Obama Destabilizes Our Democracy with Fake News

Haha, what world are you living in? come back to reality sometime, your lala land fantasys are getting old

The facts about who hacked or leaked e-mails from the DNC are not known at this time. We do not know who did what or why. We know what Obama is saying about the DNC leaks, and I will argue that what he and his associates are saying is fake news.

I'm sure you would argue that, but the reality is, you don't know dick. You've already proven to reference horribly biased fake news sources for your information. I'll take the word of the guy getting intelligence briefings from our top agencies, and I'll take the word and conclusions of the heads of those top agencies that have access to real intelligence, over a bitter partisan wingnut like yourself any day.

I'm sure you would argue that, but the reality is, you don't know dick



I love it when people like you get dumber and dumber with your statements and then call people like me fucktards.

So your claim is all our agencies get their intel from only the NSA?? So when CIA spy's uncover intel what do they do? Call the NSA and ask what they are looking at?


When it comes to a HACKER/HACKEE RELATIONSHIP all the raw data comes from the NSA.


Keep treading water, your gonna drown eventually, you are trying to make an argument about something you know nothing about so your gonna fail.

The CIA is not going to reveal their sources. That would compromise our national security. The only thing you are ever going to hear from them are their assessments of threats, and only a fraction of those as most are classified. But if you want to trust the Russians over our CIA, that's your idiotic choice
The facts about who hacked or leaked e-mails from the DNC are not known at this time. We do not know who did what or why. We know what Obama is saying about the DNC leaks, and I will argue that what he and his associates are saying is fake news.

I'm sure you would argue that, but the reality is, you don't know dick. You've already proven to reference horribly biased fake news sources for your information. I'll take the word of the guy getting intelligence briefings from our top agencies, and I'll take the word and conclusions of the heads of those top agencies that have access to real intelligence, over a bitter partisan wingnut like yourself any day.

I'm sure you would argue that, but the reality is, you don't know dick



I love it when people like you get dumber and dumber with your statements and then call people like me fucktards.

So your claim is all our agencies get their intel from only the NSA?? So when CIA spy's uncover intel what do they do? Call the NSA and ask what they are looking at?


When it comes to a HACKER/HACKEE RELATIONSHIP all the raw data comes from the NSA.


Keep treading water, your gonna drown eventually, you are trying to make an argument about something you know nothing about so your gonna fail.

The CIA is not going to reveal their sources. That would compromise our national security. The only thing you are ever going to hear from them are their assessments of threats, and only a fraction of those as most are classified. But if you want to trust the Russians over our CIA, that's your idiotic choice

Keep treading water, your gonna drown eventually, you are trying to make an argument about something you know nothing about so your gonna fail.


The National Security Act of 1947, which created the CIA4 and empowered it to correlate and evaluate intelligence relating to the national security, specifically provided that the "Agency shall have no police, subpena, law-enforcement powers, or internal-security functions." 50 U.S.C. § 403(d)(3). This directive was intended, at the very least, to prohibit the CIA from conducting secret investigations of United States citizens, in this country, who have no connection with the Agency.

565 F.2d 692

184 U.S.App.D.C. 117, 2 Media L. Rep. 1276

Gary A. WEISSMAN, Plaintiff-Appellant,
CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY et al., Defendants-Appellees.

The facts about who hacked or leaked e-mails from the DNC are not known at this time. We do not know who did what or why. We know what Obama is saying about the DNC leaks, and I will argue that what he and his associates are saying is fake news.

I'm sure you would argue that, but the reality is, you don't know dick. You've already proven to reference horribly biased fake news sources for your information. I'll take the word of the guy getting intelligence briefings from our top agencies, and I'll take the word and conclusions of the heads of those top agencies that have access to real intelligence, over a bitter partisan wingnut like yourself any day.

I'm sure you would argue that, but the reality is, you don't know dick



I love it when people like you get dumber and dumber with your statements and then call people like me fucktards.

So your claim is all our agencies get their intel from only the NSA?? So when CIA spy's uncover intel what do they do? Call the NSA and ask what they are looking at?


When it comes to a HACKER/HACKEE RELATIONSHIP all the raw data comes from the NSA.


Keep treading water, your gonna drown eventually, you are trying to make an argument about something you know nothing about so your gonna fail.

The CIA is not going to reveal their sources. That would compromise our national security. The only thing you are ever going to hear from them are their assessments of threats, and only a fraction of those as most are classified. But if you want to trust the Russians over our CIA, that's your idiotic choice
Obama already said today the Russians did not hack the election....move on, you look foolish....
There will be no coup. Trump will be elected in the Electoral College. That degree of destabilization will not happen. However, the destabilization of the country occurs when high officials promulgate suppositions and outright lies as facts and when they act upon the fake news that they are themselves creating. The replacement of truth by fake news is real and ongoing and always has been. I hypothesize that every war that the U.S. has entered is associated with a flood of fake news that stems from the fake news media and/or high levels of government office.

This election campaign hullaballoo is small potatoes compared to what has occurred to rouse public support for America’s many wars. However, Obama and others are playing with malicious fire when they tie the anti-Russian angle to the anti-Trump angle.

This is all fake news. Russia is not an adversary of the U.S. That’s all in the minds of Obama and Earnest and others isolated from reality in the White House and talking to themselves. There is not a shred of evidence that any cyber activity had the intent of destabilizing our democracy. How could it have done so? What does the word “destabilize” mean in the context of an election? Obama is right now doing more to destabilize the democracy than any conceivable impact of revelations of the hanky-panky of Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation

Obama said “I think there is no doubt that when any foreign government tries to impact the integrity of our elections that we need to take action and we will at a time and place of our own choosing.”

Obama’s policy statement has to be taken in context with what Earnest and Rhodes have said. It has to be taken in context with Obama’s hatreds. Here we have fake news and destabilization of our democracy emanating from the President of the United States. Unfortunately, this behavior is the rule, not the exception, as we can find countless other instances of it in the past from many presidents. Here we have Obama asserting as fact that Putin and Russia have tried to harm the honesty and fairness of the election. He promises and threatens action, which can only intensify the estrangement between America and Russia.
There will be no coup. Trump will be elected in the Electoral College. That degree of destabilization will not happen. However, the destabilization of the country occurs when high officials promulgate suppositions and outright lies as facts and when they act upon the fake news that they are themselves creating. The replacement of truth by fake news is real and ongoing and always has been. I hypothesize that every war that the U.S. has entered is associated with a flood of fake news that stems from the fake news media and/or high levels of government office.

This election campaign hullaballoo is small potatoes compared to what has occurred to rouse public support for America’s many wars. However, Obama and others are playing with malicious fire when they tie the anti-Russian angle to the anti-Trump angle.
I'm sure you would argue that, but the reality is, you don't know dick. You've already proven to reference horribly biased fake news sources for your information. I'll take the word of the guy getting intelligence briefings from our top agencies, and I'll take the word and conclusions of the heads of those top agencies that have access to real intelligence, over a bitter partisan wingnut like yourself any day.

I'm sure you would argue that, but the reality is, you don't know dick



I love it when people like you get dumber and dumber with your statements and then call people like me fucktards.

So your claim is all our agencies get their intel from only the NSA?? So when CIA spy's uncover intel what do they do? Call the NSA and ask what they are looking at?


When it comes to a HACKER/HACKEE RELATIONSHIP all the raw data comes from the NSA.


Keep treading water, your gonna drown eventually, you are trying to make an argument about something you know nothing about so your gonna fail.

The CIA is not going to reveal their sources. That would compromise our national security. The only thing you are ever going to hear from them are their assessments of threats, and only a fraction of those as most are classified. But if you want to trust the Russians over our CIA, that's your idiotic choice

Keep treading water, your gonna drown eventually, you are trying to make an argument about something you know nothing about so your gonna fail.


The National Security Act of 1947, which created the CIA4 and empowered it to correlate and evaluate intelligence relating to the national security, specifically provided that the "Agency shall have no police, subpena, law-enforcement powers, or internal-security functions." 50 U.S.C. § 403(d)(3). This directive was intended, at the very least, to prohibit the CIA from conducting secret investigations of United States citizens, in this country, who have no connection with the Agency.

565 F.2d 692

184 U.S.App.D.C. 117, 2 Media L. Rep. 1276

Gary A. WEISSMAN, Plaintiff-Appellant,
CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY et al., Defendants-Appellees.

You do realize we are talking about Russian Hackers, right? This may be shocking to you so brace yourself but Russia is not in America. They are what's considered as a Foreign Country
I'm sure you would argue that, but the reality is, you don't know dick. You've already proven to reference horribly biased fake news sources for your information. I'll take the word of the guy getting intelligence briefings from our top agencies, and I'll take the word and conclusions of the heads of those top agencies that have access to real intelligence, over a bitter partisan wingnut like yourself any day.

I'm sure you would argue that, but the reality is, you don't know dick



I love it when people like you get dumber and dumber with your statements and then call people like me fucktards.

So your claim is all our agencies get their intel from only the NSA?? So when CIA spy's uncover intel what do they do? Call the NSA and ask what they are looking at?


When it comes to a HACKER/HACKEE RELATIONSHIP all the raw data comes from the NSA.


Keep treading water, your gonna drown eventually, you are trying to make an argument about something you know nothing about so your gonna fail.

The CIA is not going to reveal their sources. That would compromise our national security. The only thing you are ever going to hear from them are their assessments of threats, and only a fraction of those as most are classified. But if you want to trust the Russians over our CIA, that's your idiotic choice
Obama already said today the Russians did not hack the election....move on, you look foolish....
Link please... the last press conference Obama did, I heard him reenforce the CIAs findings that showed proof of Russian hacking and their assessment that Russia's intent was to hurt Clinton and help Trump in the election
This is all fake news. Russia is not an adversary of the U.S. That’s all in the minds of Obama and Earnest and others isolated from reality in the White House and talking to themselves. There is not a shred of evidence that any cyber activity had the intent of destabilizing our democracy. How could it have done so? What does the word “destabilize” mean in the context of an election? Obama is right now doing more to destabilize the democracy than any conceivable impact of revelations of the hanky-panky of Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation

Slow down cowboy, your pulling shit out of your ass again and it stinks
I'm sure you would argue that, but the reality is, you don't know dick



I love it when people like you get dumber and dumber with your statements and then call people like me fucktards.

So your claim is all our agencies get their intel from only the NSA?? So when CIA spy's uncover intel what do they do? Call the NSA and ask what they are looking at?


When it comes to a HACKER/HACKEE RELATIONSHIP all the raw data comes from the NSA.


Keep treading water, your gonna drown eventually, you are trying to make an argument about something you know nothing about so your gonna fail.

The CIA is not going to reveal their sources. That would compromise our national security. The only thing you are ever going to hear from them are their assessments of threats, and only a fraction of those as most are classified. But if you want to trust the Russians over our CIA, that's your idiotic choice
Obama already said today the Russians did not hack the election....move on, you look foolish....
Link please... the last press conference Obama did, I heard him reenforce the CIAs findings that showed proof of Russian hacking and their assessment that Russia's intent was to hurt Clinton and help Trump in the election
Any of the alphabet fake news channels, or FOX if you want the truth....
With some exceptions here and there, for the most part only Hannity on FOX tells the truth.

The CIA is not going to reveal their sources. That would compromise our national security.

The demented morons parroting the "Russian did it" lie are endangering US citizens with this fake news, false narrative. Besides revelations of sources is an issue only because the particular source can then be a target. Seth Rich for example, just a theory...

the last press conference Obama did, I heard him reenforce the CIAs findings that showed proof of Russian hacking and their assessment that Russia's intent was to hurt Clinton and help Trump in the election

I would demand the proof, but I know you cannot provide any because Russia did not hack Podesta's emails. The Wikileaks dude is one of the handful of people on Earth who would know, and although he was extremely hesitant revealing sources since that might make future whistler blowers reluctant to deliver the goods, he indicated it was NOT RUSSIA. So who are you going to believe, liars in government/MSM or the most internationally famous dude obsessed with the truth in regards to government activity? Take your time in thinking it over!
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