me, personally, could never ever, never ever, never ever vote for anyone claiming to be. They have no morals. they only care about the rich.
The liberal media can't get any dirt on Trump so they lie and make shit up, in this case demonizing Trump for doing the exact same thing Obama did for 8 years. Obama does it and nothing to see here, move along, no news. Trump does it and he's a racist family hating bastard.

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