Obama does it again

Full-Rat said:
thanks, rat, i appreciate you knowing your place


Knowing my place?

Comical from the arrogant weenie.....


rat say whut?

WILLARD is that YOU???
The jobs market may be showing serious signs of improvement, in new statistics out Thursday morning.

The Department of Labor said that unemployment applications fell last week by 12,000, down to a seasonally adjusted 365,000. According to the Associated Press, a consistent number below 375,000 is seen as the number that suggests hiring is strong enough to lower the unemployment rate.

In addition, the ADP National Employment Report announced that employers added an estimated 201,000 private-sector jobs in August, according to Reuters, far surpassing the original expectation of 140,000.

Reports: Jobs, Unemployment Show Signs Of Improvement In August | TPM LiveWire

Well first, that's before they adjust it upwards in 2 weeks.....like they ALWAYS do

Second 365,000 apllications is good thing? It dropped a whole 12,000 applications...wow...you have low standards.
if you believe everything you hear or read, your a fool. Anyone living in these hardtimes, knows very well the jobs are not improving any. Unemployment is at 9% For gosh sakes, we are in serious trouble and some people fall hook line and sinker for what the democrats are telling you........they want votes, and thats why they lie.
Anyone want proof that rethugs want Obama to lose SO bad that they could care less that more Americans are finding work and fewer Americans are filing for UE benes.. Just read the comments. Proof positive that you rethugs are pitiful mutafukers.

And of course if UE numbers would continue to drop and hiring continue to improve, Mitt can hang it up.
Not a chance he could win.
if you believe everything you hear or read, your a fool. Anyone living in these hardtimes, knows very well the jobs are not improving any. Unemployment is at 9% For gosh sakes, we are in serious trouble and some people fall hook line and sinker for what the democrats are telling you........they want votes, and thats why they lie.

You need to check out Craigs List for your area and then tell me that there are no jobs out there. Fool. If you ain't working right now, you either don't want to or your skills suck.
Both can be fixed but not by any President of the United States.
The funny thing too is that they preach on about a number of jobs created which is actually smaller than the number needed just to keep up with the increasing numbers of people coming of age to enter the work force....

the facts are there are a % of people not in the work force (whether counted by the 'official' unemployment number or not) that is greater than ever before.. there are less people working... and policies in place have not helped this, and have in actuality hurt the employment situation.... our sub 2% growth will not do anything to help the employment situation... and I do not expect any number improvement before the election... which is not good for Obamalama
if you believe everything you hear or read, your a fool. Anyone living in these hardtimes, knows very well the jobs are not improving any. Unemployment is at 9% For gosh sakes, we are in serious trouble and some people fall hook line and sinker for what the democrats are telling you........they want votes, and thats why they lie.

You need to check out Craigs List for your area and then tell me that there are no jobs out there. Fool. If you ain't working right now, you either don't want to or your skills suck.
Both can be fixed but not by any President of the United States.

yes.. Craig's list.. the place corporate America flocks to to list jobs :rolleyes:

Get a clue
if you believe everything you hear or read, your a fool. Anyone living in these hardtimes, knows very well the jobs are not improving any. Unemployment is at 9% For gosh sakes, we are in serious trouble and some people fall hook line and sinker for what the democrats are telling you........they want votes, and thats why they lie.

You need to check out Craigs List for your area and then tell me that there are no jobs out there. Fool. If you ain't working right now, you either don't want to or your skills suck.
Both can be fixed but not by any President of the United States.

There are job posted yes. BUT...many in the unemployment pool are way over qualified to work at them even though they apply they are turned down because the employer knows they will leave as soon as an opportunity arises. Some now are lying on resume not building their creditials but devaluing them so they can get on. And when they are found out are fired for it.
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Unlike Reagan, Bush 1, or Bush 2, Obama is growing our economy with one hand tied behind his back. The three former Republican Presidents all used public sector job growth to get us out of recession. Obama is doing it with all private sector employment. As it stands, Obama has beaten all three in private sector job growth and the first real growth of manufacturing jobs in over 20 years.

How many did they drop from the roles this time.......???

I'd say 2 million
if you believe everything you hear or read, your a fool. Anyone living in these hardtimes, knows very well the jobs are not improving any. Unemployment is at 9% For gosh sakes, we are in serious trouble and some people fall hook line and sinker for what the democrats are telling you........they want votes, and thats why they lie.

You need to check out Craigs List for your area and then tell me that there are no jobs out there. Fool. If you ain't working right now, you either don't want to or your skills suck.
Both can be fixed but not by any President of the United States.

There are job posted yes. BUT...many in the unemployment pool are way over qualified to work at them even though they apply they are turned down because the employer knows they will leave as soon as an opportunity arises. Some now are lying on resume not building their creditials but devaluing them so they can get on. And when they are found out are fired for it.

This is 100% accurate. In the past three weeks I have posted availability for three positions for the place I manage. For each position I have received about 50 applications. One job I posted was for a dishwasher. I got resumes from people who had master's degrees in finances, experience as executive chefs, experience as business executives, etc. These guys are applying for a minimum wage job washing dishes?!?!?! Yes zeke there are jobs out there but the idea that "If you ain't working right now, you either don't want to or your skills suck." is total BS. The problem is that there are not enough jobs available for the people looking for work.

Now can I hire a guy with a master's degree to wash dishes? No, because that guy will continue looking for work in his field of expertise and he is going to quit the moment he finds one and I am right back where I was PLUS I have invested time and money on a guy who I was able to keep around for a very short period of time. PLUS that guy is not going to be enthusiastic about his position and attack his job with gusto.

Now compare that to ten years ago when a restaurant would call the kitchen of another restaurant and offer a job to whoever answered the phone.

In fact (from the link):

Barring a new economic downturn, both per capita net worth and disposable income will be higher when President Obama’s term ends than they were when it began.

It would have been higher if not for the GOP dead weight in the House.

I know and you know that you are lying, The republicans save what they could of the economy from 4 years of destruction of democratic control

In fact (from the link):

Barring a new economic downturn, both per capita net worth and disposable income will be higher when President Obama’s term ends than they were when it began.

It would have been higher if not for the GOP dead weight in the House.

shhhhh! Don't fool them with facts.

In fact (from the link):

Barring a new economic downturn, both per capita net worth and disposable income will be higher when President Obama’s term ends than they were when it began.

It would have been higher if not for the GOP dead weight in the House.

Dead weight in the house? Hmmm...seems to me since the senate and house are split I see things differently as things are stopped when they reach the threshold there. Dems had control over both for two years what is the excuse then?
Ah, such a naysayer. It will go up as the economy improves.

In fact (from the link):

Barring a new economic downturn, both per capita net worth and disposable income will be higher when President Obama’s term ends than they were when it began.

It would have been higher if not for the GOP dead weight in the House.

Dead weight in the house? Hmmm...seems to me since the senate and house are split I see things differently as things are stopped when they reach the threshold there. Dems had control over both for two years what is the excuse then?

Correction they had 4 years of control 2007 to 2011
In fact (from the link):

Barring a new economic downturn, both per capita net worth and disposable income will be higher when President Obama’s term ends than they were when it began.

It would have been higher if not for the GOP dead weight in the House.

Dead weight in the house? Hmmm...seems to me since the senate and house are split I see things differently as things are stopped when they reach the threshold there. Dems had control over both for two years what is the excuse then?

Correction they had 4 years of control 2007 to 2011
But two with a dumb...er...I mean a dem president

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