Obama DOJ escalates in Obama war on religion

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
A life sentence for forcing people to trim their beards? Are they smoking crack? How many people did he kill? What sort of criminal record does he have? Why isn't his long criminal record mentioned in the sentencing report?

What the fuck did he do that deserves a life sentence from the government?

Federal prosecutors today urged a judge to sentence Amish bishop Samuel Mullet to life in prison for coordinating a series of beard-cutting attacks on victims who shunned the bishop and his teachings. "Plainly stated, Samuel Mullet Sr. should be sentenced to a life term of imprisonment because, but for Samuel Mullet Sr., it is highly unlikely any of his co-defendants would have engaged in violent and obstructive behavior," wrote assistant U.S. attorneys Bridget Brennan and Kristy Parker.

"Samuel Mullet Sr.'s control over the Bergholz community was -- and is -- absolute. He was able to get men to surrender their wives to him. Wives would be forced to leave their small children and live in Mullet Sr.'s home so that they could be available to him."

Amish bishop Samuel Mullet should get life in prison for beard shearings, federal prosecutors say | cleveland.com
Since 2009, government has more power to prosecute hate crimes. Of course, they define what those are. If it's Muslims doing the oppressing, like treating their wives like slaves or mutilation of little girls, then it's just religious practices.

The Bishop in this case sounds like a creep, IF the allegations are true, but it's outrageous that federal prosecutors are requesting a life sentence. No one was killed. Their beards will grow back.

Is this administration going after the Amish people now? While Amish pay taxes, they get a lot of breaks and they do a lot of trading amongst each other. They also do not purchase insurance and usually settle their medical bills with cash. Some have an issue with them taking advantage of public transportation in places because they don't contribute enough. As if welfare people contribute anything. Around here, the Amish rely on their buggies, which are everywhere. They do accept rides from private people for longer trips, but always pay their way. There are dozens of Amish stores around here. Of course, no electricity, so you can't buy any perishables from them. I know some liberals in our state senate once bitched that Amish can too easily hide profits and lower their tax burden. I have a feeling that the Obama administration isn't crazy about all that. I wouldn't be at all surprised if we see more and more investigations of the Amish, maybe in an attempt to change their exempt status when it comes to certain things.

Whoever the prosecutors are that want this stiff penalty for this man need to be relieved of their duties. Of course, this is the same administration that can kill American citizens without due process. Is this more of the change we were promised?
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Sounds a bit excessive for cutting hair and beards. If they can apply hate crimes to this, they apply them to anything.

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