Obama encourages illegal aliens to vote without fear of being deported.

You can't vote if you are not a citizen in the legal sense of the word. There are zero incidents of illegal immigrants voting in US elections. The POTUS did not suggest that illegal immigrants should vote.

You are all idiots.

There are zero incidents of illegal immigrants voting in US elections.


that is not true

Of the 34 Maricopa County cases, two of the suspects were in the country illegally and 12 were not citizens but living in the U.S. legally, court records showed. One of the suspect’s legal-residency status was unclear from the records.

The non-citizens came from around the world — Indonesia, Canada, Mexico, Yugoslavia, the Philippines and Thailand. Most had been living legally in the U.S. for decades. Several stated in court documents that they thought they were permitted to vote because they were legal permanent residents of the United States.

Illegal immigrant vote-fraud cases rare in Arizona

poor dear.... ignore the actual numbers..... the real voter fraud is out of the trump camp. but whatever makes you feel good.

People are illegally voting for Trump?

Link please.

Avoiding the point of the OP I see. Telling.

as usual as of late

her posts

reek of desperation


Truthmatters sock?

perhaps a puppet

certainly a sheeple
You can't vote if you are not a citizen in the legal sense of the word. There are zero incidents of illegal immigrants voting in US elections. The POTUS did not suggest that illegal immigrants should vote.

You are all idiots.

There are zero incidents of illegal immigrants voting in US elections.


that is not true

Of the 34 Maricopa County cases, two of the suspects were in the country illegally and 12 were not citizens but living in the U.S. legally, court records showed. One of the suspect’s legal-residency status was unclear from the records.

The non-citizens came from around the world — Indonesia, Canada, Mexico, Yugoslavia, the Philippines and Thailand. Most had been living legally in the U.S. for decades. Several stated in court documents that they thought they were permitted to vote because they were legal permanent residents of the United States.

Illegal immigrant vote-fraud cases rare in Arizona

poor dear.... ignore the actual numbers..... the real voter fraud is out of the trump camp. but whatever makes you feel good.

People are illegally voting for Trump?

Link please.

Avoiding the point of the OP I see. Telling.

as usual as of late

her posts

reek of desperation

Prediction: When the sky falls on Hillary and her cohorts, the Libturds on USMB will disappear like Hillary's wrinkles and wattles. They are an endangered species.

they are

however there may be a flood on the board of leftard newbies


OF COURSE The video was cut off and did not give the full message.... haven't found the complete full version yet, the front is still cut a little short but the talk afterwards by Obama explains what he is thinking and saying on the subject....not about the dreamers but the millennials who ARE Citizens, like this girl, who is a citizen....


OF COURSE The video was cut off and did not give the full message.... haven't found the complete full version yet, the front is still cut a little short but the talk afterwards by Obama explains what he is thinking and saying on the subject....not about the dreamers but the millennials who ARE Citizens, like this girl, who is a citizen....

You're right...as long as we change all current understanding of the English language.

The full clip CLEARLY indicates he encouraged voting by Latino citizens AND those that are not citizens.

I'm sure you'd be this flexible with language if an R had said the same thing...
I just read this myself, and first in shock but then thought well, the fucker was born in kenya, posted a pathetic forged Adobe Illustrator online as a scan of a purported COB, also presented a tampered with selective service card, AND uses a stolen SS# that comes back to a dead man who was born in Conn in 1890. He's pissed on the constitution at every turn and acted like a junior Hitler his entire time in the white house, and the republicans have given him a TOTAL PASS, so why the hell should he worry about getting in trouble for doing something illegal now? His ENTIRE presidency is a fraud, but, that may be why he's doing this now, because this filthy little America hating muslim pig turd is SCARED, that when Trump takes the white house he's going to investigate him up one side and down the other, and more than likely he'll be in the same federal prison as the clintons. This is DESPERATION folks, the progs are in FULL PANIC DESPERATION MODE, and it AIN'T PRETTY. The true extent of democrat FILTH is on full display.
Wow, is there any of the debunked anti-Obama stuff that you forgot to post?
View attachment 97087

I don't know about him being a Homosexual, I do know that intimate married people do kiss like this.
That is a perfect example of a Muslim kissing a pig. That is not Halal. Obama will go to hell for that.
Yet another ignorant right wing Dumbass.
Eat shit, Libby.

Criminal President Obama Encourages Illegal Aliens to Vote – Promises No Repercussions (VIDEO)

When readers first sent this to us we thought, no way, not even Obama would be this lawless.

But we were wrong.
Barack Obama openly called on illegal aliens to vote in Tuesday’s election.
This whole administration is lawless!

They lie at every turn.
They lied to get Obamacare passed.
They lied about Benghazi.
They lied about Hillary’s private server and emails.

And now they are calling on illegal aliens to vote.
The video comes from Cavuto.

Criminal President Obama Encourages Illegal Aliens to Vote - Promises No Repercussions (VIDEO)

A correction to aithor's first tatement. He should have written:

When readers first sent this to us we thought, no way, not even Obama would be this OPENLY lawless.
Obama is the biggest Podesta douchebag...besides Crooked Hillary. Imagine Crooked Hillary trying to play golf...when she should be sleeping, getting ready for the next dose of Levatopa for her Parkinson's.
Criminal President Obama Encourages Illegal Aliens to Vote – Promises No Repercussions (VIDEO)

When readers first sent this to us we thought, no way, not even Obama would be this lawless.

But we were wrong.
Barack Obama openly called on illegal aliens to vote in Tuesday’s election.
This whole administration is lawless!

They lie at every turn.
They lied to get Obamacare passed.
They lied about Benghazi.
They lied about Hillary’s private server and emails.

And now they are calling on illegal aliens to vote.
The video comes from Cavuto.

Criminal President Obama Encourages Illegal Aliens to Vote - Promises No Repercussions (VIDEO)

A correction to aithor's first tatement. He should have written:

When readers first sent this to us we thought, no way, not even Obama would be this OPENLY lawless.

Fucker doesn't belive in national sovereignty.

OF COURSE The video was cut off and did not give the full message.... haven't found the complete full version yet, the front is still cut a little short but the talk afterwards by Obama explains what he is thinking and saying on the subject....not about the dreamers but the millennials who ARE Citizens, like this girl, who is a citizen....

Yep, Obama is clearly referring to US citizens voting who have undocumented family members.

Another wingnut freakout in the making.
During the sit down interview, host Gina Rodriguez asked the president specifically about illegal immigrants voting.

"“Many of the millennials, dreamers, undocumented, um, citizens — and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country — are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?”

Obama bizarrely responds that you are a citizen when you vote.

"“Not true, and the reason is first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself — and there is not a situation where the voting rules somehow are transferred over and people start investigating et cetera,” Obama responded. “The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for. If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented, then you have an even greater reason to vote.”


And there you have it folks, Barack the Angry Magic Negro is urging non-citizens to vote.
That IS why he's laid out the welcome mat to the tidal wave of illegals he's let flood into America. Been the plan all along. Attempt to have illegal aliens sway an American election against the will of legal American citizens. Aren't democrats lovely? No. They're the lowest form of RAT SHIT on the planet.

What the lop eared muslim pig turd is proposing is TREASON. He should be clapped in irons and perp walked out of the white house. I hate that fucker with a passion. He is by FAR, the WORST piece of RAT SHIT to EVER SOIL the history books of America. He was NEVER, "MY" president, and I will NEVER acknowledge that he was ever a president of the United States either. What a low life steaming pile of America hating CAMEL SHIT.
You can't vote if you are not a citizen in the legal sense of the word. There are zero incidents of illegal immigrants voting in US elections. The POTUS did not suggest that illegal immigrants should vote.

You are all idiots.

Zero indictments? You really are dumb.

Non-U.S. citizen indicted in Tarrant County for illegally voting in Dallas County | Crime | Dallas News

Accused Shooter Voted In 3 Elections As Non-Citizen

There are literally dozens and dozens of examples of illegal immigrant registering to vote and voting.
A non citizen is not necessarily an illegal.
She calls them "CITIZENS" because they contribute to America?


Is she talking about the CHILDREN of ILLEGALS?

How can an illegal alien VOTE? I mean specifically.

You're an illegal alien and the US government doesn't know you exist....how do you vote? What precinct to you go to? What do you say your name is? What about showing ID?

I don't get it.
Oh good, another thread on this nontopic. You guys lost the last two elections, deal with it.
I disagree, Fenton. Encouraging non citizens to vote is ILLEGAL. If there was a point of doing anything at this time, one would think impeachment could be considered. I fear he's going to arrange for bus loads of illegals going to the polls. I believe that was happening during the primaries if IIRC.

BTW, I used the search to see if this was posted as a thread. It was not.
Oh good, another thread on this nontopic. You guys lost the last two elections, deal with it.
I disagree, Fenton. Encouraging non citizens to vote is ILLEGAL. If there was a point of doing anything at this time, one would think impeachment could be considered. I fear he's going to arrange for bus loads of illegals going to the polls. I believe that was happening during the primaries if IIRC.

Then lock him up.
Oh good, another thread on this nontopic. You guys lost the last two elections, deal with it.
I disagree, Fenton. Encouraging non citizens to vote is ILLEGAL. If there was a point of doing anything at this time, one would think impeachment could be considered. I fear he's going to arrange for bus loads of illegals going to the polls. I believe that was happening during the primaries if IIRC.

Then lock him up.
He would pardon himself.

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