Obama encourages illegal aliens to vote without fear of being deported.

MSM Lies for Hillary, Russia US Closer to War, Economic Update | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

The mainstream media (MSM) is totally lying to the public about everything from voter fraud to Wiki Leaks. There are many current examples of possible voter fraud such as the recent revelation by the Pew Center that 24 million U.S. voter registrations are “significantly inaccurate.” Pew Center also says there are 1.8 million dead people still on the voter rolls. The other part of the MSM lie is done by omission. The MSM is simply not covering major news stories that are negative to the Clinton campaign. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, this is pure fraud on shareholders and the public by so-called news organizations that are really functioning as Democrat propaganda shills.

The U.S. and Russia are moving closer to war. Now, it is reported that Russia is preparing 40 million of its people for nuclear war with training exercises. Russia is also threatening the U.S. with “painful” retaliation if tougher sanctions are imposed.
Fist of all, dipshit, there is a difference between voter fraud & voter registration fraud. People make mistakes filling out the forms. If you set up a booth to register people to vote, you must turn in every filled out form regardless if it was done correctly or has Mickey Mouse on them.

You people really need to go to school & get a fucking education.

Always an excuse. So, voter fraud is due to people making "mistakes." Lol.
Look, they were talking about voter REGISTRATION. Not voting.

AND? Registering under a dead person's name is the first step in voter fraud. Of course you have to register before you can vote, einstein.
You're hopeless.
The most lawless administration in US history supporting the most scandalous / criminal candidate in US history.

This is why Trump was right NOT to declare he would support the election outcome no matter what.

Such evidence will make it almost justifiable now to question a Hillary win.
Aren't leftists terribly unlikable people? Lol. :lol: They are the MOST unpleasant peeps.
Time to Impeach his ass IMMEDIATELY...he has finally gone TOO far!

There is no other way around it - Obama is guilty of TREASON!
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Criminal President Obama Encourages Illegal Aliens to Vote – Promises No Repercussions (VIDEO)

When readers first sent this to us we thought, no way, not even Obama would be this lawless.

But we were wrong.
Barack Obama openly called on illegal aliens to vote in Tuesday’s election.
This whole administration is lawless!

They lie at every turn.
They lied to get Obamacare passed.
They lied about Benghazi.
They lied about Hillary’s private server and emails.

And now they are calling on illegal aliens to vote.
The video comes from Cavuto.

Criminal President Obama Encourages Illegal Aliens to Vote - Promises No Repercussions (VIDEO)

A correction to aithor's first tatement. He should have written:

When readers first sent this to us we thought, no way, not even Obama would be this OPENLY lawless.

And what did they do about it? Did they try to find the context or just take the shortened clip and believe it, like they always do on the right wing?
Who knew the 'Change' in Obama's 'Hope and Change' was to turn the United States into a 'Banana Republic', diminished as a wold power and eliminated as a serious world influence.

He is the WOST f*ckin' President in US history!
The most lawless administration in US history supporting the most scandalous / criminal candidate in US history.

This is why Trump was right NOT to declare he would support the election outcome no matter what.

Such evidence will make it almost justifiable now to question a Hillary win.
I have no doubt that you will be whining. No party has cheated more than your America hating Republican Party through legislating voter suppression & gross gerrymandering.

Why can't you asshats try to win by running better candidates & better ideas.
Who knew the 'Change' in Obama's 'Hope and Change' was to turn the United States into a 'Banana Republic', diminished as a wold power and eliminated as a serious world influence.

He is the WOST f*ckin' President in US history!
George W Bush took office with a balanced budget and left with the worse recession in 80 years, a housing collapse, a near financial meltdown, two quagmire wars, losing one of three manufacturing jobs, etc etc etc.

Did you forget?
there is another thread on this already,

and obama was speaking about latino citizen millennials, NOT the dreamers the girl spoke of too beforehand, with illegal members in their family..this girl was a citizen...

see a longer version, with more context below...

This is truly incredible. Trump should pounce on this as yet another example of obozo's lawlessness. And remind illegals that if he wins, he will prosecute all illegals who voted.

Obama: Latinos Should Vote to Give Undocumented Family Members a Voice - Breitbart

nov 6 2016 In an interview with Latino star Gina Rodriguez, President Barack Obama urged all American Latinos to vote, specifically Latino citizens who knew illegal immigrants or had illegal family members living in the United States.

RODRIGUEZ: Is the election rigged?

OBAMA: No. Unfortunately, here in America, there is a tradition of making it hard for people to vote. You know, historically, it was done purposefully to prevent African-Americans from voting. And that tradition sometimes has carried over. But here’s the good news: even though people try to discourage you from voting, if you want to vote, and you show up at your polling place, they can’t stop you from voting.


OBAMA: They can’t stop you from voting. If people want to know how to vote, then you can go to iwillvote.com. The fact of the matter is that we give our power away all the time. You know, we tell ourselves, “it’s hard, it’s not gonna matter, it’s not gonna count.” And the powers that be, they’re counting on us giving our power away.

RODRIGUEZ: Many of the Millennials, DREAMers, undocumented citizens — and I call them “citizens” ’cause they contribute to this country — are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?

OBAMA: Not true.


OBAMA: And the reason is — first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself, and there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for. If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented, then you have an even greater reason to vote.
It is sad that an entire Party has been reduced to the lowest possible state of being.
Fear, lies, hatred....

Yeah, "both" of them, huh.
Oh the endless caterwauling over black folk in the white house. You boys lost, twice, gtf over it, a majority of your fellow citizens felt otherwise, grow up.

As for turning out the latino vote, I think Don took care of that for ya.

(smile) Interestingly it was the Left screaming about Barack the Angry Magic Negro every chance they got.
You'll have to do better than this son, so far you are just an angry little boy/girl trying to play with the big people.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiight, and you're calm and reasoned. Tell ya what, why don't you go find someone who actually holds the views you want to assign and "discuss" this with them.

You poor kid, go ask Hillary what you should say next.
Spread this video to EVERYONE YOU KNOW. Then show them what Hillary said about supporting OPEN BORDERS. If THIS doesn't kill every Demonrat's election, we've lost the country.
How far this president will go? Openly encouraging illegals to vote blatantly pissing on our laws and the "sanctity" of democratic elections. So, there is no voter fraud you say? Voter fraud is being encouraged from the highest office of the country.

The women calls illegal aliens "citizens" WTF is going on?

anything else you'd like to make up?

Oh look, another willfully dumb thief shows up!!!
It is sad that an entire Party has been reduced to the lowest possible state of being.
Fear, lies, hatred....

Yeah, "both" of them, huh.
Oh the endless caterwauling over black folk in the white house. You boys lost, twice, gtf over it, a majority of your fellow citizens felt otherwise, grow up.

As for turning out the latino vote, I think Don took care of that for ya.

(smile) Interestingly it was the Left screaming about Barack the Angry Magic Negro every chance they got.
You'll have to do better than this son, so far you are just an angry little boy/girl trying to play with the big people.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiight, and you're calm and reasoned. Tell ya what, why don't you go find someone who actually holds the views you want to assign and "discuss" this with them.

You poor kid, go ask Hillary what you should say next.

Well, you're outta material aren't ya. Have a nice ay.
Full Video

Again, $5k and walk away folks.

We were warned.

How anyone can deny that he is not encouraging illegals to vote is unbelievable. He actually says (in so many words) that they will NOT come after an illegal who votes. Quite obvious why the social justice warriors get so upset whenever the topic of voter fraud is raised and immediately raise their hackles. Lol.
Full Video

Again, $5k and walk away folks.

We were warned.

How anyone can deny that he is not encouraging illegals to vote is unbelievable. He actually says (in so many words) that they will NOT come after an illegal who votes. Quite obvious why the social justice warriors get so upset whenever the topic of voter fraud is raised and immediately raise their hackles. Lol.

Should be very easy to track down and prosecute.

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