Obama drops 502 refugees on Nebraska in final weeks before President Trump

Obama Drops 502 Refugees on Nebraska in Final Weeks Before President Trump
The refugee resettlement rate for FY 2017 to date is significantly higher in Nebraska than it has been during any other year

President Barack Obama’s deputies have dropped 502 additional refugees into Nebraska during the first three months of FY 2017, according to the Department of State.

The refugee resettlement rate for FY 2017 to date is significantly higher in Nebraska than it has been during any other year in the more three decades the state has participated in the federal refugee resettlement program.

The highest previous annual resettlement of refugees in the state since FY

Obama is such a cowardly pos he sickens most American's to even look at him, as he is turning our country into the likes of Germany, Sweden etc.
Imagine when the little trendy feminist get told not to wear short skirts, or get told they can't wear this or that and the Government will sell it off as to " keep you from getting raped".
Man you dumb ass fkn liberals will have all this blood on your hands,, but oh wait you idiots think this can't happen in America right. Well once you come off that planet you live on maybe planet reality will slap you in the face. But it's too late by then.
Fake News

No your just that stupid.
No, stupid is those who believe Fake News.
FOX News lies! FOX News lies! FOX News lies! FOX News lies! FOX News lies! FOX News lies! FOX News lies! FOX News lies! FOX News lies! FOX News lies!


Triggly puff lmao
Obama Drops 502 Refugees on Nebraska in Final Weeks Before President Trump
The refugee resettlement rate for FY 2017 to date is significantly higher in Nebraska than it has been during any other year

President Barack Obama’s deputies have dropped 502 additional refugees into Nebraska during the first three months of FY 2017, according to the Department of State.

The refugee resettlement rate for FY 2017 to date is significantly higher in Nebraska than it has been during any other year in the more three decades the state has participated in the federal refugee resettlement program.

The highest previous annual resettlement of refugees in the state since FY

Obama is such a cowardly pos he sickens most American's to even look at him, as he is turning our country into the likes of Germany, Sweden etc.
Imagine when the little trendy feminist get told not to wear short skirts, or get told they can't wear this or that and the Government will sell it off as to " keep you from getting raped".
Man you dumb ass fkn liberals will have all this blood on your hands,, but oh wait you idiots think this can't happen in America right. Well once you come off that planet you live on maybe planet reality will slap you in the face. But it's too late by then.
Fake News

No your just that stupid.
No, stupid is those who believe Fake News.

No stupid are those who are brainwashed to think certain news is fake, and that is why you don't know jack nor shit. For being a news junkie oh wait the only news you follow are the ones who have actually been caught lying............. CNN, ABC, NBC, MSN, ............... Your stupidity is shining strong.

Obama Drops 502 Refugees on Nebraska in Final Weeks Before President Trump
The refugee resettlement rate for FY 2017 to date is significantly higher in Nebraska than it has been during any other year

President Barack Obama’s deputies have dropped 502 additional refugees into Nebraska during the first three months of FY 2017, according to the Department of State.

The refugee resettlement rate for FY 2017 to date is significantly higher in Nebraska than it has been during any other year in the more three decades the state has participated in the federal refugee resettlement program.

The highest previous annual resettlement of refugees in the state since FY

Obama is such a cowardly pos he sickens most American's to even look at him, as he is turning our country into the likes of Germany, Sweden etc.
Imagine when the little trendy feminist get told not to wear short skirts, or get told they can't wear this or that and the Government will sell it off as to " keep you from getting raped".
Man you dumb ass fkn liberals will have all this blood on your hands,, but oh wait you idiots think this can't happen in America right. Well once you come off that planet you live on maybe planet reality will slap you in the face. But it's too late by then.
Fake News

No your just that stupid.
No, stupid is those who believe Fake News.

No stupid are those who are brainwashed to think certain news is fake, and that is why you don't know jack nor shit. For being a news junkie oh wait the only news you follow are the ones who have actually been caught lying............. CNN, ABC, NBC, MSN, ............... Your stupidity is shining strong.

View attachment 104554

I hope they can all be sent back. Or go back on their own after it made clear they no longer welcome. Next attack.......close the mosques' zero tolerance. We get plenty of immigrants down south.
I am sure the good people of Nebraska will welcome all refugees with love and open heart.

And, of course, the refugees will make an effort to assimilate just like they did in France, Germany, Sweden, and England.
If your shit is true, most the refugee's we allow in this country, are women and children...you guys have got to stop with the hate...God don't like ugly and your reign of terror over people of color is coming to an end and we may or may not forgive you for it...just sayinn

Mrs. Guno is funny.
Obama Drops 502 Refugees on Nebraska in Final Weeks Before President Trump
The refugee resettlement rate for FY 2017 to date is significantly higher in Nebraska than it has been during any other year

President Barack Obama’s deputies have dropped 502 additional refugees into Nebraska during the first three months of FY 2017, according to the Department of State.

The refugee resettlement rate for FY 2017 to date is significantly higher in Nebraska than it has been during any other year in the more three decades the state has participated in the federal refugee resettlement program.

The highest previous annual resettlement of refugees in the state since FY

Obama is such a cowardly pos he sickens most American's to even look at him, as he is turning our country into the likes of Germany, Sweden etc.
Imagine when the little trendy feminist get told not to wear short skirts, or get told they can't wear this or that and the Government will sell it off as to " keep you from getting raped".
Man you dumb ass fkn liberals will have all this blood on your hands,, but oh wait you idiots think this can't happen in America right. Well once you come off that planet you live on maybe planet reality will slap you in the face. But it's too late by then.

Obama drops 502 refugees on Nebraska

Shame they're not being dropped from altitude from helicopters.


I hope they can all be sent back. Or go back on their own after it made clear they no longer welcome. Next attack.......close the mosques' zero tolerance. We get plenty of immigrants down south.
Quelle Surprise, a bigoted Southerner.
Translation: unless we have OPEN BORDERS, we're "bigots." Good Allah the left is the most destructive force on the planet!
I hope they can all be sent back. Or go back on their own after it made clear they no longer welcome. Next attack.......close the mosques' zero tolerance. We get plenty of immigrants down south.
Quelle Surprise, a bigoted Southerner.
Translation: unless we have OPEN BORDERS, we're "bigots." Good Allah the left is the most destructive force on the planet!
They will never transition, they can't even get a long with their own people without trying to kill them. Coming to America like it or not.
I am sure the good people of Nebraska will welcome all refugees with love and open heart.

And, of course, the refugees will make an effort to assimilate just like they did in France, Germany, Sweden, and England.
If your shit is true, most the refugee's we allow in this country, are women and children...you guys have got to stop with the hate...God don't like ugly and your reign of terror over people of color is coming to an end and we may or may not forgive you for it...just sayinn

WOMEN and CHILDREN are a lie ASSHOLE............
by the way DHS considers children to be up to the age of 31 ASSHOLE keep talking the more you do the bigger idiot you appear to be because you don't know your fkn ass from a hole in the ground " WHORE".
...I gotta a brain ...

:lmao: c'mon, be serious.
FOX News lies! FOX News lies! FOX News lies! FOX News lies! FOX News lies! FOX News lies! FOX News lies! FOX News lies! FOX News lies! FOX News lies!
Not to mention that they make stupid people more stupid according to 2 university studies. My dog knows more than a FOX news viewer. Fact!
STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All


Don't you get it the more Gov. propaganda that tells you whatever news source is fake , esp. where Alternative media is concerned the more likely they DON'T put out fake news. But the Population Control freaks want you to think other wise.
Listen, instead of whining about shit, you know nothing about, educate yourself.......we vet ever single refugee that come to this country legally, unlike Europe and other countries.....the muslims, thus far that has done us the most harm....ready? All AMERICAN BORN!! Dale I am begging you to please educate your ignorance and soothe your brain with facts. There's no guaruntee that these refugees won't turn into nightmares, but then again with Trump on the loose, and you rednecks on the loose, you do the math?

Vet them? How? By asking tough questions? There are no databases in many/most of the countries these people come from, so there is no way to confirm with certainty who they are or their past histories, it is a total crap shoot. The left-shit media rarely, if ever, does any follow up to track how these people do or act once here, so leftist turds like you can snuggle comfortably in your beds deluding yourselves on how "humane" and decent you were to have foisted such filth on the rest of the country. When it is the daughters of leftists like you that get raped, THEN you morons might finally begin admitting you were fucking stupid about this, if you have any brains at all.
Bigoted schmigoted, Ellis Island was supposed to have been a vetting point where waits were for months. Arab son Obama on coke.
I am sure the good people of Nebraska will welcome all refugees with love and open heart.

And, of course, the refugees will make an effort to assimilate just like they did in France, Germany, Sweden, and England.

Oh yeah and I'm also sure the good people of Nebraska will love paying for these dirtbags.

Fifty three percent of Americans and thirty one states don't want them in America.

Sure didn't stop Douchebag from importing them at taxpayer expense.
Listen, instead of whining about shit, you know nothing about, educate yourself.......we vet ever single refugee that come to this country legally, unlike Europe and other countries.....the muslims, thus far that has done us the most harm....ready? All AMERICAN BORN!! Dale I am begging you to please educate your ignorance and soothe your brain with facts. There's no guaruntee that these refugees won't turn into nightmares, but then again with Trump on the loose, and you rednecks on the loose, you do the math?

Vet them? How? By asking tough questions? There are no databases in many/most of the countries these people come from, so there is no way to confirm with certainty who they are or their past histories, it is a total crap shoot. The left-shit media rarely, if ever, does any follow up to track how these people do or act once here, so leftist turds like you can snuggle comfortably in your beds deluding yourselves on how "humane" and decent you were to have foisted such filth on the rest of the country. When it is the daughters of leftists like you that get raped, THEN you morons might finally begin admitting you were fucking stupid about this, if you have any brains at all.

Tigerass thinks you can vet people from a war torn country??

Just shows what a moron she is.

Hell even the FBI says you can't bet any of them. How right they are.

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